Why I have more anxiety for this game than any other

Awwww....that's not very nice! Well if personal insults and attacks make you feel better, even though they're against site rules, have at it.

Happy Halloween!
Imagine this as a life choice. What a sad existence. It really speaks to your severe limitations as a human
Not to sound too philosophical about all this but it's just a game.

I used to feel the same way as the OP until real life things started happening to me. It made me realize how insignificant what happens in a stadium for three hours to a team I root for truly is. The Cowboys will have more wins and more losses no matter what happens in Philly. They'll be 6-2 or 5-3. End of story.

I totally get the rivalry and the intense hatred and all that stuff that makes the games seem more lively or makes for great headlines. The older I get the more and more it sounds like a bunch of crap. The way some Eagles fans are (I said some, not all) is sad. Physically or verbally assaulting people (in any manner) over a GAME involving players that don't even know you exist is as pathetic as it gets.

I've learned to take NFL football in for what it truly is. Entertainment. It's not life and death. It took me to actually experience life and death to realize this.

Enjoy the game, enjoy the season, Go Cowboys!
Happy Halloween to you and yours!
I remember this one time there was this huge Cowboys fan picking on a little guy in an Eagles jersey. He didn’t say anything but he walked up to the big guy and punched him right in the nose. He was tiny so the big shrugged it off and the little guy woke up in the hospital but he got him back by joining the Cowboys board and telling everyone how the Eagles were going to be undefeated. That never happened either but hey this guy has nothing but fantasies because real life doesn’t have much for him
I remember this one time there was this huge Cowboys fan picking on a little guy in an Eagles jersey. He didn’t say anything but he walked up to the big guy and punched him right in the nose. He was tiny so the big shrugged it off and the little guy woke up in the hospital but he got him back by joining the Cowboys board and telling everyone how the Eagles were going to be undefeated. That never happened either but hey this guy has nothing but fantasies because real life doesn’t have much for him
The guy in the Cowboys jersey was fat?
When the E-Goons' Buddy Ryan placed bounties on players, and even one on a kicker, to deliberately try to injure players, that was an offense so egregious, the team, and everyone who participated in that, should have been kicked out of the league. None of those participants should have been allowed to seek any kind of employment with any NFL team or broadcaster of NFL games. They shouldn't have been allowed to apply for a job at a hot dog stand at any NFL stadium. Then the City of Brotherly Trashiness should have been banned from ever getting another NFL team, and make that ban count for Philly and a surrounding 100-mile region. The team's fans earned getting kicked out again when they cheered for Michael Irvin getting a career-ending injury. And they earned it yet again when they booed their own first-found draft choice, Donovan McNabb, who is a fine human being and was an excellent player. They wanted someone else, so they decided to humiliate the man in front of his whole family.
Okay, maybe a team can't control what their fans do. At the bare minimum, Buddy Ryan, and every player who supported it, should have been kicked out of the NFL. Did Ryan and this thugs learn from their crime? Not at all. They did a Bounty Bowl II against Cowboy players. Then, the very next year, in 1990, they played a similar game against Washington dubbed the "Body Bag Game," in which they deliberately injured 9 players, including Washington's starting quarterback and their backup. So then the league got off their duffs and punished Ryan, right? Nope! The league did NOTHING to punish the most unsportsmanlike behavior that ever happened in the NFL.
And to be clear: I was kidding about completely throwing the Eagles out of the league. What I'm not kidding about is how disgusting their fans behavior has been. I'm also not kidding that Ryan, and every player or coach who supported the Bounty Bowls and the Body Bag game, should have been kicked out of the league. Also, ban them from any NFL broadcasting career, if that's legally possible. The league had the power to kick Ryan, and participating thugs, out of the league. But they didn't so much as give them a slap-on-the-wrist punishment. Deliberate attempts to injure a player have no place in the game. If two teams play hard, play fair, and according to the rules, but someone accidentally gets hurt, that's one thing. It's a bummer, but we can live with it. But a deliberate attempt to injure someone is way over the line.
I passionately wanted the Cowboys to beat the 49ers because they're an extremely good team, and a victory would have meant a lot. However, they're a good, solid organization that I respect. However, I don't respect the Eagles, and especially not their fans. It's not that they don't have a good team. Their team is excellent. It's bad enough when fans do disgusting things. However, those things are usually beyond a team's control. However, this is a team whose head coach, and many players, egregiously violated the rules, sportsmanship, and even the law. What Ryan did amounted to conspiracy to commit assault. After the league would have kicked him out of the NFL, he should have been prosecuted and sent to prison. That's what would happen to you or I. Imagine if at your place of work there was some coworker whom you could not stand. Hey, it happens. We have to make the best of it. However, if you put together a plan to have your coworker assaulted, you absolutely would have been prosecuted for it.
I always want my team to play well and to win. However, with the Eagles, it goes deeper. They're a disgusting and an evil organization. When the NFL was too spineless to punish Buddy Ryan, the Eagles organization could have. If they had immediately fired Buddy Ryan for the Bounty Bowl I, I would respect them. If they had done so after the Bounty Bowl II, I could live with that. I could even live with it if they had fired him after the Body Bag Bowl. It would have been delayed justice, but nevertheless justice. By not punishing Ryan in any way, the Eagles organization endorsed his thug-like behavior.
Plenty of awful stuff happens in real life. I won't go into any of that, as to heed the "no politics" rule of the site, a rule which I support, so I'll keep this about just the NFL. Many CZ members, myself included, once played sports on some level. We were taught sportsmanship. We learned you don't taunt the other team. You take responsibility for your play on the field without whining. You love your teammates like family, and you show respect to your opponent. You can have the toughest, hardest-fought game of your life, and then hang out with your team, and even with the opposing team, afterwards. They're your opponents, not your enemies. But, more important than any of this, you do not deliberately try to hurt another player. That's one of the worst, most-disgusting things any player could do. But the Philadelphia Eagles organization actually endorsed doing exactly that, and they've never shown any remorse for it. In their failure to condemn Buddy Ryan's disgusting actions, they supported them.
To be fair, I'll state that the current Eagles Coach, Nick Sirianni, is not the thug that Buddy Ryan was, not is he responsible for what Buddy Ryan did, nor are any of the Eagles' current players. However, in their failure to punish, or even to condemn, Ryan's actions, the Eagles organization endorsed them. And Eagles fans continue their atrocious behavior, treating it as normal to bully and assault opposing fans in their stadium. In last year's NFC Championship, they harassed and threatened Brock Purdy's girlfriend to the point where she was in tears and felt her life was in danger. Then, after the game, Eagles fans went online to social media groups and joked about how hilarious that supposedly was, and that it would have been even funnier if she had gotten sexually assaulted at the game. Do I even need to say that this has no place in the game? I think everyone here knows that. If any Cowboy fan ever behaved like that, I would be all over his case, and I would call the cops on him, if necessary.
This is why I feel anxiety in the pit of my stomach about the upcoming game. While I actually do respect Coach Sirianni and his players, I do not respect the Eagles organization or their fans. They're the only organization in the league that I don't respect. So, while I was kidding about kicking the whole organization out of the league, I do think that's what they and their thug fans deserve. It's just not practical to do. What should have happened was that they got properly punished for their contempt of sportsmanship and league rules, and for their crimes.
If you are scared, buy a dog. Not worried about Eagirls.
It’s your story you made up and posted here. You forget because you made it up
You said YOU remembered all that.

