Why do I keep reading Jerry better pay Dak now?


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Due to the injury, Dak will settle for something in the low 30s mil / year contract. Dallas will sign him because there is no better option.

Of course, this all depends if Dak makes a full recovery, which doctor presume he should due to a surgery that went very well with no ligament, structure or venous damage whatsoever.

let’s not give anyone false hope here. This has yet to be confirmed.


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It's just a backlash against the monstrous types (like the ones littering our trashbag of a fanbase) who are giddy to see a guy like Dak got hurt as if it was karmic punishment for being too uppity to know his place and take what he was offered instead of negotiating and using his leverage as is labor's right to do.
Nah. People like yourself,just run on too much emotions. Who the heck has been giddy to see Dak hurt because he was uppity? Spare us this a guy like Dak like you know him. Just show the proof of someone actually being giddy. No conjecture either but actual proof bet you can't find it.


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He may change his mind now on wanting a 3 or 4 year deal. He sees how things can change now he has had a massive injury. He wants to retire A Cowboy. Sign the 5 year deal. They will likely ask him to redo the contract at some point and they could extend him another year or 2 then paying him large quantities of cash.

He should have fired france when he had the chance. Dak spoke himself with SJ and JJ in the final hours of the last day of FA and got a deal he would sign and time ran out. I think it laid out the structure of the offer he would get after this year. He did frances job for him. Why give him the 4% if he is doing his job.


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Right, so no comparable replacements.
How do you know Dalton isn't comparable? I know you're team Dak fan but the season isn't over and Dak isn't some top 3 QB who can't be replaced. Y'all are just scarred of change and will gladly stay with our version of Cousins or Alex Smith just because smh. If you was a Chiefs you'd been saying we should take Mahommes because we had Smith and y'all are risk averse fans that I don't agree with.


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Right, so no comparable replacements.

you are acting like Dak is Brady, Rodgers, Brees ...etc in their prime

Dak was 1-3. Missed the playoffs last year losing a must win game against a mess of a Eagles team last year. Dak has some decent worthless stats but its not like he is some winning playoffs & super bowl QB.

Lets see what Dalton does in this offense because I think Dak has been helped a lot by the system he has played in along with the talent around him.

For the short amount of time Dalton played on Sunday he played better than Dak did in that game.

I obviously think Dak is better than Dalton but to what price coming off an injury? If Dalton will sign for 18-20 million a year to Dak wanting 40 million a year is Daltons play really that worse? Could Dallas be better with Dalton and spending that money on the defense?

I think the rest of the season will answer a lot of questions.


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Ok fine.

His price hasn't changed.
His asking price? Too early to know that. A lot of unknowns including how this season goes. There’s only one thing you can say markets do for sure.... They change.


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you are acting like Dak is Brady, Rodgers, Brees ...etc in their prime

Dak was 1-3. Missed the playoffs last year losing a must win game against a mess of a Eagles team last year. Dak has some decent worthless stats but its not like he is some winning playoffs & super bowl QB.

Lets see what Dalton does in this offense because I think Dak has been helped a lot by the system he has played in along with the talent around him.

For the short amount of time Dalton played on Sunday he played better than Dak did in that game.

I obviously think Dak is better than Dalton but to what price coming off an injury? If Dalton will sign for 18-20 million a year to Dak wanting 40 million a year is Daltons play really that worse? Could Dallas be better with Dalton and spending that money on the defense?

I think the rest of the season will answer a lot of questions.

I thought so too.


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Jerry's reputation will take a severe plunge if he doesn't pay Dak. I've already come across multiple fans that have already said they will be done with Jerry and possibly the Cowboys if he screws this up. Past players, current players, players across the league, fans across the league, and possibly owners will be digusted and disappointed in Jerry if he screws this up.

Jerry and Stephen has already stated nothing has changed on their view of him and him staying here in Dallas, but just in case it's all talk, I hope they know their reputation is still at stake.

Although Dak is injured for the time being, not much leverage has been lost.
Those fans are a bunch of putz's.

You are exaggerating the effect of the Dak contract to an extreme level.

Red Dragon

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Jerry's reputation will take a severe plunge if he doesn't pay Dak. I've already come across multiple fans that have already said they will be done with Jerry and possibly the Cowboys if he screws this up.

I've seen Cowboys fans who said they "were done with the Cowboys" because Jerry fired Landry, because the Cowboys signed Terrell Owens, because Dallas happened to lose some game in particularly maddening fashion, because the Cowboys this or Cowboys that.

In other words, fans have threatened it for 30 years, and yet Dallas is still the No. 1 largest fanbase in the entire league with the highest ratings.


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You look on twitter & on the media you see players and fans that Jerry better pay Dak now.

As if its Jerry's fault Dak didn't sign a long term contract. Like the Cowboys didn't offer him a 5 year deal making north of 37 million a year & 110 + million in guarantees.

Reports are week 1 last year both sides agreed to a verbal "handshake" deal and it was Dak & his agent that backed out of that deal.

Dak & his agent bet on themselves & now it looks like they lost. I wish Dak didn't get hurt. I think that is obvious nobody wanted that but now that he did this should help out the Cowboys.

Is that fair? Yes! Absolutely its fair. And Jerry & the Cowboys should use this injury to their advantage.

Just like Dak was using the franchise tag to his advantage. Dak had no issue holding the Cowboys franchise hostage. "this is just business". How many times did we hear that.

