Why I think Terell Owens will be a Cowboy.

silver said:
i disagree. guys have been banned before. maybe not forever but he'll have to sit a while. i can think of duane thomas and hollywood henderson as two who were not given third or fourth chances anymore. of course their problems were drugs and not attitude. jeff george is another one who comes to mind. after being the 1st pick overall he had to sit out a year at some point. deion sanders had to sit out too. this will be a first as far as TO being at the top of his game and all. but i can bet he won't be playing anywhere in 06.
Actually Hollywood Henderson was given second and third chances. He was getting yet another chance after some jail time when he broke his neck in training camp with the Dolphins and could not play again.

As for Duane Thomas; I don't think he wanted to play anymore after washing out in San Deigo. I'm sure he could have gotten another chance had he tried. And you can't be serious about Jeff George not getting second chances; he was signed off of FA by the Commanders and the Raiders and I forget who all else after playing in Atlanta. George didn't quit getting jobs until he started to get too old to play.

How many chances did Andre Rison get? He was a lower case TO in his own right but he kept getting chances. The Cowboys gave Keyshawn yet another chance when many around the league were saying much the same things about him that are being said about TO.

No, as much as I would like it to be true I just don't think that we have seen the last of TO.
Alexander said:
So, defecating on the dashboard of an assistant coach's automobile is less deplorable than stating Brett Favre would be a better QB for your team?

First off, you're taking probably the single worst incident in Haley's life, and comparing it to one of the most innocuous in TO's... that's rather disingenuous of you... it surprises me, somebody who claims not to be all that emotionally invested in this issue, resorting that sort of dishonesty in his desperate attempt to make a point...

I'd say a better example of Haley's propensity for being a loose cannon came in the season Emmitt missed the first 2 games in a contract dispute, and the Cowboys lost both... Charles went off in the locker room, smashed a hole or two in the walls with his helmet...

And Emmitt was signed within days... to me, that's an example of a teammate with an attitude using that 'tude for the GOOD of the team... I challenge you to show me any similar examples with Owens...

While what Haley did was upsetting to the coach in question, but not damaging to the team... what TO does destroys his team... so yeah, I'd say that crapping on the dashboard of a car (incidentally, are you sure you're not exaggerating that episode?? I'd heard that urinated on the tires of that coach's car) is somewhat less deplorable than throwing your quarterback under a bus in the media... in fact, many of Haley's teammates probably gave him a quiet, amused "attaboy" for that stunt, while most of TO's teammates were clearly NOT amused...

IOW, your attempts to draw parallels between Haley and TO are bovine fecal matter...
silverbear said:
Your actions are at odds with your words... you have expended a considerable amount of bandwidth in this thread for somebody who doesn't really care all that much...

No, I just react when I see overly emotional outpourings. This is a hot button issue and I appreciate that. What this thread started with was some poster saying why he thought it could happen. It could happen. The chance is slight, but it exists.

Actually, we have a SINGLE fan saying that... and I rather suspect that JD's love of the Cowboys would eventually win out if Owens was signed, that he'd still root for the Boys in spite of his pledge...

Which I agree with, even though I don't know the poster. Would any of us be here in the wee hours if we weren't passionate?

But I understand that pledge, it resonates with me... it resonates because I do remember the a****le who desecrated the star, and can't begin to imagine him now playing for the Cowboys... he proved that he doesn't give a crap about the Dallas Cowboys... but more important, it resonates with me because everywhere Owens has gone, he's wound up hurting the team he plays for with his garbage...

I agree. I don't care for Owens the person one bit. I don't like what he did, I smiled when George Teague layed him out. But I don't think for a millisecond that Coach Parcells views it in such terms as Cowboy loyalty. Jerry Jones might. But if Coach Parcells wanted Owens, he would get him.

The logical question is, why would you (I mean you personally) WANT a player on the team that you KNOW has been destructive everywhere he's played?? Do you secretly hate the Cowboys, and would find amusement in him doing to the Boys what he did to the Niners and Iggles??

Once again, I have never advocated the signing. I have just said that if I happened, I would have to cope. Just like I did with Deion Sanders. Just like I did with Charles Haley.

I certainly would not swear off the Cowboys or stop watching the sport.
Alexander said:
He also had a coach in Jimmy Johnson that basically told him the way it was.

On a primitive level, he understood.

And in a way, with the alpha male mentality Owens has, he needs that as well.

