World Cup is boring

My wife just got cable last year, so I've been able to catch EPL, CL, and WC matches on a consistent basis for the first time. Vastly superior product to the NFL in my opinion for reasons already stated.

The only thing I hate about soccer is how little parity there rules the cap..the same teams rule every year..that kind of sucks
The NFL could definitely learn something from soccer, where 90 minute games are completed in 2 hours. It's amazing how they still make a ton of money without stopping the game every 5 minutes to run commercials.

Meanwhile, we can't play 60 minutes in 3 hours and the excitement stops repeatedly so someone can try to sell me beer or an SUV. :rolleyes:

Couldn't have said it better myself. As it is right now I only watch Cowboy games and a scant few games I find worth watching. I cannot handle the commercials. There are even some early round playoff games I don't find worth watching. If they reduce the games to an hour and a half to two hours, whole new ballgame.
What a brilliant match by England! Still think football is boring?

I'm glad to see England kick some ***. Not letting the inferior team take them to 90 minutes before they score. Prior to 2010 England has always been their own worst enemy. They go into these cups with great teams and end up knocking themselves out with stupid penalties. Maybe this time will be different.
I'm glad to see England kick some ***. Not letting the inferior team take them to 90 minutes before they score. Prior to 2010 England has always been their own worst enemy. They go into these cups with great teams and end up knocking themselves out with stupid penalties. Maybe this time will be different.

Yes, but, usually, they play a bit like, well, an NFL team we all know and love. Maybe there's hope for that team with how England's playing now. Are you catching on Jerry Jones?
330 million people in the US and they can't come up with 11 players good enough to make a World Cup. Sad!
Kids in Europe and other countries are in soccer clubs as soon as they’re big enough to play. It’s like baseball here and Japan.
We care more about our football, basketball, baseball, hockey, golf, auto racing, mma, tennis, and boxing than we do about flopball.
Yeah. I suppose you could just stick to the sports that you and no other country play, that way you can call your winners "world champions". Good for your national ego.
Soccer has been the most popular youth sport in the US for a long time now.

Kids just don't stick with it as they get older for whatever reason.

I dunno why that is. Considering the wealth of athletes that the US has, I dunno why those kids don't stick with it. I reckon that you're more likely to fall into a professional football (European Football that is) than any other sport. There are far more professional clubs in this sport than any American sport. The one tricky bit is that the US has yet to develop a football academy, and the MLS is absolute rubbish as England demonstrated against Panama. A great deal of the Panamanian players play for the MLS, and England thrashed them 6-1.
We don't care what other countries play and it would do nothing for our ego to win a kick ball tournament.


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