I'm not understanding you. I've seen jerky Eagle fans punch Cowboy fans...and yeah some of the cowboy fans were fat, but not all... .but they all were seriously injured (broken nose/messed up face). But I saw several instances of that. Don't think I've ever seen anyone get punched in the face, shrug it off, or anyone just waking up in the hospital though, unless my memory is failing me. Maybe you are thinking of someone else.

If you find out about those people in the hospital let me know..... you hate to see anyone hurt, whether they're fat or not
Nobody dislikes the previous owners of the Eagles (the guy in charge when buddy was coach) more than eagles fans.

He was a bad owner.

He didn't endorse Buddy Ryan's antics: he was too busy gambling his money away, and trying to move the team to Arizona or LA to cover his debts to even pay attention to what was going on the field.

The Eagles and 9ers may be our biggest rivals, but with all the scumbag goings on in the last 20 years from Dan Snyder to Robert Kraft cheating and getting "rubbed down" , nobody can disparage the Eagles or Giants owners....they are some of the most well respected and clean owners the league has ever known. No "sexual assault allegations " on those guys (ahem).....the worst things you can point to on those teams current owners for last 25 years is that they changed the teams colors (eagles) or hired an inept coach or two (giants).

The NFL was the wild west in the 70s and 80s. Just a more thug culture in general.

Before we get too upitty.....what's the over/under on the fans in HERE on Sunday making posts rooting/hoping Eagle players are injured. I see them every week in here...especially when we lose, or when SF or Philly come up. I say if we are winning we'll see 7 posts looking to "take players out". If we're losing at least 15 posts calling to break legs and end seasons.

Stop whining....forget the previous generation's actions....enjoy the game.
Well said
You said YOU remembered all that.

