Why is the NFL not coming down hard on Philly for last night’s debacle?


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the guy in the black jacket looks like Fat Dom, the head of security. Thugs do thug stuff.NFL won't do anything btw. Greenlaw was wrong and so was Fat Dom.


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Philly got the better end of that deal. Niners lose their star LB and the Eagles lose a sideline blowhard.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Ok and what is he security for..who is he protecting them from?

I dunno. I ain't a security expert sheesh!

I do see state troopers, city, state and fed marshalls......escorting coaches and such.

Why wouldn't they be on the sidelines?


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I dunno. I ain't a security expert sheesh!

I do see state troopers, city, state and fed marshalls......escorting coaches and such.

Why wouldn't they be on the sidelines?
because the people they are protecting the staff from are in the stands..so they stand back by the stands


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No...I think they hired him to be security.
Here's his official job description and title.

Dom DiSandro enters his 25th season with the Philadelphia Eagles. He serves as the senior advisor to the general manager/chief security officer.

DiSandro, who originally joined the Eagles in 1999, oversees all safety and security matters for players, coaches, and executives. He also directs security at the team's training complex, is responsible for security measures related to team travel and logistics and provides education on the NFL's personal conduct policy.



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Here's his official job description and title.

Dom DiSandro enters his 25th season with the Philadelphia Eagles. He serves as the senior advisor to the general manager/chief security officer.

DiSandro, who originally joined the Eagles in 1999, oversees all safety and security matters for players, coaches, and executives. He also directs security at the team's training complex, is responsible for security measures related to team travel and logistics and provides education on the NFL's personal conduct policy.

so in other words the minute they step on the field he is watching the fans until its time to leave...again no one is saying.."My god shoot the man" but there is no way he should be in a player scrum that results in the other team losing a player from the game ..period.


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so in other words the minute they step on the field he is watching the fans until its time to leave...again no one is saying.."My god shoot the man" but there is no way he should be in a player scrum that results in the other team losing a player from the game ..period.
Anybody defending this is not a cowboys fan!


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Defending security tying to secure?
Exactly green law threw the eagles player down on the sideline then perpetuated some type of confrontation on the sideline with him that's why Dom got into it.
From what it looked like after replaying it 10 times Dom was protecting his sideline coach and player from Green law who at any point in time could have turned and gone back to his huddle but he perpetuated the confrontation on the eagles sideline where he should not have been he should have been back in his huddle.

Dom was where he should have been protecting who he should have been protecting.

Green law was on the eagles sideline starting a confrontation when he should have walked back to his huddle Dom did not go chase him out on the field he was where he was supposed to be if greenlaw was where he was supposed to be he wouldn't have been thrown out all he had to do after he threw the eagles player down was walked back to the huddle but he perpetuated the fight.
That's why he got thrown out.


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They pulled the credentials of a cameraman for the rest of the season for giving Tyrek Hill his camera for a celebration. I imagine something will be done about this to set a precedent since it involved a player and what I consider non-football personnel


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so in other words the minute they step on the field he is watching the fans until its time to leave...again no one is saying.."My god shoot the man" but there is no way he should be in a player scrum that results in the other team losing a player from the game ..period.
He wouldn't have been in a player scrum that resulted in the other team losing a player if the player was not starting a fight on his sideline if the player walked back to his huddle like he was supposed to nothing would have ever happened.
What part didn't you see greenlaw after the tackle should have turned around and walked back to his huddle instead he started a fight on the eagles sideline.
At any time he could have turned around and walked back to his huddle but he chose to stand there and fight on the eagles sideline.
He was not where he should have been.


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He wouldn't have been in a player scrum that resulted in the other team losing a player if the player was not starting a fight on his sideline if the player walked back to his huddle like he was supposed to nothing would have ever happened.
What part didn't you see greenlaw after the tackle should have turned around and walked back to his huddle instead he started a fight on the eagles sideline.
At any time he could have turned around and walked back to his huddle but he chose to stand there and fight on the eagles sideline.
He was not where he should have been.
Greenlaw didn't start a fight, he was jawing with Smith after the hard tackle as happens in every game, but they weren't fighting. It was when meatball security guy stepped in between them and laid hands on Greenlaw and started jawing back at him is when the problem happened. Meatball had a right to be on the sideline, but had no right or authority to interfere with the game or opposing players. If he were truly trying to protect his player, you grab your guy and pull him away, you don't push the other guy and get in his face. He escalated what was a pretty normal occurrence in every football game, by injecting himself into the middle of the game. He turned what shoulda been no big deal, into a huge issue.


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Greenlaw didn't start a fight, he was jawing with Smith after the hard tackle as happens in every game, but they weren't fighting. It was when meatball security guy stepped in between them and laid hands on Greenlaw and started jawing back at him is when the problem happened. Meatball had a right to be on the sideline, but had no right or authority to interfere with the game or opposing players. If he were truly trying to protect his player, you grab your guy and pull him away, you don't push the other guy and get in his face. He escalated what was a pretty normal occurrence in every football game, by injecting himself into the middle of the game. He turned what shoulda been no big deal, into a huge issue.
Please get a clue his guy was on his sideline where he should be green law was on the eagles sideline starting a confrontation where he should not be.

Green law should have made the tackle and walked back to his huddle. He had no business starting a confrontation on the eagles sideline where he should not have been.

He had gone back to the huddle like he should have there would have been no reason for security to get involved.

It would be like if Dom ran out to the 49ers huddle and started a confrontation there he would be totally wrong because that is not where he's supposed to be.


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I have seen this same tackle many times in games. Sometimes they call it. Sometimes they don't. There is no rule against it. The rule says a tackler cannot drive the ball carrier into the ground, like a real pile driver. What Greenlaw did is not driving the player into the ground. If Greenlaw picked him up and slammed him into the ground and put his weight on top of him as he is slamming him, that would be a penalty.

Again, it is the inconsistency that drive fans and players crazy. Imagine you are Greenlaw and you have done this same thing multiple times without a penalty. Then this time they call a penalty. Would you be a little irked?
the refs this year have been shady as hell, and I am being nice. So yeah, I can see why he was livid. That said, Greenlaw was wrong. Fat Dom was out of his lane. He should be minding his own business and let the refs do their jobs.


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Black train nailed it. Players need to quit hot dogging it all the time and get back to the huddle.


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Please get a clue his guy was on his sideline where he should be green law was on the eagles sideline starting a confrontation where he should not be.

Green law should have made the tackle and walked back to his huddle. He had no business starting a confrontation on the eagles sideline where he should not have been.

He had gone back to the huddle like he should have there would have been no reason for security to get involved.

It would be like if Dom ran out to the 49ers huddle and started a confrontation there he would be totally wrong because that is not where he's supposed to be.
He's not the security for the team against opposing players while the game is going on and not entitled to inject himself, regardless of whatever title he may have, into the game and sure as hell not supposed to escalate a situation, which he did. Could Greenlaw have walked back after the tackle? Sure, but most players talk some trash at each other after a tackle, it's part of the game. He's a member of their Front Office, regardless of a "security" title, he is not a player or coach and has absolutely no right to get involved in the game and no rights to lay hands on opposing players. The NFL has pretty specific rules about what sideline personnel cannot do while on the sidelines and he broke them, quite overtly.

Dak flexed in the face of a defender after a hard tackle on the sideline, but that wouldn't give the right for a Seattle staffer to confront or touch him because he thought he was "defending" his player. Dom is passionate, that's great, but simply did the wrong thing and overstepped his bounds, he let his emotions get the better of him.