World Cup

Phone battery at 2%,,reckon my hairy chested exploits about that time my purloined Panamanian UH-1 HUEY chopper crashed in the triple canopy jungle when the fuel tank I'd SPIKED with a 5th of JIM BEAM decieded to stop sharing with that thirsty turbo fan engine,,,Y'all are missing out on that one,,,o_O
I don't like soccer as most know from my posts. I don't find it exciting and the players are so dramatic you'd think they broke eight bones every time someone touches them. If they gave out penalty kicks for flopping the scores would be like 20-18 instead of 2-3.

All that said....being in Belgium this week and seeing the national pride, flags everywhere, the city was shut down for the past few hours, there was an electricity in the air, and now they are wild in the has been fabulous! The entire city just erupted at each goal, there wasn't a place in the country where you would NOT have heard the roar with each Belgium goal.

Believe or not I stopped and watched the game. I'll admit I don't fully understand it and I don't know any of the players or anything. I can't fully appreciate great soccer skills honestly and the broadcast I watched was in Dutch which i don't speak. That said, I will say that the Belgium goalie was amazing!

Well played World Cup, well played.
And well played Belgium!

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