Which QB's get long term extensions past year 8 with no deep playoff runs?


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That's one game and Dakky poo (your hero) gave em 13 of those 45.
dallas never got the ball back after GB scored and after he gifted them 14 points. LMAO, what did the choker do when he got the ball back after GB scored? nothing until they pulled their starters and were happy running the clock out.

LMAO, the dak worshiper points out his useless stats. LMAO..why can't we play bad teams and if we do have to play a good team, can the NFL make a rule for us? They could make the good teams have to play their second string.


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I think it would be much more exciting for all of us to start Lance. You want to play it safe or shoot for the stars? Give me the Stars!
Define your penalty if you get it wrong?

Define how long it will take you to get further than Dak did...and then define your penalty if you dont meet that stipulation?


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I think it would be much more exciting for all of us to start Lance. You want to play it safe or shoot for the stars? Give me the Stars!
1. Niners did not feel that way and punted.

2. If the Cowboys felt the same way after having Trance for a year, they would do that. In fact they would even be happy to pick up his 5th year option.

Not going to happen.


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1. Niners did not feel that way and punted.

2. If the Cowboys felt the same way after having Trance for a year, they would do that. In fact they would even be happy to pick up his 5th year option.

Not going to happen.
lol at Dakky poo fans hoping Lance never amounts to anything.

There is nothing that scares Dak fans more than another QB coming in and having success and Dakky poo never seeing the field again for the Cowboys.

You should change your name from Chasing6 (cause you're not) to ChasingDakky (cause you are).


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lol at Dakky poo fans hoping Lance never amounts to anything.

There is nothing that scares Dak fans more than another QB coming in and having success and Dakky poo never seeing the field again for the Cowboys.

You should change your name from Chasing6 (cause you're not) to ChasingDakky (cause you are).
It has nothing to do with hoping. Dak will be signed. Trance will never even an opportunity to prove himself. It was a complete waste of a pick and money. GM Jeruh had to now that.

Now he can pretend that his plan was also to find a long term back up if he wants to. When we already had one for much less.

It was a dumb decision by an incompetent GM.


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Define your penalty if you get it wrong?

Define how long it will take you to get further than Dak did...and then define your penalty if you dont meet that stipulation?
Please define your penalty for sticking with Dak. What digit are you willing to lose?


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Please define your penalty for sticking with Dak. What digit are you willing to lose?
It has nothing to do with sticking with Dak. GM Jeruh did not have a plan in replace him.

GB had a plan. They drafted Love and waited until he was ready. That is what smart GM's do. GM Jeruh did nothing. Trading for Trance was not a plan, it was a sign of desperation of an incompetent GM.

Other smart GM's go all in on rebuilding and they are now in a position to make a move.

I am completely fine with moving on from Dak if we go all in on rebuilding. GM Jeruh will not do that and we will continue to be stuck with a team of mediocrity, with a few stars that Jerry parades around. We will continue to get lots of individual accolades due to a large fan base. We will still have 2 of the top 10 players in jersey sales. I could care less.

If he had drafted and groomed a replacement, then we would be in position to make a transition. He did not do that.

You have really three options.

1. Go all in now to win. I am good with this.
2. Go all in now to rebuild. I am good with this.

3. Try to rebuild and stay relevant at the same time. This is what GM Jeruh wants to do and has been doing. I am not onboard with this.


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Hurst is making 51 million.... Herbert 52 million with ONE playoff game???:facepalm: It is what it is.........Dak is over .500 in getting Dallas to playoff games. 4 in 7 years... How many quarterbacks in the NFL can say this????? Maybe winning them are next??? Some of ya'll are just spoiled....Try rooting for Cleveland or the Jet's :facepalm:
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Peyton is one example, are there more?
What I see there is peyton didnt win that superbowl till tony dungy came to town.
The HC plays a part in whether a team can have PO success or get to a SB.

Peyton got a better HC and then won not only a SB, but started having playoff success.
No matter how good the qb is , if his HC is stupid he isnt going to a SB.

Dan Cambell this year was such a HC, he hurt his team at end of the year with his go for it mentality.

His game mgmt was awful. but he was the guy who built them into a team that can get to the playoffs.
Unless Dan can learn from his mistakes this past season, ( first he has to see that they were mistakes lol)
He has hit his ceiling.
A better HC and Detroit could have been in the SB. but to many it was goff who couldnt get it done, or chokes in big games.
You make some great points...........it takes a total team, players and coaches, all working together in sync to win in the playoffs.

Like you said, you can have Peyton Manning as your QB, but if your HC is not that good, you are not going to win in the playoffs where the talent level is even.