Well now Cowboys should be in the driver's seat & they should play hardball. They should have a backup plan going into the off-season. A plan that lets Dak test the market because no team is paying Dak 40 million a year... in a year the cap shrinks. Not after this injury. By the time Dak can do football stuff, free agency will have already began. Teams will be spending cap & I cannot see teams paying out a massive contract when they do not even know the health of Dak.

My hope is Dalton plays good & wants to stay in Dallas. Doesn't mind being a backup. Dallas can get Dak on a cheap 2 or 3 year deal to prove he is healthy.

But what Dallas doesnt need to do is over pay him now because they should have zero guilt on Dak getting injured. The game Dak & his agent played can backfire and it did. And Cowboys should reep the rewards of it backfiring because if it played out Dak's way, they had all intentions of reaping those rewards.

Because the media will talk about whatever the largest issues going on with the Cowboys that they can. If the team is not as good as the other top NFL teams and not really in contention, the larger topics are biggest contract negotiations and how the QB is performing or what type of off field scandals the team has going at the moment. The sports media must sell their own product, even if it exaggerates or outright lies about details to gain a larger audience.

The discussion and arguments that fans have are now tied to this story. The fans on this message board are tied to whether Dak is a franchise QB (whatever that is) or not. Stats are presented to somehow provide evidence to your argument.

They cannot sell doom and gloom or happy shiny all the time. So they typically will alternate between the two depending on the reader's general feelings at the time of the story.

For instance, the talk is centering on the future with Dak currently because of the injury, but also because he is on a one year contract. The bulk of the stories will follow this path all the way to when the tag can be applied again in March 2021.

The only reason the stories will change much is if the Cowboys suddenly begin to play much better and win lots of games against much better teams, including postseason and deep playoff run.

What the stories typically will avoid is how bad this team is currently, and the enormous amount of draft capital and coaching changes, and organizational changes that are needed to actually have a breakthrough year (a super bowl win). Hope and past victory sells much better than current reality.


Intramural Legend
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you are acting like Dak is Brady, Rodgers, Brees ...etc in their prime

Dak was 1-3. Missed the playoffs last year losing a must win game against a mess of a Eagles team last year. Dak has some decent worthless stats but its not like he is some winning playoffs & super bowl QB.

Lets see what Dalton does in this offense because I think Dak has been helped a lot by the system he has played in along with the talent around him.

For the short amount of time Dalton played on Sunday he played better than Dak did in that game.

I obviously think Dak is better than Dalton but to what price coming off an injury? If Dalton will sign for 18-20 million a year to Dak wanting 40 million a year is Daltons play really that worse? Could Dallas be better with Dalton and spending that money on the defense?

I think the rest of the season will answer a lot of questions.
If you think Andy Dalton is a quarterback capable of winning a Super Bowl, then you think he's worth a heck of a lot more than $20 million. Ryan Tannehill just got almost $30m.

This entire line of thinking is just completely disingenuous, and it would also be reliant on using a 12-game sample instead of...the past decade.

Also, wins are not a QB stat.


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The Cowboys will still sign Dak. Dak did bet on himself. I wouldn't say he lost. I, personally, think Dak's agent is over his head. But in saying that, I think with Dak's injury, he lost a little leverage in negotiations and he won't get the money or short contract that he wants. Plus, it may have put things in a perspective reality for him. He witnessed first hand that his NFL career is not promised tomorrow. I think he comes down on his demands. I predict Dallas signs him for 36mil year on a 4 or 5 yr deal


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Players are always going to say pay the players, its just how the business works. I really pay no attention to them because the players are only worried about their bottom dollar as they should be. Its not about the team or the fans, only about making sure they maximize their paychecks. This is expected, which is why I don't care what they say. Media is working off of emotion and sympathy, that's why they are saying pay Dak now. A lot of fans are falling for it. Poor Dak he needs to get paid like he is broke. Dak got 30+ mil this season, who knows how much he is getting in endorsements and his insurance payout. Dak is already set for life with proper money management. Dak not having a contract is entirely on Dak and his agent, no one else. Dak tossed away 5 years of pay over 10 mil at most. the 4 year contract really only benefited the agent. Once he signs the contract the agent stops getting paid so of course the agent wants a shorter deal so he can get paid again. That little 10 mil that Dak was arguing for cost him a lot more. Cowboys gave him a more than fair contract offer. Now he is going to get less based on the cap going down. What is interesting is if Dalton played well


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Imagine having something like this at QB..

There would be no arguments.

The Chargers get him for 5 years on a rookie deal..

I would not play this Dak game.. QBs are easier then ever to find. Stop settling for mediocre and paying mediocre elite QB money.

Man, we need to get one of these in the draft at some point!


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Dak still has the exact same amount of leverage, because it's not a career-altering injury. Literally nothing has changed.

There is no backup plan that will influence Dak's negotiations, because there is no comparable player who is going to be available.
If Dalton totally turns this season around and shows that other QBs can take advantage of the offensive talent on this team, it should certainly make Jerry consider that he can get good results without overpaying the QB position with 40 million a year when the same results could be had for 20-25 million a year.


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If Dalton totally turns this season around and shows that other QBs can take advantage of the offensive talent on this team, it should certainly make Jerry consider that he can get good results without overpaying the QB position with 40 million a year when the same results could be had for 20-25 million a year.
I don't think he'd have to turn it around but just produce comparable numbers that might give the FO some hesitation in doing a big deal. Tbh I don't know why more teams don't do this at QB. I thought analytics was a thing guess not at the QB position.