Why Not Bob Stoops??


Old bulletproof tiger
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JustSayNotoTO;1332048 said:
That MUST mean he is qualified for the NFL.:banghead:

Who in the world said he was qualified for the NFL.

I am defending him as a great coach.

You just want to throw away everything the guy has done.

I hope he stays put in Oklahoma. But Ill be damned to sit by and watch you guys pile on the guy just because you hate the Big 12 and have other horses in the race.

Billy Bullocks

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Cowboy4ever;1331572 said:
How about NO NFL experience?? And don't give me that Jimmy didn't have any either crap.. its a different game today. and I dont see any h. walkers on this team to get 100 players for. This is not the time to bring in a coach with no nfl experience.

No see, Parcells methods are tired and old. But doing smoething that worked 17 years ago isn't. :rolleyes:


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Dallas;1332081 said:
Who in the world said he was qualified for the NFL.

I defending him as a great coach.

You just want to throw away everything the guy has done.

I hope he stays put in Oklahoma. But Ill be damned to sit by and watch you guys pile on the guy just because you hate the Big 12 and other horses in the race.

I really dont care about what he did at OU, take it to an OU message board, we are discussing the viability of Bob Stoops as the next headcoach of the Dallas Cowboys.


Old bulletproof tiger
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wileedog;1332065 said:
Shame? Probably not.

But does beating up tons of 2nd tier coaches qualify him to run an NFL franchise? Considering 2 of the guys above who supposedly outcoached him have already failed in the NFL (or at least given up in Saban's case)?

I don't follow college football that closely, but if we are going to gamble on a college coach to take over this team it better be one who has been running roughshod over even the best college coaches.

Please name me one coach who you feel confident can come in from the college ranks and succeed.

If you say Pete Carol. You forget his past history in the NFL then.

Everyone knows college is an whole different ball game to coach.

But seriously - half the posters slamming Stoops have not even followed his career. They go by the talking heads on ESPN and the bowl games Stoops has lost.

Fact of the matter is everyone associated w/ football - be it college or NFL says Stoops is an excellent football coach.

Would that translate to the NFL if he were to come here.


Especially not you crystal ball polishers.


Regular Joe....
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CATCH17;1332063 said:
Because thats the kind of coaching he is going to see on a weekly basis in the NFL and not just once a Season.

I would say UAB's Coach who is Mack Browns brother outcoached him bad in the 1st game when they almost beat OU @ OU. He coached a better game than Stoops.

Stoops gets schooled by good coaches bottom line and hes going to see that week in and week out in the NFL.

Just because hes younger and wears a Visor doesnt mean he is ready for the biggest coaching gig in Football.

Talent wins football games in the NFL. That's the bottom line. I'm not in favor of bringing in a College coach and Stoops is not my 1st choice but we could do much worse IMO. Stoops can hold his own with any coach anywhere. That's the truth of it. In the NFL, HCs succeed by being able to judge talent and motivate players and coaches. OCs do the Xs and Os. I don't buy that because Stoops has had a down year in 05 or lost to more talented programs that he is not a good coach. He has also beaten some good programs and nobody is trying to look at that. There is a bias here but I'm not all together certain it's from the Okies.

I'm a Horn's fan and I can see it plain as day.

philo beddoe

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zeromaster;1331909 said:
I think the old JakeToDallas is now StoopsToDallas under another name.

Just a theory.

We have at least established that no matter what negatives are brought up, Philo will not acknowledge them.

What happens to you Philo, if Stoops is not hired as the coach? It's just as valid a question.

I think the ex-Oklahoma HC quota was filled with Switzer anyway.
No Stoops? I'll be just fine. All I want is a quality hire. I think Petrino would have been great. Miles would be okay. I could (gulp) live with Norv. I like Rick Neuheisel. I would NOT hire Wade Phillips.


Old bulletproof tiger
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JustSayNotoTO;1332085 said:
I really dont care about what he did at OU, take it to an OU message board, we are discussing the viability of Bob Stoops as the next headcoach of the Dallas Cowboys.

Come up with a legitamate argument that supports your view.

Dropping games Stoops lost is pathetic. What in your argument breaks down why Stoops is such a terrible choice?

You have been asked a few times.

We basically get a nothing but simple "I just dont like the guy and the program he runs". That just says. I am BIASED.

Short and sweet I guess.


Regular Joe....
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wileedog;1332065 said:
Shame? Probably not.

But does beating up tons of 2nd tier coaches qualify him to run an NFL franchise? Considering 2 of the guys above who supposedly outcoached him have already failed in the NFL (or at least given up in Saban's case)?

I don't follow college football that closely, but if we are going to gamble on a college coach to take over this team it better be one who has been running roughshod over even the best college coaches.

