We own the tie breaker with Seattle and Greenbay just throwing it out there . If all 3 of us end up 10-6 we get in and they're out .
We can actually get the tiebreaker over San Francisco even though we lost to them................its weird, but this is the scenario...................in a 3 way tie, the first 2 teams compared are the division teams. So lets say Arizona wins the division and then Seattle, San Francisco, and Dallas are all tied at 10-6 for a wildcard for example.
Since the first two teams to be compared are the division teams, Seattle and San Francisco would be compared first and if Seattle has the tiebreak over San Fran, then San Fran is eliminated. Then Seattle is compared to the non-division opponent (which is us) and since we beat Seattle, we would have the tiebreak.
Thus........if Seattle, San Francisco, and Dallas are in a 3 way tie for a wildcard, we would advance even though San Francisco beat us....................my 49er buddies would be so pissed if that happened
Edit**** this example only holds if Seattle has the tiebreak over San Fran, so we all better hope Seattle beats San Fran when they play each other.