Why are the Watkins Fans So Afraid of Bringing in Competition?


The Boognish
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Derinyar;1395959 said:
Do we really need to put another high pick or big FA money into the secondary?

Fix the pass rush and you will likely fix the FS problem.

First round picks dont make much in comparison to FAs but nice try. So now its a money thing?

Watkins does not deserve to be handed the job.


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FuzzyLumpkins;1395950 said:
So basically you dont see Watkins being able to outplay a first round draft pick?

I mean unless we dont pick up a guard in FA whoever we pick up in the first round is not going to automatically start anywhere on our roster.

You guys just want to hand Watkins the starting job. He doesnt deserve that.

It has nothing to do with bringing in competition but everything to do with wasting draft picks and investment.

I believe that is really all it is. If Watkins can play and play well, then spending a first on another would be a huge waste unless the pick is an Ed Reed type. If Ed Reed was out there I would definitely take him but there are no guarantees.


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FuzzyLumpkins;1395975 said:
First round picks dont make much in comparison to FAs but nice try. So now its a money thing?

Watkins does not deserve to be handed the job.
Its about resources. We have a finite level of resources, be it FA money of high round draft picks. We have bigger problems than FS on this team, much bigger. Bringing in competition for Watkins I'm for, putting a lot of resources into it I'm not. There are other places where you can put the resources in and likely get more out of it than FS.

I haven't looked around to see whos available, but there has to be some middle ground between someone who's a scrub and someone who is a big ticket item. I think thats where we should look for competition.

Bob Sacamano

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I'm not afraid of bringing in some comp for Watkins, just I don't want to use a high resource (1st day pick, money) to do it


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I'm sure it's been stated several times already, but I don't have the time to read the thread:

I don't care about bringing in competition, I just don't want to waste a high draft pick on someone that isn't going to be a significant improvement over what we already have.


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FuzzyLumpkins;1395973 said:
Thats just false. i we draft a WR its not as if TO is going to be brushed aside or ifwe get a LB then its goodbye to Ware and Carp or if we get a NT it means Ferg is hosed.

If a FS drops and is value at our spot we have to pick him just as if its a WR or LB or NT or whatever.

If we draft a WR with a #1 your right he will not take over from day 1 and chances are would see limited time behind Owens or Glenn but you still took that WR with the mindset of him being the future not as a backup player. I would also add we would have drafted a WR because we realize that a 33 and 34 year old WR is not the future of this team. If Dallas does go with a FS with the 1st pick while I may not agree with the move that does not mean I don't think the player is not talented and would expect to see that #1 pick play fairly soon and again with the mindset I brought him here to be part of the future of this team. I would rather go into the season with Watkins and use that #1 at OL or WR if I had my choice.

WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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Derinyar;1395959 said:
Do we really need to put another high pick or big FA money into the secondary?

Fix the pass rush and you will likely fix the FS problem.

Sounds good, but McNabb sidestepped and avoided a good pass rush and Watkins was lost in man coverage.

We do need to improve the pass rush, but he needs to get better too, ... and fast.

I always think competition is a good thing. I wouldn't mind competition for Romo either.

Bob Sacamano

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WV Cowboy;1396007 said:
Sounds good, but McNabb sidestepped and avoided a good pass rush and Watkins was lost in man coverage.

We do need to improve the pass rush, but he needs to get better too, ... and fast.

I always think competition is a good thing. I wouldn't mind competition for Romo either.

competition is all well and good if you're stacked across the board, we're not however, sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and develop players w/ potential


The Duke
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FuzzyLumpkins;1395912 said:
I can understand liking the kid. After wathing highlights from TC las season i was waiting for the guy to step up and seize that spot and never look back. He never did and midseason we are signing retreads to try and shore up the spot.

He came back and played average I suppose for what would want from a FS and still so many here bristle at the idea of drafting Nelson, Landry or Merriweather or signing the like of Grant or Babineaux.

What on earth makes anyone think that Watkins at FS is in any way a sure thing and how in any way shape or form is competition a bad thing?

I look at our roster and outside of free safety where its Watkins and a prayer the only other spot where we are thinner is guard where its Proctor and a prayer which makes me want to puke.

Handing Watkins the FS job and not bringing in competition if for no other than reason that one of them will be the backup is about the worst move we can make outside of starting Proctor.
I really like Watkins, but if we could get Laron Landry I'd do it so fast heads would spin. I don't care how much I like a player on the team, if we can get better at the position, I am in favor of it.

At one time I knew a player on the team. Got the best info I'd ever received about stuff from him. We drafted a guy who is leaps and bounds better. So be it. I am thrilled.

WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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summerisfunner;1396014 said:
competition is all well and good if you're stacked across the board, we're not however, sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and develop players w/ potential

That's cool, but let's develop the best players with the best potential.

You find out who that is by competition.


one man wolf pack
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because they know if we get somebody then he won't start.:lmao:


The Boognish
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So according to your decision calculus you have to spend the first round pick where you wont force an existing or developing player out so lets look at the other positions.