In most cases, he's lost to teams with better talent. He's also beaten guys who are on this list but nobody says anything about that.

As I said before, not my first choice but I'd be hard pressed to say that he is not a good pick if you want to bring a guy in from College.


1st Round Pick
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Dallas;1332098 said:
Please name me one coach who you feel confident can come in from the college ranks and succeed.

If you say Pete Carol. You forget his past history in the NFL then.

Everyone knows college is an whole different ball game to coach.

But seriously - half the posters slamming Stoops have not even followed his career. They go by the talking heads on ESPN and the bowl games Stoops has lost.

Fact of the matter is everyone associated w/ football - be it college or NFL says Stoops is an excellent football coach.

Would that translate to the NFL if he were to come here.


Especially not you crystal ball polishers.

Charlie Weiss

Pete Caroll had a 10-6, 9-7, 8-8, and 6-10 records as a NFL coach.

Les Miles to me is a better Pro Option than Bob Stoops.

Hell i'd even take Butch Davis over Bob Stoops.


The Duke
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Dallas;1332038 said:
**** -

You have lost ever ounce of credibility you ever thought you might have had in this forum.

This is NOT the 1970 brother. Get w/ the program.

Truth comes out. It is just old biased opinion of Switzer and the NC titles he got.

That however translates to NOTHING about Bob Stoops. Need I remind you be kicked Bomar off the flippin team because he put down hours he worked at a local car dealership - that he NEVER worked.

Dude get real or just get lost. You have GOT to bring more of this to the table.

Good LORD!!! How did you ever get past registering w/ the site here?
Not sure what I did to get dragged into this, but since I am the guy who approves the accounts what is it that I missed in looking at his username, e-mail addrees, and IP# that should have tipped me off you wouldn't like him?

You lost me bro. No red heads for you.


1st Round Pick
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ABQCOWBOY;1332100 said:
Talent wins football games in the NFL. That's the bottom line. I'm not in favor of bringing in a College coach and Stoops is not my 1st choice but we could do much worse IMO. Stoops can hold his own with any coach anywhere. That's the truth of it. In the NFL, HCs succeed by being able to judge talent and motivate players and coaches. OCs do the Xs and Os. I don't buy that because Stoops has had a down year in 05 or lost to more talented programs that he is not a good coach. He has also beaten some good programs and nobody is trying to look at that. There is a bias here but I'm not all together certain it's from the Okies.

I'm a Horn's fan and I can see it plain as day.

Who has he beat?


Old bulletproof tiger
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CATCH17;1332108 said:
Charlie Weiss

Pete Caroll had a 10-6, 9-7, 8-8, and 6-10 records as a NFL coach.

Les Miles to me is a better Pro Option than Bob Stoops.

Hell i'd even take Butch Davis over Bob Stoops.

All coaches w/ some NFL experience.

Not a real fair argument as to why Stoops would not be a good choice. Since Stoops has no NFL experience.

But Ill take it.

philo beddoe

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Hagman;1331983 said:
Hey, Bowman, your other Oklahoma hero, Ol' Gunsmoke himself, was on the LBOH show today telling Stoops to stay put in college. If you missed it, here's an article with his thoughts.

Not that your intent is reasoned argumentation anyway................

Cowboys Coach Bill Parcells Retires: Stoops better off staying with Sooners
By DAVE SITTLER World Sports Columnist

Barry Switzer has some advice for Oklahoma football coach Bob Stoops -- stay right where you are.

And if Switzer knows what he's talking about, and there is no reason to doubt him, Stoops will not be the next coach of the Dallas Cowboys.

Several media outlets listed Stoops as a candidate for the Dallas job shortly after Cowboys' coach Bill Parcells announced Monday morning that he was retiring.

"Bob Stoops has a better job right now," Switzer said Monday night in a telephone interview. "The OU job is better than the Dallas Cowboys."

Switzer absolutely, unequivocally knows what he's talking about when it comes to comparing the head-coach's position in Norman with the one in Big D.

The 69-year-old Switzer is one of only two coaches in history to win both a collegiate national championship and a Super Bowl. Switzer won three national titles in 17 seasons at OU, and Super Bowl XXX in the second of three seasons coaching the Cowboys.

Switzer also cited another reason why OU supporters should not worry they are about to lose Stoops, who has won four Big 12 Conference championships and the 2000 national title in eight seasons coaching the Sooners.

"Jerry Jones is not going to hire a college coach," Switzer said. "I talked to someone on the (Cowboys') inside today who told me that Jerry is going to stay within the (NFL) league to hire a coach."

