Witness claims Ezekiel Elliott was not involved in altercation **merged**

Alright yall ready for a story from the liquor store guy?

Let me preface this by saying I absolutely know it sounds like horse crap. I dont expect anyone to believe it and I dont necessarily believe it myself but...

I work for the fire dept in Houston and one of the guys at my station is from Dallas. Been working with him for 8 or 9 months and as far as I know hes a good dude. He tells me that he spoke with a friend that was in the club during the incident. This guy is claiming Zeke was there and did indeed push DJ train (or whatever his name is) and then knock the dog crap out of him. My buddy is also a Cowboys fan. I include this detail because Texan fans are riddiculous and I need to clarify he isnt pulling my leg.

All this being said I am not certain I believe a word of it. Also know that until this latest incident I have been outraged at the entire investigation and have called bs. Only recently have I had enough of this crap and voiced my opinion that I am truly concerned about Zekes decision making. Anyhow I thought Id at least share. This is the drama zone right?
I don't doubt it one bit and this played like I said it would a day or two ago. A local sports stud goes to a club and "allegedly" knocks the hell ouf of this dj who is popular and that he's "acquaintances" with. The club wouldn't want to cooperate (bad for business), the witnesses wouldn't want to cooperate (hard to find and most likely fans) and the DJ wouldn't want to cooperate (bad for business and possibly good "acquaintances" with Zeke).

If some average joe knocked the guy out, I'm quite sure they would be able to find him. So for now, yes, Zeke is innocent but the whole thing still reeks and isn't good. I'm sure as hell glad nothing more came of this but hopefully this was the last wake up call he needs and he doesn't look at it like a free pass.
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Also, remember, I'm quite sure the NFL will conduct it's own investigation so he may have got a free pass with the law but not necessarily the NFL. Not to mention, suspended doesn't mean clear. Unless this dude picks up and moves out of state or finds another profession I'm quite sure they'll find him but I'm also quite sure he wouldn't say Zeke did it even if he remembered otherwise he would have come out with it already and would be knocking down the police station doors.
I still don't see how video has not came out of this, seeing there are a lot of cameras in clubs and everyone has cameras on their phones.

Video has come out, it just seems no one was filming that exact location when the punch happened. If there was an incident before that and people expected there to be a fight, I'm sure there would have been phones out, but doesn't seem to be a case. Seemed to be a quick hit and then people brought out their phones.
Video has come out, it just seems no one was filming that exact location when the punch happened. If there was an incident before that and people expected there to be a fight, I'm sure there would have been phones out, but doesn't seem to be a case. Seemed to be a quick hit and then people brought out their phones.
Yeah, unless it was some drawn out trash talking hoopla I'm sure no one even knew what was going on until the guy was laid out.

This still really concerns me, it's great news for now but the more I thought about it the more I realized it's from over.
You are a good person, Aria :)

I'd burn that ***** in the oven!

Well, maybe not because I like my phone, but no authorities are gonna see that clip if it's in my possession.

We need Zeke to Eat!
I might send a clip to Zeke and say Happy Birthday! and please stop doing this crap, fans are about to have a heart attack.
True, now if he was in a bar in philly...
I truly believe not everyone, or not even a lot of people saw it but at least a handful of people did. If it was Zeke who got knocked out I'm 100% sure people would know exactly who did it and the dude probably wouldn't have made it out of the club.


Did someone say suspend?!?!?!?!?! What????? You mean the investigation is suspended?!?!?!?!?!?!

I pray to god Zeke didn't do this because if he did and is being protect by the lack of cooperation, then he is only being embolden to do even worse sometime in the future. Mark my words.
I pray to god Zeke didn't do this because if he did and is being protect by the lack of cooperation, then he is only being embolden to do even worse sometime in the future. Mark my words.
I said the same thing above. If he got away with it I hope he doesn't look at it like a free pass. Time will tell. At least with football season starting there is less risk of off the field incidents.
No abuse of power??? I'd like to laugh. I won't though because that statement is one of the most ill informed statements ever typed on the internet.

Where do we start?

For one their stadiums are almost exclusively built with access to tax payers money. That's made possible through their political connections or in some cases threatening to leave the area.

They love capitalism. Except when they don't. Like when the players could command a salary from the highest bidder. In that case they institute a cap on the amount to be paid to them. I'm sure some fans would love to cap ticket, parking, and food prices too.

There's likely 100 other examples, but it's early.
I was talking about with players but
What you cite above is just capitalism at work lol
The owners are billionaires and all billionaires operate the same way.
They are obsessed with making more money and if they can get city to pay
For the stadiums sure they do it

The NFL is a billionaires club.
The teams are their toys.
They make the rules and set pay levels.
The players are well paid for What they do.
If dez and many others didn't play pro ball they would make 100000 a year or less.
There are risks and rules but most do quite well.
No but to say his life is more important(You are essentially saying that) is silly. Just because these guys are athletes does not make them superior to anybody. They are human they bleed blood, they breathe the same air as you and I and they mature the same as you and I (maybe even slower because they have been handed things to them due to there athletic ability).
I have 25 employees there families depend on me giving there dad or mom a job to support there family. I have had employees since I was 18. I have done stupid things in my 20s and still make stupid mistakes to this day In my 30s. Just because Zeke(Or any other athlete) is in the lime light doesn't make his life more important. Remember these guys are paid to entertain you not to please you. I think of the NFL as entertainment it allows me to think of these players as well......players. Zeke will make mistakes among many other NFL players it's the nature of the business. It's a young man's game and they are going to make young man mistakes. The only way for him to grow up is to make mistakes. If Zeke gets suspended let's not freak out. Lets hope he learns from his mistake and comes back hungry to prove the world wrong. Plus it doesn't hurt to have a pretty good back up in DMC.
I understand what you're arguing though. I do think Zeke should be aware that everything he does is going to be scrutinized.

I am giving the same advice as guys like Tony Dorsett, Mean Joe Green and Charles Haley. They make these comments because they do understand and know what is going on when these guys face when they leave the field. Sorry you don't get it, I did not say his life was more important I said he is known, when he walks into a place people know who he is right off the bat when you or I walk into a place we are just another patron and will not draw the attention. Many players are able to manage their lives without getting suspended, hell the vast majority of players are able to do so and they too are young men to act like being in your 20's automatically allows a player to act like a moron is not true. Zeke has a lot to lose even within his contract with the Cowboys that have a clause should he get suspended. Personally I like Zeke and hope nothing but the best for him but he has to make some real choices of what is important and what is not.

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