QB: Romo starts a first on a QB is completely out of the question as it might push Romo out.

RB: Jones and Barber, again the same thing.

FB: Well Hoyte certainly performed better than Watkins at their relative positions so this is out.

OT: Adams, Columbo, McQuistan, well we wouldnt want to hider Pats development much less Columbos so this is out of the question.

OG: Kosier and Proctor: Well I guess you could justify the pick on a guard as Proctor is inferior but if we sign one of Steinbach Dielman or Dockery then this position goes by the wayside.

C: Gurode, well nope cant do that either.

WR: well this is our deepest position and with the ytoung guys in the wings we dont want to hinder their progression.

DE: Canty, Hatcher, Spears: noep for all the same reasons. Dont want to hinder them.

DT: Fergy, I guess since he is old the Watkins fan club will allow this.

OLB: Ware and Carp no way we can allow them to be displaced as ive been told its not a good investment

ILB: Ayodele and James; Ayodele is a good player so hes got to be protected and James played about as well as Watkins did so no there.

CB: Newman and Henry, well i guess the WFC will allow Henry to be displaced because hes not a rookie.

S: Williams and Watkins; nope becauese Roy is a probowler and Watkins needs to be allowed to develop.

K: the Watkins Fan Club will allow this because itd be a investment that would only push Martin if he is resigned.

So as it stands right now we can only use our first on a OG, CB, DT or K all other positions need to be coddled or will be a bad investment.


Regular Joe....
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If a safety were the best player available and at our pick and we could not trade out, then OK. However, a first day pick on a safety is not my ideal usage of our 1st round choice. We don't know if Watkins will be the guy or not be I do know we haven't really given that player enough time. If we picked a Safety in the 1st round, doesn't mean he would step in and start. Bring in comp. IMO, bringning in comp is a good thing. Bring in a guy who has experience playing in the NFL. That's comp. Lets do that. Lets not say we need to draft a Safety in the 1st round in order to create compatition at the position. I mean, if we are going to take that approach, then lets trade some picks to get in position to draft Quinn so we can create compatition at QB for Romo. That's the more important position so that's where we should be more concerned with creating compatition.

Where's the limit?


The Boognish
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ABQCOWBOY;1396188 said:
If a safety were the best player available and at our pick and we could not trade out, then OK. However, a first day pick on a safety is not my ideal usage of our 1st round choice. We don't know if Watkins will be the guy or not be I do know we haven't really given that player enough time. If we picked a Safety in the 1st round, doesn't mean he would step in and start. Bring in comp. IMO, bringning in comp is a good thing. Bring in a guy who has experience playing in the NFL. That's comp. Lets do that. Lets not say we need to draft a Safety in the 1st round in order to create compatition at the position. I mean, if we are going to take that approach, then lets trade some picks to get in position to draft Quinn so we can create compatition at QB for Romo. That's the more important position so that's where we should be more concerned with creating compatition.

Where's the limit?

So now we need to trade down if we can if its a safety rather than go BPA. I love this. Why dont we jsut put him in the ring of honor now and get it over with.


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Yeagermeister;1395924 said:
Competition is good but drafting a FS in the first round pretty much ensures there won't be a competition. I would be all for bringing in someone to push Watkins but not at the price of a 1st round pick.
Don't mind bringing in a CB, and Watkins' competition can be Henry. Obviously Watkins can get the job done as he was all over the place in training camp, just couldn't put it together in the games, but I think the guy has exactly what we need to patrol the secondary. Height, verticle, speed - All he needs is to study more and just go up and make plays, he's in position.


Regular Joe....
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FuzzyLumpkins;1396191 said:
So now we need to trade down if we can if its a safety rather than go BPA. I love this. Why dont we jsut put him in the ring of honor now and get it over with.

Or, lable this thread as agenda driven and move on. You know, which ever you feel more at ease with.


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Watkins can use some competition. Competition doesn't equal a high first day pick or a big signing bonus FA.

If we are going to spend another 1st round pick on the secondary then I'd rather see us take a CB to upgrade Henry, as CB is just a more important spot.

But honestly, I think we are more likely to pick an OL/DL/WR/OLB than we are to take a FS/CB/RB/QB.


New Member
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Is it just me or is Fuzzy arguing with no one? He doesn't appear to be replying to anyone in particular and I don't recall anyone stating the points that he is arguing.

No one has said we should treat our young players like babies and NOT have competition for starting jobs... but he keeps bringing that up.


The Boognish
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TEK2000;1396203 said:
Is it just me or is Fuzzy arguing with no one? He doesn't appear to be replying to anyone in particular and I don't recall anyone stating the points that he is arguing.

No one has said we should treat our young players like babies and NOT have competition for starting jobs... but he keeps bringing that up.

Yeah Im not having dialogue with anyone here..... :rolleyes:

Point is that people will reject BPA to make sure Watkins spot is safe because he has all the measurable, 40 times blah blah. The point I am trying to make is tha safety is one of our most tenuous positions in terms of talent overall and this coddling makes no sense.