I'm not understanding you. I've seen jerky Eagle fans punch Cowboy fans...and yeah some of the cowboy fans were fat, but not all... .but they all were seriously injured (broken nose/messed up face). But I saw several instances of that. Don't think I've ever seen anyone get punched in the face, shrug it off, or anyone just waking up in the hospital though, unless my memory is failing me. Maybe you are thinking of someone else.

If you find out about those people in the hospital let me know..... you hate to see anyone hurt, whether they're fat or not
You made up that dumb story when you joined. See when you’re very bad at trolling, you have to make up really obvious fake stories and then you can’t remember them. And then you embarrass yourself even more. I’d say it’s playing dumb but this is just who you are
Good lord what a long OP post…didn’t read it. If someone feels the need to write a novel to express their hatred, it makes me wonder about the author
I will be honest I liked Buddy Ryan. It was fun every time he came to town. It wasn't dull or boring. I remember when he choked on a pork chop. Then when they came to Dallas to play us we threw porkchops at him. Football was just fun especially when the tide turned and we started beating the Eagles consistently. When that rivalry started we stunk. We just weren't a good team when the Eagles were starting to click. But before long Jimmy Johnson had our talent peeking in Buddy was left with bounties over victories.
We could use a few more characters like him in the game. It's become very corporate and vanilla.
You made up that dumb story when you joined. See when you’re very bad at trolling, you have to make up really obvious fake stories and then you can’t remember them. And then you embarrass yourself even more. I’d say it’s playing dumb but this is just who you are
Oh...if that was your assertation...why did you say YOU remembered it...as if you witnessed the incident?

Either way...no, I never said I saw an Eagles fan punch a Cowboy fan in the face, and the Cowboy fan "shrugged it off" and then the Eagle fan just woke up in the hospital, and then joined a Cowboys message board.

I've seen eagles fan punch Cowboy fans in the face.....but the rest of that I never said. That would be an impossible thing to me to know a complete stranger later on in life joined a message board, or what their medical history was later in life.

This is a ridiculous discussion
Oh...if that was your assertation...why did you say YOU remembered it...as if you witnessed the incident?

Either way...no, I never said I saw an Eagles fan punch a Cowboy fan in the face, and the Cowboy fan "shrugged it off" and then the Eagle fan just woke up in the hospital, and then joined a Cowboys message board.

I've seen eagles fan punch Cowboy fans in the face.....but the rest of that I never said. That would be an impossible thing to me to know a complete stranger later on in life joined a message board, or what their medical history was later in life.

This is a ridiculous discussion
Yes you made up a story and you can’t remember because it was lie like everything you say here. You’re a ridiculous person but like most of your ilk it only affects those around you.
We could use a few more characters like him in the game. It's become very corporate and vanilla.
Very true.

He and Jimmy were the perfect antagonists. Jimmy would get SO mad and red-faced over Buddy's antics and smart azzed remarks..... buddy just loved jerking his chain.

And you had Jerry Glanville.....and Ditka....and the Raiders swagger, ....many examples of those guys.

But now we have "tweets" and polite coaches. Yawn!
Conspiracy to commit assault -- yes, I absolutely call that a disgusting and evil crime. This wasn't a case where a player got angry and lost his head and then hit someone. This was a case where the coach planned assaults in advance, and even offered money for them. And then he repeated his offense in Bounty Bowl II and in the Body Bag game. It was premeditated, and repeated two more times after the original offense, again with premeditation. Yes, Buddy Ryan should have been kicked out of the league and then should have been prosecuted.
Yes or no question: If you planned a assaults against several coworkers, and you paid people money to carry out the assaults, and then they did so, would you be fired and prosecuted? I would.
The Eagles organization under Jeff Lurie has absolutely nothing to do with anything that happened over 30 years ago. Buddy Ryan is dead. Get over it.

BTW, players like Dick Butkus and Conrad Dobler did try to purposely injure players back in the day. You gonna hold those owners responsible too?

Oh, and for the Cowboy fans here who may not be as old as I am, let me tell you the story of how an Eagle player in the 1960's, Tim Brown, embarrassed the Cowboys by giving the Eagles a victory on the strength of special teams touchdowns--he was the first player to return two kickoffs for TD's in NFL history. The following season, Brown was told there was a bounty on his head for a Week 13 game in Dallas. The Cowboys had already clinched the division and the Eagles were on their way to a losing record, normal for them back in those days. With the Cowboys up 31-3, Lee Roy Jordan validated Brown's bounty claim, quite literally, by elbowing Brown in the face after the whistle had blown. Brown suffered a fractured jaw and lost several teeth. Jordan only got a penalty.

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