World Cup is boring

"Sep 13, 2017 - Christian Pulisic was eligible for the CroatiaNational Team, but he chose the United States. ... Christian Pulisic is the most talented player in USMNT history, and he is just 18 years old (19 later this month)."
Tunisia? How does the US not get in over some of these countries. Pretty sad.
Because the US completely and utterly sucks at Footie.
They couldn't even beat Trinidad and Tobago, who make Tunisia look like Brazil.
MLS is a crudfest compared to any half-decent Euro league, half the teams would be relegated from the Serbian 2nd division.
Your idea of Player development is hoping an amateur Dad can teach 'em in His spare time when They're young, then send 'em to college when They're late teenagers and expect 'em to magically develop all the skills while going to classes for most of the day.
Calling a low scoring soccer game boring is just as stupid as calling a low scoring football game boring...I would actually argue that all the new rules that push the scores in the NFL up has done much more harm to the game than is a great game and so is American football..anyone who disagrees just hasn't seen enough of it to see a match that will get them can go an entire Sunday at a time and not see one good nfl game..boring games every sport
Yes, it was. See? Football IS fun.
I like it when the refs let a lot of stuff go and the score is tied with 20 minutes left to play. Those are the best games to watch. When one team scores a lot of goals the other team usually never keeps up and the game seems over very early on.
Calling a low scoring soccer game boring is just as stupid as calling a low scoring football game boring...I would actually argue that all the new rules that push the scores in the NFL up has done much more harm to the game than is a great game and so is American football..anyone who disagrees just hasn't seen enough of it to see a match that will get them can go an entire Sunday at a time and not see one good nfl game..boring games every sport

You're quite right. If the games were featuring good defence, then the games could be just as entertaining, if not moreso, than the high scoring games. Yet, the NFL decided that they wanted more scoring. As a former kicker in HS, I must say that I do enjoy a good field goal battle.
The NFL could definitely learn something from soccer, where 90 minute games are completed in 2 hours. It's amazing how they still make a ton of money without stopping the game every 5 minutes to run commercials.

Meanwhile, we can't play 60 minutes in 3 hours and the excitement stops repeatedly so someone can try to sell me beer or an SUV. :rolleyes:
Actually someone did a study on how much action there really is in a football game. The results, for a NFL game that last 3 hours, there is a total of 11 minutes of actual action.
My wife just got cable last year, so I've been able to catch EPL, CL, and WC matches on a consistent basis for the first time. Vastly superior product to the NFL in my opinion for reasons already stated.

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