Whitlock: Black athletes shouldn’t be excused for racial hypocrisy... rips Martellus

Marty B TV has made Jason Whitlock mad
2:46 PM Sun, Jul 12, 2009 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
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Martellus Bennett has taken a sabbatical from the blogosphere, but he continues to be a one-man multimedia craze. And he's ruffled feathers with another YouTube production.

The above Marty B TV video is titled, "Black Olympics." It features Bennett and his brother, Michael, a rookie free agent DE for the Seahawks, competing in three events: fried chicken eating, watermelon eating and Kool-Aid drinking.

Jason Whitlock of the Kansas City Star and FoxSports.com didn't find it funny. Whitlock, a black man who doesn't shy away from social issues, rips Bennett for "doing everything he can possibly do to invite self-promotional controversy." And Whitlock is irate that Bennett's "grab for controversy" has been largely ignored.

As a white man who steers clear of publicly commenting on social issues, I'll let you read Whitlock's column and form your own opinions.

However, I will say that Marty B isn't trying to create controversy. He's just being his goofy self and letting the world see it. While he's obviously seeking attention, he isn't doing it in a malicious manner. He sees this stuff as harmless fun.

Since this video was free of profanity and derogatory terms, I can't see the Cowboys fining him again, as they did for the R-rated rap that served as Marty B TV's premiere. But I'm sure his bosses hope that Bennett is spending plenty of time studying his playbook between all of his extracurricular activities.

If Bennett handles his business, he'll be known nationally for for his football talent, not just for being a goofball.

Comments (4) Leave comment | E-mail entry
tunahelper;2839792 said:
Why is uniting a racial community acceptable when blacks do it?

It a white person aims to unite his divided race it will be viewed as racism.

Because history shows that when white persons did it. It had a negative connotation associated for other races that were not included. (see Jews in the 1940's and blacks for about 400 years). Not saying today is the same as then it's just wounds from those time periods have not been easily forgotten.
Plumfool;2839820 said:
Because history shows that when white persons did it. It had a negative connotation associated for other races that were not included. (see Jews in the 1940's and blacks for about 400 years. Not saying today is the same as then it's just wounds from those time periods have not been easily forgotten.

My thoughts on it are like tunas. Why do we have to have ANY history month devoted to a single race. Why not just have 'history' month? Let's include all races in that category, that celebration.

To me it's the inability to let go that just perpetuates the whole notion of racism throughout our country. The idea that we have to celebrate anyone for what they've done, because of race, rather than as an accomplishment of human will and wisdom just keeps this wound open.

Of course we should not forget that some of those accomplishments and achievements were done right in the middle of a time when their race was completely oppressed and bound to slavery. I think acknowledging it, and recognizing it, during those times, is fine.

But the whole idea of segmenting something to white or black jew or otherwise only keeps these kinds of attitudes fresh.
WoodysGirl;2839818 said:
Marty B TV has made Jason Whitlock mad
2:46 PM Sun, Jul 12, 2009 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
Tim MacMahon/Blogger Bio | E-mail | News tips


Now that I saw this video...there is nothing wrong about that!

Kids having fun....big deal.

The stereotype comes because folks think that only black people love fried chicken, watermelon, and kool-aid.! :rolleyes:

Hell, I could out eat both them clowns....

It's that lady that needs to lay off the food for awhile!!

5Stars;2839835 said:
Now that I saw this video...there is nothing wrong about that!

Kids having fun....big deal.

The stereotype comes because folks think that only black people love fried chicken, watermelon, and kool-aid.! :rolleyes:

Hell, I could out eat both them clowns....

It's that lady that needs to lay off the food for awhile!!


that's fine and dandy except for he labels them black people events
my feelings on all this are:

there is double standard, and with groups who are quick to inflame racial passions around like the NAACP, white people will continue to have to watch what they say

no big deal, that's been learned for awhile now, I'm not all of a sudden going to unlearn it because a non-funny, attention-whoring athlete makes some jokes, and be all butt-sore about it

btw, Marty reminds me of the friend's younger brother in highschool trying to run with us -- off the wall, trying to gain acceptance

and like another poster said, I hope he's not as immature on the field as he is off of it
First of all, what the Bennett brothers did was funny as Hell. I laughed out loud. I know Martellus personally (we both attended A&M at the same time) and he is probably the funniest guy I've ever known. He is the kind of guy who doesnt take offense to ANYTHING and can make anybody laugh whenever he wants. Just a great all-around guy with a great sense of humor.

Second, I LOVE that more minorities are lightening up and feel comfortable laughing at social stereotypes, including those directed at their own race. The most sure sign of acceptance and equality is when everyone can laugh at themselves and not be offended. There's nothing wrong with stuff like this as long as it is in good fun with no malice intent. Race relations are going to get far better in the coming years as the last of the old ardent racists begin dying out and the younger generations, who are concerned far less with race than many of the current adult population, begin to dominate society

Third, Jason Whitlock is a race-baiter who turns every topic he possibly can into a racial issue. He is the Jessie Jackson of the sports world. His opinion isnt worth the paper it's written on.
fannypack;2839825 said:
My thoughts on it are like tunas. Why do we have to have ANY history month devoted to a single race. Why not just have 'history' month? Let's include all races in that category, that celebration.

