Who is the ideal head coach for this team?

I am fine w/Wade for now. Stewart is the guy that is probably in a bit over his head. If anyone is going to be jettisoned, it should be him.

I like Garrett but he still needs a little more seasoning. Maybe 2010, a new coach for a new stadium/beginning.
Rack;2313972 said:
I've always thought Cowher was overrated. He whines too much (or puts on a whiny face) for my liking.

I wouldn't mind having Jeff Fisher. :D

Jerry wouldn't have minded him the other year also. As well as myself. We will never get Fisher away from Tennessee, we tried 2 years ago. The way he has had that overachieving team play the last 3 years is miraculous. Even though that offense is not doing anything earth shattering it is over achieving. The defense on that team is obviously the heart of the team but I just don't know how he gets more than 14 points a game out of that offensive roster. Fish would have this D rocking. Only a dream though. Garrett and Cowher will be our best options and Garrett will be reality.
BAT;2315293 said:
I am fine w/Wade for now. Stewart is the guy that is probably in a bit over his head. If anyone is going to be jettisoned, it should be him.

I like Garrett but he still needs a little more seasoning. Maybe 2010, a new coach for a new stadium/beginning.

Got my vote on Stewart, asap please. Garrett does need more seasoning.
superpunk;2314056 said:
If I had to pick someone, it would be Rex Ryan (who I wanted over Wade) or Jim Schwartz.

I wanted Rex Ryan as our D/C...I love the defense the Ravens have implemented in the past with their 3-4
Hostile;2313965 said:
Bill Cowher is the only one I can think of.

Jerry has always liked Mike Holmgren, but I think he's headed to San Fran because Mike Nolan will be out.

I still think Garrett is our next Head Coach.

I like Wade, but I wanted a tougher Defense. Don't know why he can't give it to us here so far.
I immediately thought of him when i saw this thread. i would love to have fisher to
Absolutely, 100%, Jeff Fisher. The Titans aren't even close to the most talented team in the NFL, but you'd be hard pressed to find a tougher one.
All I Know is Anybody that says that we should stick with Da Big Doofus A.K.A. Wade Phillips as Head coach or thinks that we should stay as 3-4 Defense is an Idiot.

As Far Head Coaches:

Jimmy Johnson
Jeff Fisher
Bill Cower (If he is willing to move our Defense back to a 4-3 defesne.)
John Fox wouldn't be a bad choice. He has some passion and doesn't accept crap from players. He's also 5-2 post season. He does well with way less.

We all have to accept who the next HC is though, Garrett like it or not.
It's just when. I say next season.
WoodysGirl;2313961 said:
Lots of dislike of Wade. And it wouldn't matter if he won the SB tomorrow, the dislike will still be there.

So of the current coaches in the league, including those unemployed, but want to coach, and the latest hot candidates who's your ideal coach to get this team over the hump and why?

Just curious...

Alive or dead? If alive, I would go with Palin. After her press conferences (which seem to be a source of hate toward ol' Wade), we wouldn't even be positive of exactly what we were suppossed to be mad at again.

If dead, I would want Eddie Murphy. Huh? He isn't dead?? Maybe that is just his career I am thinking of.
WoodysGirl;2313961 said:
Lots of dislike of Wade. And it wouldn't matter if he won the SB tomorrow, the dislike will still be there.

So of the current coaches in the league, including those unemployed, but want to coach, and the latest hot candidates who's your ideal coach to get this team over the hump and why?

Just curious...

Jimmy Johnson, but that boat has sailed.
satam55;2315479 said:
All I Know is Anybody that says that we should stick with Da Big Doofus A.K.A. Wade Phillips as Head coach or thinks that we should stay as 3-4 Defense is an Idiot.

As Far Head Coaches:

Jimmy Johnson
Jeff Fisher
Bill Cower (If he is willing to move our Defense back to a 4-3 defesne.)

I would say getting rid of a 17-4 coach is pretty dumb myself.

Hes obviously doing something right.
WG, I know it is not going to happen, but I would take Fisher (even if he does not use the 3-4 defense) faster than I am typing..
WoodysGirl;2313961 said:
Lots of dislike of Wade. And it wouldn't matter if he won the SB tomorrow, the dislike will still be there.

So of the current coaches in the league, including those unemployed, but want to coach, and the latest hot candidates who's your ideal coach to get this team over the hump and why?

Just curious...

Garrett, now. The sooner we get on with our future the better.

In a world without Garrett, Stoops from OU, but I know that is a pipe dream.

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McCordsville Cowboy;2313966 said:

That picture of Cowher is downright scary. At least it is hiding his hellatious overbite. From a side view it looks like Cowher can eat corn on a cob through a picket fence.

I also think Bill was a either a camel or a llama in his previous life.

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