CliffnMesquite;2568862 said:That's a great shot. How long was the shutter open?
vta;2571664 said:Yeah. JPG is a compression format and shouldn't be used if you're going to do anything further with the image. It's basically an end product for something that will not be edited again and most definitely never be sized up.
With Camera RAW, you have plenty of options and it's most important in your conversion from the start. You do need Photoshop, though, with the CR plug-in, which is free. When you open it in Photoshop, you're presented with the Camera Raw window and all the settings...
There you set the Max resolution and image and color correction, sharpness, etc.
Like I said earlier, a lot of the consumer Digital SLR's are not full frame (the digital equivalent of 35mm), so printing big won't be perfect, but you can get some very good stuff from them, using Camera Raw. Your particular camera can definitely get you nice prints at that size you mentioned.
Just don't do it from a JPG.
Also, RAW is not an end Format either.
You'll have to save the file as something else when you're done. Tif, Photoshop, or final JPG. I know space is an issue, so you'll have to consider you'll have two files of the same image: the RAW, (digital negative) and the processed file.
vta;2571624 said:Nice pics. I love this one.
c0wb0y_m0nkey;2571898 said:Yeah, that is a great one. Is that a single exposure or some sort of HDR?
tomson75;3499546 said:Thought I'd bump this bad boy....just got a Nikon D90. Pretty stoked so far. Tough call between that and the Canon 50D, but the addition of HD video, a user friendlier flash, and a lower cost prevailed.
I'd love to here more about RAW formatting. I no longer have CS or there any other way to work with it at home or directly on the camera (I obviously haven't finished reading the manual)? Or is RAW something I should use when I'm planning on taking shots to a pro for larger display?
Anyway...I'd love to see some more shots added to this thread.
tomson75;3499546 said:Thought I'd bump this bad boy....just got a Nikon D90. Pretty stoked so far. Tough call between that and the Canon 50D, but the addition of HD video, a user friendlier flash, and a lower cost prevailed.
I'd love to here more about RAW formatting. I no longer have CS or there any other way to work with it at home or directly on the camera (I obviously haven't finished reading the manual)? Or is RAW something I should use when I'm planning on taking shots to a pro for larger display?
Anyway...I'd love to see some more shots added to this thread.
kmp77;3499698 said:I had a Nikon D90 and sold it to get a Canon T2i. The canon's HD video is FAR superior. The D90's was pretty useless.
Here's my first test with it using fake tilt shift:
c0wb0y_m0nkey;3499742 said:That's awesome, how'd you do the fake tilt shift?
kmp77;3499698 said:I had a Nikon D90 and sold it to get a Canon T2i. The canon's HD video is FAR superior. The D90's was pretty useless.
ChldsPlay;3499994 said:Really? My wife and I have been able to do some pretty good things with the video on her D90. The only thing I'm not fond of is the audio, but that's not really a big concern.
We also refuse to buy Canon's for various reasons.
As for my wife, she is going to be having her first gallery showing soon. She made up a portfolio and took it around to some galleries (or one gallery actually) and they reserved a spot for her probably next month if we can get it ready by then.
Chief;3499745 said:An old thread resurrected. Since I first posted in it, I've upgraded to a Canon EOS Rebel XS.
So many great photos on here. I really like the first black-and-white that theo posted, as well as the waterfall by Cowboysfan02, and the shot of the dog in front of the blue wall with the window by ethiostar. Too many good photos to list them all.
kmp77;3500196 said:D90 doesn't capture real 720p video..I think its 800px and removes every other pixel to get to 720 so there's a stair stepping that's going on. The quality isn't anywhere near the canon's either.