To me it's the inability to let go that just perpetuates the whole notion of racism throughout our country. The idea that we have to celebrate anyone for what they've done, because of race, rather than as an accomplishment of human will and wisdom just keeps this wound open.

Of course we should not forget that some of those accomplishments and achievements were done right in the middle of a time when their race was completely oppressed and bound to slavery. I think acknowledging it, and recognizing it, during those times, is fine.

But the whole idea of segmenting something to white or black jew or otherwise only keeps these kinds of attitudes fresh.

FYI in order for me, a 30 plus year old man to learn the historical significance that black people had on this great country the oppurtunity only came once a month until I reached college. My teachers did not teach about not one black person until we reached MLK. For years I thought he was solely responsible for the civil rights movement.

while I agree in principal, it's hard when the wounds of racism and bigotry and the bruises from oppression are still fresh. Heck my mother was not allowed the same education as other raced children and she is only 59 yes of age. How can I tell her to get over the feelings she has due to the hate she saw and felt. Tell her get over it! It's taken her years to get to the point she is today. If you hit someone in the mouth you can't expect there not to be consequences. Upto and including you getting hit back. I understand people wanting to move on but it's hard to expect people to do that.

That's why what MB does is so funny. He's taken what used to be an insult and turned it into comedy. I understand Whitlocks feelings but he should try and get MB's point instead of putting the kid down.
Plumfool;2839820 said:
Because history shows that when white persons did it. It had a negative connotation associated for other races that were not included. (see Jews in the 1940's and blacks for about 400 years). Not saying today is the same as then it's just wounds from those time periods have not been easily forgotten.

So when will it be permissable and who has the right to declare it safe to be openly concerned with the advancement of the white race?

The division amongst races is as strong as ever, but it has a new face. Blacks see minor increases into the middle class and feel as if they are evolving, yet their school test scores, drug usage and family circle is low as ever. Not to mention the over whelming inbalance of our prison systems filled with Blacks.

The forced feeding of reverse racism and politically correctness is a control mechanism on the white middle class to control them with guilt of slavery committed by a wealthy class 100 years ago. Politians committed laws of racism in the US and Africa as they sold their own people to the world. Just as corruption exists in Africa now it is a country of corruption.

As long as we believe the politians that race is the issue the truth will always escape those blind to it. Common Americans of all colors are not the racism problem!

We are told, so we believe it and continue to point fingers. All the while voters are divided and party leaders take turn in power and the manipulation continues.

Bob Sacamano;2839842 said:
that's fine and dandy except for he labels them black people events

Did you see any white people there?


I mean, it would be REALLY stupid if he called them the "White Olympics", no?

5Stars;2839854 said:
Did you see any white people there?


I mean, it would be REALLY stupid if he called them the "White Olympics", no?


lol, but the video was race-related...however benign

only a blind man can't see that
Bob Sacamano;2839844 said:
my feelings on all this are:

there is double standard, and with groups who are quick to inflame racial passions around like the NAACP, white people will continue to have to watch what they say

You have some explaining to do.

Four;2839691 said:
it doesn't undermine anything, white people make fun of other white people all the time and no one *****es and moans, the minute a black dude does it white people get all bent out of shape about it.

That's pretty ridiculous.

White people can make fun of each other(you might be a redneck if...) but black folks poking fun are undoing the equality movement? give me a break.

White people don't get bent out of shape for black people joking about other black people. They get upset because they get called racist for saying the exact same things black people do. White people can make fun of white people but they cannot make fun of black people or other races (except maybe Asians) while black people make fun of white people all the time and nobody cares.
black comedians are informative though

I know never to ask a black person to come along and go skydiving




horse-back riding

what to find in a black mall

etc. etc.
ChldsPlay;2839861 said:
White people don't get bent out of shape for black people joking about other black people. They get upset because they get called racist for saying the exact same things black people do. White people can make fun of white people but they cannot make fun of black people or other races (except maybe Asians) while black people make fun of white people all the time and nobody cares.

Was watching this comedian the other night, i can't remember his name but i've seen his act a few times. He's a really white Irish looking dude with red hair. He was talking about dating this black chick and having to go up to Harlem to har apartment at night. Then black dudes dating white chicks from the burbs. His act is very funny and it made fun of blacks. I've seen plenty of white comedians make fun of black folks over the years. Most black people have a very good sense of hunor about it if it's funny stuff. I agree you'll see blacks get more personal and touch deeper nerves though.
Bob Sacamano;2839865 said:
black comedians are informative though

I know never to ask a black person to come along and go skydiving




horse-back riding

what to find in a black mall

etc. etc.
They'll sell a haunted house instead of trying to stay:D

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