Which Head Coach that is available is better than Garrett right now?


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I don't disagree.....finding the right candidate is key....6 head coaches since Johnson...history doesn't support the notion that any coach can do well with jerry...perhaps jerry is getting older and maybe less meddling, but I don't see that

I do.

I see some tough decisions made on Zack Martin, Tony Romo, and Dez Bryant as my proof.

Less of the emotional "family" type decisions made in the past, and more tough ones made for what's best for the team.

I'm optimistic that it will now extend to include Garrett, another "extended family member" who hasn't been properly judged.


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Yea he had a great OL and a great RB. It proves my point. He had a much better team than all those others. And Dave Campo would have won a lot more if he had a Tony Romo as QB and I don't think Campo is all that great.

Campo was never qualified either, but the roster he had was a joke.


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Never hold onto a mistake just because you took a long time to make it.

That's what we have in Garrett, he wasn't ready when he was hired. He's shown himself to be average and being average is the enemy of being good or great. Being bad, forces change, but being average gives you false hope that maybe, just maybe you can take that next step. Being average gets us what we've got, being mired in mediocrity.

IMO, after this last season would have been the opportune time to make a HC change, we were replacing almost the entire coaching staff already, we have a near new secondary just overhauled last year, overhauling the WRs this year and trying to implement a new passing game, with the exception of Lee, a very young LB core, transition in the TE position and a very young QB that's still learning the game and not set in his ways. Sometimes a new fresh perspective does wonders for a team and a new HC would have the building blocks and the youth to implement the needed changes.

There's no guarantee a new HC would get us into Conference Championships or Superbowls, but there's no guarantee that Garrett will either. Going into 8 years, now was the time to break the status quo and demand more than what we've gotten.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Better than Garrett:



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It's certainly his fault that he's not able to do the job he's been hired and paid to do.
that couldn't be more wrong...lets say you, yes you stasheroo are hired as a head coach of an NFL team...they pay you $3.5 M/year....and you totally screw up, which you will given you are on this board and not working for any NFL team....

is that your fault? you were not qualified for the job...they threw money at you.... they wanted you....

that's the owners fault, for not recognizing the right talent at coaching....not the the guy who wasn't qualified and got hired....

if at my work, I hire a non-qualified person with seemingly the right experience, but not really.....and the guy I hire screws up...its not their fault...I had the resume. I did the interview...I hired them....they weren't qualified......they couldn't do the job...but I gave it to them......that's my idiocy...not the guy who got hired....

and the notion to have the coach, say, hey I am not qualified. I am quitting my job..... show me one? they resign, for different purposes but they never say I wasn't qualified, I shouldn't be here.....I resign

The mistake is yours. If Parcells left because of Jerry, he would have coached somewhere else. He didn't. Your mistake.

no parcells quit earlier than he wanted to.....Dallas was his last stop....and he was asked to stay on, but he didn't want to any more.....the TO thing was the last straw.......and regardless...Parcells failed in dallas.....according to your standards....never won a playoff game. .500 record.

Parcells completely rebuilt this trainwrecks of a team. Labeling him as a "failure" indicts you, not him.

yes, parcells rebuild the team...it was great....the team was on its way...then Jerry steps in thinking, now I got this and brings in TO and starts meddling and parcells steps out stage left....

jerry continues to meddle. brings in a figure head, as a head coach, yanks him around and the team falls apart...some of the worst draft years we had...the team gets depleted..

btw, based on your standards.....parcellls 0-2 in the playoffs. .500 record....you called that failure.

You mean like where you keep trying to make the case that he won't? Despite the fact that unlike Garrett, the guy has actually accomplished a lot at both the college and pro levels as a coach. I'm not guaranteeing anything about Harbaugh, either way. Other than the well-established fact that he's better at coaching than Garrett.

and parcells is a legend. he was great. he was a turn around artist. he taught Jerry who to build and run a football team..... except jerry tried to graduate early.......there is no denying parcells history, accomplishments.....

with that said, when wade was here, the team was depleted of talent, what they had was left over from parcells...the team culture was a circus show and the team fell apart quickly..

the one thing garrett did right if anything, he put process back into the team...drafts have been better, team culture has been better....where garrett fails is as Xs and Os type of coach....


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Though we have to remember, no coach has won a SB with two different teams, though Parcells came close, and just by the odds, like the no. 16 seed beating a no. 1 seed in the NCAA basketlball playoffs, it probably will happen at some point, so can't let that stop you from hiring a "retread".

I'd be okay with Payton..
To me the concept of Super Bowl winning coach is the most overrated stat in football.

Belichick is arguably the greatest coach of all time and he didn't win one in CLE or his couple mins in JETSland.
Did that make him any lesser than say a Bill Parcells? Obviously not right?

I won a lot of championships coaching girls sports with my daughters.
I won because I really knew that team and was able to coach to their strengths.
I didn't care about any personal philosophy and the players were really good.

But put me with other players a few years later and I'd basically be at square 1 with the team.
Where I would have an advantage is in navigating the other stuff.
I know the system and rules and how to handle referees.
I know other coaches who do rely on one system all the time so how to counter it.
The biggest challenge though and most important is the team.
Having biases in favor of certain things can definitely hurt you in building a winner.

The reason Belichick is the best is because he figured this out long ago.
His teams don't look the same year to year. He changes offenses and defenses frequently to maximize the roster he has.
He still falls short a LOT but he is a major factor every year.
That consistent winning is where I'd say Coaching is underrated.
Give me Landry over just about anyone but Belichick because he won forever.


