While everyone is crying about the No-Call on Furgeson

That is never getting called ever. He did not even turn him or cause him to be falling. He was already falling to catch the pass.
Exactly. People don’t realize that defenders are allowed to make contact with the receiver and it happens on every play.

“any act by a defensive player more than one yard beyond the line of scrimmage that significantly hinders an eligible player's opportunity to catch the ball”
I'm not really seeing what Ferg and Lamb did differently (outside of Baldy playing the Lamb clip at full speed, and Ferg's in slow-mo)?

Looks like they both went directly towards the defenders at about the same angle. One guy chose to go over the top (Lamb), the other guy came underneath (Ferg).

Perhaps Ferg should have ran a shallower angle since Schoon's route was flatter than Cooks' to force him to go up top?
My question is why is Shoon your first read? He should have been looking center or to the right and throw it quickly as pressure was coming. Dak made another huge mistake throwing it over Tolbert's head on 4th Down when Ferguson was open down the middle. Dak needs to use the guys who balled that game at that was Lamb and Ferguson. You shouldn't be throwing to Shoon and Tolbert. Dak balled yesterday and wasn't the reason we lost. The D can't allow 3 long drives like that and the Offense can't false start. Steele has to pick it up!!.
He's the first read because that's how the play's designed. As someone else pointed out, there was a free rusher from the right, I doubt Dak gets the throw off cleanly to that side.
This makes tackling a guy before the ball legal. Weird quirk in the rules and good on the Eagles taking advantage and their fans for pointing it out here
That is literally the most open we‘ll ever see someone open in the end zone for us…….so, so, open
One of Dak's weaknesses as a QB is that sometimes he makes up his mind where he is going before the ball is snapped: See 4th and 10 to Tolbert. And this damned play. Trying to reward Schoonmaker. F****** that...win the game!!!
I find it odd that the first read was to the left. I don't blame him for making the throw: Schoonmaker is open and just has to get forward a few inches, you don't come off of that in hopes of something better. But why is that the first read and not the Lamb-Cooks side? Something to do with how the defense lined up?
I thought that at first too but it's just a pre-snap read to throw to numbers.

The guy blitzed, but if not, it's 3 defenders for 2 WRs on the left vs. 2 defenders on for WRs on the right. If the blitzer just sits in that zone, Cooks isn't open.

Once it's identified as man on the left side, that's an automatic throw, the receivers just didn't execute the play. No chance to get to the right side in the progression against a 7-man pressure.
One of Dak's weaknesses as a QB is that sometimes he makes up his mind where he is going before the ball is snapped: See 4th and 10 to Tolbert. And this damned play. Trying to reward Schoonmaker. F****** that...win the game!!!
this is what QBs are supposed to do lmao
It Doesn't Matter..After We Stopped Philly We Came Down And Scored Anyway On The Next Drive..Though Probably Lost Some Valuable Minutes
I thought that at first too but it's just a pre-snap read to throw to numbers.

The guy blitzed, but if not, it's 3 defenders for 2 WRs on the left vs. 2 defenders on for WRs on the right. If the blitzer just sits in that zone, Cooks isn't open.

Once it's identified as man on the left side, that's an automatic throw, the receivers just didn't execute the play. No chance to get to the right side in the progression against a 7-man pressure.
Yeah, I'm not suggesting it was the wrong read: I assume it was the right one. Just wondering why.
I would also point out the fact Schoon had to hesitate coming off the line because #94 (Sweat) took what looked like a hard step inside on his rush which made him flinch momentarily.

That little bit of lag off the line is probably the difference in Schoon being just outside the endzone instead of inside of it.
Cooks was not Dak's 1st option. Schoonmaker was. What's so hard for you Dak critics not to understand this? Did y'all ever play football?
So, if the 1st read isn't open, then the play is tanked.
there are no progressions. It's one guy gets open or the play is ruined.

Who knew?

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