That is why everybody trying to place the blame for playoff failure on Dak just doesnt make sense, there were a lot of other players (and coaches) that failed just as much as Dak did.


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Apples to apples? QB contract extensions and other position player extensions are similar? How much of a team building strategy revolves around a QB equals that of position players? These other position players also have 8 years in the league to go off of?

If you believe that a player is not capable of contributing enough to the team at their position to achieve the team’s ultimate goal -relative to their previous performance and contract length/amount-then you do not extend them.

Is playoff performance at all considered when building around players that have been in the league 8 seasons when discussing building for the future? Or should the team only consider regular season performance? Should each game weigh the same. A 2023 game against Washington equals the playoff game versus GB when looking at team trajectory?
See, now you are entering very subjective territory.

"Do you believe a player is capable of contributing enough at their position to achieve the team's ultimate goal"?

Define "contributing enough".

An argument could be made that leading the NFL in TD passes and finishing 2nd in the MVP vote could be considered "contributing enough" to achieve the team's ultimate goal.

Others could argue it isn't.

Like I said, you are entering highly subjective territory when you use qualifiers like "contributing enough" as the basis for a contract extension.


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You make some great points...........it takes a total team, players and coaches, all working together in sync to win in the playoffs.

Like you said, you can have Peyton Manning as your QB, but if your HC is not that good, you are not going to win in the playoffs where the talent level is even.

That is why everybody trying to place the blame for playoff failure on Dak just doesnt make sense, there were a lot of other players (and coaches) that failed just as much as Dak did.
What happens when your Owner/GM/Headcoach makes decisons without talking to anyone. Does that sound like a total team working in sync?


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I think it would be much more exciting for all of us to start Lance. You want to play it safe or shoot for the stars? Give me the Stars!
I agree. But for a different reason. I want to start Lance so we can get the #1 overall pick in 2025. This way we can draft a QB. I guess that's also shooting for the stars, right? That's better than being the paper tiger that we are now.


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It has nothing to do with sticking with Dak. GM Jeruh did not have a plan in replace him.

Other smart GM's go all in on rebuilding and they are now in a position to make a move.

You have really three options.

1. Go all in now to win. I am good with this.
2. Go all in now to rebuild. I am good with this.

3. Try to rebuild and stay relevant at the same time. This is what GM Jeruh wants to do and has been doing. I am not onboard with this.
Ok, i'll play along.....isnt it now feasible, as our CAP deficit is just $13m, to go ALL-IN without extending Dak?

If we add a Void year and restructure as much of Dak's salary as possible, followed by restructuring all available contracts, then cutting Gallup (post June) saving a further $9.5m, trade away Lance (are we able to extend CeeDee to start 2024 and move that $17m Fran Tag into signing bonus??)..........@carson (as you seem on top of the CAP), what would that give us?

That should give us enough money and a 'selling point', to be active in FA (with heavily incentivized Signing and Prorated Bonuses), then, as every ALL-IN team does, we can trade away future Draft Picks.

We dont need to extend Dak, let him play out the contract. IMO Dak isnt the QB to go ALL-IN on, as the issue is his composure under pressure....at least this way we get a definitive outcome, whether he is whether he isnt and it means the pain of failure will be short and sharp.


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Ok, i'll play along.....isnt it now feasible, as our CAP deficit is just $13m, to go ALL-IN without extending Dak?

If we add a Void year and restructure as much of Dak's salary as possible, followed by restructuring all available contracts, then cutting Gallup (post June) saving a further $9.5m, trade away Lance (are we able to extend CeeDee to start 2024 and move that $17m Fran Tag into signing bonus??)..........@carson (as you seem on top of the CAP), what would that give us?

That should give us enough money and a 'selling point', to be active in FA (with heavily incentivized Signing and Prorated Bonuses), then, as every ALL-IN team does, we can trade away future Draft Picks.

We dont need to extend Dak, let him play out the contract. IMO Dak isnt the QB to go ALL-IN on, as the issue is his composure under pressure....at least this way we get a definitive outcome, whether he is whether he isnt and it means the pain of failure will be short and sharp.
Go all in with no QB. How do you do that? Don't even try to say Trance.


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Name a quarterback eight years into his playing career who’s team granted a no trade clause and a no tag clause in his contract, had his team essentially borrow cap space from his contract by pushing value to the final year of the deal, waited to do an extension, and then had his best season ever, statistically, at a time the highest paid quarterback in the league is paid $56 million per season? No quarterback has an ever been in Dak Prescott’s situation. It is unprecedented and will result in an unprecedented next contract. So to answer your “actual question”, no quarterback 8 years in, ever.
I am not sure if this is bad trolling or you are being obtuse but you somehow missed his very simple question.