I agree with rcaldw.....
I got two dogs. ALWAYS have had two dogs. When something happens to one of them, I immediately begin shopping for another one. We also have two horses, a cow (yum-yum), three cats, even a peacock that adopted us and our property.
But I've NEVER gotten the intensity and the over-hyped drama over this whole Vick-dog affair. Was what he did right? Of course not. But this whole liberal-PETA-animal "rights"-secularism thing, making animals equal to humans is absurd. The other crimes associated with this matter, the tax questions, crossing state lines for commerce, the drug use, and other crimes along these lines, OK. But the punishment for the dog stuff? Way out of line............
If Vick DOES end up in "uber-lib" lefty San Francisco, CA, he'll be crucified and harassed every waking moment of his life. That place is the Head Quarters for EVERY assinine and idiot ulta-left nutcase in the world........including people who think that trees and whales and dogs are just as important, if not MORE important than the human condition.
Dogs get a special pass, even more than cats (the other most domesticated animal on Earth) because, yeah, they do present more companionship, personality and a "family"-like presence to any household. I couldn't imagine living without my dogs. But to render punishment like Vick got, for crimes against animals, I don't get that.
I told my wife and kids from the onset, "Don't get overly attached to any animal". Because animals die. They disappear. You're gonna' out-live your animals many times over. I myself have had over a dozen dogs, at least, in my life. Don't even mention cats!!! Of course, my speech never worked on my wife and kids. They get attached, and get their hearts broken over the cat gone missing, a gold-fish dying, and the Dalmation that passed away last fall.
I'm not saying that this was the case with Vick. What he did was malicious and deliberate. And it purposefully brought harm to those animals for nothing more than sport and money. Here in Hawaii, they fight roosters AT LEAST as much, probably more so than any other place fights dogs. It's illegal, but they only bust a few folks a year so the authorities look as though they're "on the problem". Everyone knows it's a cultural thing and they just ignore it. You could drive down any neighborhood in Hawaii and see the breeders with 50 little rooster houses in their yard to keep 'em separated. Everyone knows what the guys doing with 50 rooster houses in his front yard!!!! Personally, I have no problem with it. I've never been to a fight, but they say thousands and thousands of dollars trade hands during the tournaments.
Finally, when people think of the Vick-dog affair, they think of their own little puppy Spot, and wonder how anyone could do such things with such a "sweet, little and harmless" dog. No excuses for Vick, but THOSE dogs are not "sweet, little and harmless". THOSE dogs are born and bred to fight. Most dogs are like "Oh, he's such a nice man, and he has dogs". Other dogs are "Hey bro, watch out for Bubba, he's got DOGS!!!!" The police and military have "dogs" too, and they're not "sweet and cuddly" either.
Not saying that what Vick did was OK. But there's a lot of nuance and arbitrary things below the surface that should be considered before we just "send the ******* to jail for life!!!!!!"