Stoops did not return a telephone message left on his cell phone Monday. But he has said several times he is intrigued by professional football and could see himself coaching in the NFL at some point in his career.

Some pundits have speculated that Stoops changed his mind about the NFL after Steve Spurrier failed in two seasons with the Washington Commanders. Spurrier has been a close friend and confidant of Stoops ever since the OU coach was Spurrier's defensive coordinator for three seasons at Florida.

Spurrier, now South Carolina's coach, is one of several men who have recently failed to successfully make the jump from college to the NFL. Other NFL head coaches who have returned to college in recent seasons include Alabama's Nick Saban (Miami), North Carolina's Butch Davis (Cleveland) and Arizona State's Dennis Erickson (Seattle and San Francisco).

Stoops indicated to me more than once this season that Spurrier's NFL experience wouldn't play a role in any decision he makes about an NFL job offer. He has also said more than once that no matter how successful a coach has been, he should leave a job before he wears out his welcome.

Stoops isn't close to wearing out his welcome at OU. Especially after a 2006 season that saw him overcome several challenges to win the Big 12 title and take the Sooners to the Fiesta Bowl.

But Switzer, who replaced Jimmy Johnson as the Cowboys' coach in 1994, said Stoops would be wise to notice the trend of coaches getting out of the NFL as soon as an attractive college position opens.

"I inherited a hell of lot better team than Parcells did," Switzer said. "It was the same thing for Spurrier (lack of talent with the Commanders)."

Johnson is the only other coach to win a national title and Super Bowl. The former Oklahoma State coach won the national championship at Miami and two Super Bowls with Dallas before having a falling out with Jones and leaving the Dallas franchise.

Among the Cowboys Johnson left behind for Switzer were running back Emmitt Smith, wide receiver Michael Irvin and Hall of Fame quarterback Troy Aikman.

"It's all about the quarterback in the NFL," Switzer said. "Look at the four teams in Sunday's (NFL conference title) playoffs. Three of them had three of the best quarterbacks in the NFL in Peyton Manning (Indianapolis), Tom Brady (New England) and Drew Brees (New Orleans.)

"Everything is so even (in the NFL) because you only get seven draft choices a year, you have the salary cap and free agency. Look at Pittsburgh, they won the Super Bowl last year and didn't even make the playoffs this year."

College coaches have to deal with recruiting each season, but not the draft, salary cap or free agency. And the escalating salaries in the college game have enabled coaches like Stoops to make more money than some NFL coaches.

"Bob Stoops makes as much money at OU as he'd make in the NFL," Switzer said. "And he controls his own destiny.

"I've talked to Bob about this before and told him just what I told you -- the OU job is better than the Dallas Cowboys."

OU fans have to hope that when Switzer talked, Stoops listened.
Read this earlier. I'm making suggestions, not predictions. Stoops may well want to remain in Norman. Should he want to go pro, I would hope it would be in Dallas, that's all. He's a good coach, we'd be lucky to get him.

Billy Bullocks

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ABQCOWBOY;1332106 said:
In most cases, he's lost to teams with better talent. He's also beaten guys who are on this list but nobody says anything about that.

As I said before, not my first choice but I'd be hard pressed to say that he is not a good pick if you want to bring a guy in from College.

Yeah, but the guys who are better than him in college have failed at the next level, ie. Carrol, Saban. Even his boy Spurrier.

You can twist it anyway you want it, but he hasn't been very good without his Bro. And neither of them have ever ran an NFL scheme, or coached at this level. No thanks.

With teh talent we haev on this team, do you really want to go with a guy who is learning the ropes as he goes along?

philo beddoe

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ABQCOWBOY;1332037 said:
Gary Patterson of TCU who had a 11-1 team in 05? Les Miles who just recently got hired as the Head Coach of LSU, one of the very best College Football Programs in America? Pete Carroll who has only run the most succesful college program in College Football over the past 5 years? Nick Saben who has had his pick of coaching positions for the last 4 or 5 years? Last but not least, Paul Bear Bryant - Coach of the year and second most winning program over the past 5 seasons Chris Peterson.

I'm sorry, I fail to see the shame in this.
Some of these guys are simply Sooner haters. Don't pay any attention to them. They'd probably prefer Wade Phillips or Rich Kotite.


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Stoops would not be near the top of my list but if he were hired I would give him a chance to prove himself.


The Duke
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philo beddoe;1332124 said:
Some of these guys are simply Sooner haters. Don't pay any attention to them. They'd probably prefer Wade Phillips or Rich Kotite.
I think it is pretty safe to say that no one on this site would prefer Rich Kotite to Bob Stoops.

If people not agreeing with your ideas is this troubling for you perhaps you shouldn't share ideas.