It's naive of you to think that Owens will EVER recognize or respect authority... by now, he's proven pretty conclusively that he's a card-carrying sociopath... if he was 5-10 years younger, I MIGHT be willing to concede the possibility that he'd eventually grow up, but not at this stage of his career...
silverbear said:
First off, you're taking probably the single worst incident in Haley's life, and comparing it to one of the most innocuous in TO's... that's rather disingenuous of you... it surprises me, somebody who claims not to be all that emotionally invested in this issue, resorting that sort of dishonesty in his desperate attempt to make a point...

I'd say a better example of Haley's propensity for being a loose cannon came in the season Emmitt missed the first 2 games in a contract dispute, and the Cowboys lost both... Charles went off in the locker room, smashed a hole or two in the walls with his helmet...

And Emmitt was signed within days... to me, that's an example of a teammate with an attitude using that 'tude for the GOOD of the team... I challenge you to show me any similar examples with Owens...

While what Haley did was upsetting to the coach in question, but not damaging to the team... what TO does destroys his team... so yeah, I'd say that crapping on the dashboard of a car (incidentally, are you sure you're not exaggerating that episode?? I'd heard that urinated on the tires of that coach's car) is somewhat less deplorable than throwing your quarterback under a bus in the media... in fact, many of Haley's teammates probably gave him a quiet, amused "attaboy" for that stunt, while most of TO's teammates were clearly NOT amused...

IOW, your attempts to draw parallels between Haley and TO are bovine fecal matter...

The incident I was speak of occurred in San Francisco as far as I am aware. Not Dallas.

And whether it was defecation or urination, how is that any less disrespectful than saying that you would prefer Brett Favre over Donovan McNabb?
Alexander said:
Do I believe that Coach Parcells would do it? No.

Well then, we at least agree on that much...

But would I totally discount it? Absolutely not. He did not recoil in horror when he was asked the questions today in his press conference. If he wanted to, he would do it and he would control him. I firmly believe that. And if he decided to do it, I would be right behind him. He has the track record with Glenn and Johnson and if he was okay with it, so would I.

Again, not a good comparison... he had history with Glenn and Johnson, so he pretty much knew what he was getting...

I am glad to see that you feel compelled to defend JDSmith. He defended himself and I don't think I was attacking.

Hey, I like the guy, and I tend to stick up for my buddies... it DID seem to me like you were attacking him, but of course the written word is a difficult method of communication, and if you tell me that was not your intent, I have no reason not to take you at your word...
silverbear said:
It's naive of you to think that Owens will EVER recognize or respect authority... by now, he's proven pretty conclusively that he's a card-carrying sociopath... if he was 5-10 years younger, I MIGHT be willing to concede the possibility that he'd eventually grow up, but not at this stage of his career...

It is equally naive of you to assume that you know what another man would or would not do.

Take this advice from Coach Parcells today:

Well, when you aren’t on the inside of a place, you don’t know what happened. I understand, having been a HC for a while, you run into situations that are difficult for everyone.
silverbear said:
Again, not a good comparison... he had history with Glenn and Johnson, so he pretty much knew what he was getting...

Not a comparison. A parallel. There is a difference.

Hey, I like the guy, and I tend to stick up for my buddies... it DID seem to me like you were attacking him, but of course the written word is a difficult method of communication, and if you tell me that was not your intent, I have no reason not to take you at your word...

It happens all the time.
Alexander said:
It is equally naive of you to assume that you know what another man would or would not do.

You can only judge a man on his track record, pal... same as you and the other readers in here judge me on what I write...

I'm content to have my actions (words) represent the "real" me... and I refuse to assume pure motives from a guy who has been a selfish jackass as long as he's been in the public eye...
cobra said:
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!




(My mother said don't call people names, so I won't. But know that the contempt I have these people is enormous and they are disgrace to the idea of fans of the TEAM).

Can we also ban thos who use caps :D

what is wrong with TO coming here? this is not a church team. there are alot of thugs playing in all kind of sports it is about wining .TO wants more money wrong or right I say why not if he can.if he end up in dallas he will be a diffrent man i can grantee u he is not that stupid.I don't love nor I hate players becouse I really don't know them on the personal level I want the team to win regardless who is playing.
Alexander said:
Not a comparison. A parallel. There is a difference.

Yeah, there is... but the "parallels" don't work either, for the exact same reasons-- Parcells had history with Glenn and Johnson, he doesn't with TO...

It happens all the time.

Yes, it does, to all of us... I was glad to hear that I'd misjudged you, and happy that you understand my natural instinct to come to the defense of somebody I like...
Question: Don't we already have 2 WR's who were kicked off/deactivated from their team? Why not a third? ;)
Alexander said:
It is equally naive of you to assume that you know what another man would or would not do.
Yet in this same thread you tell us the way we would feel if Owens signed here... :rolleyes:

Just because you're only rooting for laundry doesn't mean we all are.
if i'm bill parcells and i've got a team on the upswing - a team with a pretty unified "one for all - all for one" ethic... do i introduce the antithesis of that ethic in order to get the most physically gifted player at the WR position.

heeeeeeey-ull no.