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Let's talk about what he "inherited". I'm game.

Then we can talk about what Garrett "inherited".

It won't make things look better for you.

what parcells inherited was worse....

what garrett inherited was bad...

we had some really bad drafts under wade......


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I dont want to start another bash garret or who's going to be the next Head coach...

but I was thinking about this today, who's available and who's better than him right now at where he's at... I know he's been learning on the job.... most people do in this day and age, but looking at College coaches they have to learn Pro game... looking at coordinators they have to learn how to be a head coach. looking at Retreads, they have to learn how the game is played today...

so my question is simple Who could replace him & be better than him right now where he's at today with this franchise.
There has to be a pretty good list.

The bigger question is who’d belittle themselves with Jerry. And who’d Jerry pursue. The list shortens then.


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I don't fault him for taking the job, I fault him for not being up to the title.

And I'm saying that it's not any sort of a given what Harbaugh could or couldn't do. And again, the Bill Parcells example supports that. And it directly refutes any claims about who would or wouldn't come here.

I think that any sort of talk like that comes across as a weak hypothetical excuse for keeping Garrett around.

Exactly, while having to deal with Jerry certainly has it's challenges and drawbacks, this team would be a very desirable destination for a potential HC. There's great building blocks in place, the OL/RB, a young promising QB, young promising secondary and DL, youth at most other positions that you can mold and coach, not already set in their ways, no long time players entrenched that would be adverse to change, a lucrative, high profile job for the most visible sports team. The challenges coaching for a team like the Cowboys are great, but the potential rewards for success are even greater.


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Let's talk about what he "inherited". I'm game.

Then we can talk about what Garrett "inherited".

It won't make things look better for you.

Ok. so you have different standards for success based on your own like or dislike of someone. Got it. Agenda driven so this conversation is over, continue on with your mindless rants.


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Yea he had a great OL and a great RB. It proves my point. He had a much better team than all those others. And Dave Campo would have won a lot more if he had a Tony Romo as QB and I don't think Campo is all that great.
dave campo was a moron.....he became headcoach, so Jerry could coach the team from his booth.....campo was nothing but a yes man....


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that couldn't be more wrong...lets say you, yes you stasheroo are hired as a head coach of an NFL team...they pay you $3.5 M/year....and you totally screw up, which you will given you are on this board and not working for any NFL team....

is that your fault? you were not qualified for the job...they threw money at you.... they wanted you....

that's the owners fault, for not recognizing the right talent at coaching....not the the guy who wasn't qualified and got hired....

if at my work, I hire a non-qualified person with seemingly the right experience, but not really.....and the guy I hire screws up...its not their fault...I had the resume. I did the interview...I hired them....they weren't qualified......they couldn't do the job...but I gave it to them......that's my idiocy...not the guy who got hired....

and the notion to have the coach, say, hey I am not qualified. I am quitting my job..... show me one? they resign, for different purposes but they never say I wasn't qualified, I shouldn't be here.....I resign

Again, it's my fault if I can't do the job. Regardless of who thought that I could. Their fault in hiring me doesn't absolve me of my own fault in failing in the job. How hard is this to understand?

no parcells quit earlier than he wanted to.....Dallas was his last stop....and he was asked to stay on, but he didn't want to any more.....the TO thing was the last straw.......

Says who? You? Pffft! The fact is that the guy didn't coach anywhere after Dallas. He walked away from coaching, not Jerry Jones. Agenda destroyed.

and regardless...Parcells failed in dallas.....according to your standards....never won a playoff game. .500 record.

Uninformed opinion. Ignorance. Parcells turned this organization around and set the table for Wade Phillips to win with his roster.

yes, parcells rebuild the team...it was great....the team was on its way...then Jerry steps in thinking, now I got this and brings in TO and starts meddling and parcells steps out stage left....

It sure didn't help, but again, Parcells left coaching, not Jerry Jones. He was done with the grind regardless. He never coached again. In Dallas or anywhere.

jerry continues to meddle. brings in a figure head, as a head coach, yanks him around and the team falls apart...some of the worst draft years we had...the team gets depleted..

No arguments. That's where he brought in his unqualified coach Garrett.

btw, based on your standards.....parcellls 0-2 in the playoffs. .500 record....you called that failure.

It is when you have the pieces Parcells never did. Context.

and parcells is a legend. he was great. he was a turn around artist. he taught Jerry who to build and run a football team..... except jerry tried to graduate early.......there is no denying parcells history, accomplishments.....

with that said, when wade was here, the team was depleted of talent, what they had was left over from parcells...the team culture was a circus show and the team fell apart quickly..

the one thing garrett did right if anything, he put process back into the team...drafts have been better, team culture has been better....where garrett fails is as Xs and Os type of coach....

Agreed. But any positives he brings are undone by the noted failures as an X's and O's coach.

Draft, process, culture, all mean jack if your shortcomings in coaching cause you to lose.


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he was never able to improve the roster in 3 years....

I don't think he was ever involved. Like I said, another guy who was never qualified to have the job, he was simply the last of that regime left here.

Campo also had to deal with the legends reaching the end of the line and a salary cap disaster.

Doesn't mean he was good at his job, but they were mitigating factors too.


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BRO, Parcels Warned Jerry that To was a cancer..He was and Jerry did it anyway..Coz Jerruh is the man, and no one tells him not to bring a player in, or draft a bum...These are facts..