Ok tired of the baker thread, but in it someone brought up jimmy, and he also beat dallas in wc game.
He wouldnt be that expensive would he ? maybe a 1 year deal?
just imagine dak having to compete with JG in TC!
And I will be clear , I am NOT saying he is better than dak, I would put them in similar category,
only jimmy has won more play off games.
Then of course dak would start the season, but if he struggles, or he needs a couple games off,
they would have a capable bkup to take over.
Also it would probably light a fire under dakko !
As it is with just rush and dinucci, as bkups, dak is relaxed and can just coast , sit in a chair with one
of those drinks with a umbrella ! He has absolutely no competition right now.
I also think it would be fun to see JG play with dallas, dont know how well he would do, but it would be
fun to watch?
Any other qb's for bkup and potential starter? what about heineke?
not gonna happen , but its good fantasy discussion !