TO ain't ever gonna be a team player. or FOB material. never ever ever. would ya want him in a foxhole with YOU?
Terrell Owens whined and begged all off-season to go to Philadelphia, that was the ONLY team he wanted to play for.

He got there, and got a $49 million dollar contract,

Made the pro bowl.

Went to the Superbowl.


He's never going to be happy, the last thing I want is for him to come and tear this team apart.

I liked the read.

I wouldnt mind having TO as a COWBOY.

Wolverine said:
This will be a long post so I hope you read it. I have no proof Owens will be a Cowboy. This is all just my opinion and thoughts. Go ahead and read around and you will see this is MY thinking.

I know we could pass on T.O. His behavior could be one of TWO reasons we do not get him. The other reason could be that Philly will trade him for nothing to make sure T.O. never becomes a Cowboy.

Well first take a look at this post Woodys Girl put up.

Read real close what a few Cowboy players and Parcells said. I guess you can get what you want from it but to me I think they are being very careful what the say. And IMO for one reason. They all know we are gonna make a big move for T.O.

Think about this.

Parcells is near the end of his contract. My guess is he extends it another 2 years and then calls it quits for good. He would love to go out winning 1 or 2 more Super Bowl. Terell Owens is the one player that can give this team such a big impact player that it would make us into Super Bowl contenders right away.

Look. We fix our biggest weakness the OL and that can be done. We get T.O. and now we have one of the best 3 WRs in the game. He will give us a huge WR that is a very dangerous deep threat. A WR that can take any catch to the house at any time.

He will open up our running game. He will open up our other WRs to.

Like what Irvin said or not....we do not have a real #1 WR. We have a bunch of #2 WRs.

Glenn and Keyshawn do not give DCs nights where they can not go to sleep. Terell Owens does.

If Owens goes to the Cowboys I think he will behave good. And for 2 reasons

1. Parcells might be the only coach who can control him and that Owens would respect.

2. I do not think Owens would wanna do something to let Michael Irvin down. Oh yeah I know it sounds silly here but who is one of the few people who is defending Owens. It is Irvin. If Irvin tells him to go to Dallas and I bet he does then I think Owens will do good here and behave.

Also. Dont think Parcells does not see what a hard worker Owens is. I can guarentee you BP saw the super hard work Owens put in just to make it back to the Super Bowl. You can bet things like that could make him a Parcells Guy!

Yeah T.O. wants money but he also wants to win. He also wants to win Super Bowls. Dont fool yourself.

I also think Owens would like to be here for some reasons.

1. He sees this team is on the up and he could be a big part in it winning Super Bowls.

2. He hates the Eagles and their fans. What better way to get back at them then to be a Cowboy and win Super Bowls as a Cowboy. And get to taunt them 2 times a year. Oh believe me....Owens knows being a Cowboy would p*ss off Eagle fans more then going to any other team.

We seriously are a big play WR and improved OL away from being maybe a dynasty team. We get Owens and improve that line....well it can be done.

Now think about this. Here is how we give Owens his big contract.

Make it for 3 years.

1st year is guarenteed. each year after is a option. Now the way it works is this. He makes the smallest amount of money his 1st year. Then gets a huge jump in $$$$ year #2 and a bigger jump in year #3. He will get his money IFFFFFF HE BEHAVES!!! And then give him a special bonus for every Super Bowl the Cowboys win.

If he becomes a problem his 1st year here we can cut him and not use the options.

A contract can be done to get him $$$$ and make him a good player here.

I do not know about the rest of you but if we sign T.O. and I think we will. I back the move cuz I know it will be very good for us.

Think about it. BP will be around 3 more years after this at the most. T.O. is a money player that can win him some Super Bowls on his way out. My guess is he is not gonna pass this one up. Maybe I am wrong.....but with this what I bring up you now have to think I have a good point.
What TO will look like as a Cowboy next year...

I just simply dont think ANYONE will be able to control this guy......but the first post had me thinking....WHAT IF???? i think that there are simply too many "what ifs" to take a chance, although if we somehow could control him...... we would have one hell of a squad!
jdub2k4 said:
What TO will look like as a Cowboy next year...

lol...Hey im going to share thi pic on my car forum....All rights reserved to you dont worry.
TO has ruined his career. He will never get the big payday that he expects.

2 teams had serious interest in this guy less than 2 years ago.

What happens next is beyond me.

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