Worst movie you ever saw?

Teren_Kanan;4986348 said:
After that is probably the Transformers Trilogy. I felt like Michael Bay bent my childhood over a table.

I'd add the last couple of "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies to that list. I watched them with my stepdaughter, and managed to make it through both of them, but just barely.

And I thought the latest Indiana Jones movie was really terrible. I don't know how they managed to talk Harrison Ford into doing it. Must have thrown a boatload of money his way.
Meat-O-Rama;4986218 said:
Freddy got Fingered, written directed by and starring Tom Green. By far the biggest piece of crap I've ever seen (well I've seen part of it, I couldn't finish it)


I don't understand the pure hatred for this movie. I mean is the comedy really any more juvenile than Step Brothers? The Hangover? Freddy Got Fingered is hilarious, great movie to watch when you're just chilling
Idgit;4986288 said:
You guys aren't even trying. How 'bout this one:


might be the winner...my god
Hoofbite;4986318 said:
Troll 2. End of discussion.

This is a movie so bad that I am actually proud to own a copy of it on DVD because there cannot be many around. Combo disc with Troll.


There's a scene in the movie where the little boy has discovered the truth about Nilbog (Goblin backwards) and in order to prevent his family from eating poisoned food he jumps up onto the dinner table and unzips his pants to pee on the food.

Never seen it, but that is too epic to be the worst ever,

There's a difference between so bad it deserve multiple viewings and a walkout
Hoofbite;4986318 said:
Troll 2. End of discussion.

This is a movie so bad that I am actually proud to own a copy of it on DVD because there cannot be many around. Combo disc with Troll.


There's a scene in the movie where the little boy has discovered the truth about Nilbog (Goblin backwards) and in order to prevent his family from eating poisoned food he jumps up onto the dinner table and unzips his pants to pee on the food.

lmao looks pretty horrible, but one of those movies that you can't help but enjoy how bad it is.

What about "The Happening"? I hate a lot of M.Night Shymalon movies, but this one was just awful. The previews made it look interesting, and then it starts and you find out that wind and mother nature are killing people.

Spiderman 3 where Toby Maquire prances around in a black leather jacket and eye liner for most of the movie.

Jack And Jill-The Adam Sandler plays himself and his twin sister as well.
LynnFoster;4986381 said:
I'm sure he is a nice guy, word always gets around about the real aholes. Its common knowledge though that Keanu got pretty much every major part in his career because he was dating David Geffen, the music mogel.

This is funny too, AD is Assistant Director. I just went to IMDB to see that girl's name and every 1st AD is male! So that part wasn't true, I would bet she exaggerated her role but the basic story is true. I can't imagine anyone shopping a script with one of the main characters saying about 30 words in the entire movie.

oh, I see. I didn't know....he's nicier than i thot. explains a lot.
FiveRings;4986395 said:
I don't understand the pure hatred for this movie. I mean is the comedy really any more juvenile than Step Brothers? The Hangover? Freddy Got Fingered is hilarious, great movie to watch when you're just chilling

I don't know, was there comedy in there somewhere? Like I said, I stopped watching, but I could pretty much ascertain from the point he wears deer roadkill that it was as bad as all the reports.
speedkilz88;4986344 said:
I did not watch this movie but it was on cable and I saw the beginning unfortunately. He actually drives by a stud horse and gets out and "satisfies" the horse. I kid you not. Most disgusting thing I've seen in a movie. I feel for anyone who actually went to a theater to see it. Although you should have known better with it being a Tom Green film.

I watched (part of) it at home via netflix or HBO or something. Certainly did not pay good money to go to a theater to see it. I'm not nearly as dumb as I look. (not saying a lot)
Meat-O-Rama;4986461 said:
Hmmmm lots of places we could go with a movie named after me....:eek:

If Meat-O-Rama doesn't work as a movie title it would make a great name for an infomercial product. :)
speedkilz88;4986344 said:
I did not watch this movie but it was on cable and I saw the beginning unfortunately. He actually drives by a stud horse and gets out and "satisfies" the horse. I kid you not. Most disgusting thing I've seen in a movie. I feel for anyone who actually went to a theater to see it. Although you should have known better with it being a Tom Green film.

I don't know anything about Tom Green or his films but the title "Freddy got Fingered" would have been enough to keep me away.
I'll never forget the time I was dating a girl who was living with her mom. We were going to go see a movie and her mom asked what movie we were going to see and I told her Octo*****. :( She said WHAT??? :omg: My girlfriend laughed and said don't worry it's a James Bond movie. Her mom had a look on her face like yeah right. :cool:

The only movie i have ever walked out on.
Wing Commander. Awful, dreadful movie. It was bad even for a movie based on a video game.
Muhast;4986419 said:
Spiderman 3 where Toby Maquire prances around in a black leather jacket and eye liner for most of the movie.

Jack And Jill-The Adam Sandler plays himself and his twin sister as well.

Oh man I forgot about Spiderman 3. YEAH that's up there with the worst of them. Holy crap talk about ruining a franchise.

And Jack and Jill isn't necessary. Just say "Post 90's Adam Sandler Movies"
Open Water. ~Spoiler Alert~ Two hours of people treading water. I would have walked out, but I figured I would wait and see the chick get torn apart by the shark--and then she just dips under water and the movie ends. Horrible.
Unless we can include chick-flicks...cough**Bridget Jones movies**cough, then Batman and Robin is without a doubt the worst movie ever made. Joel Schumacher, George Clooney, Chris O' Donnell, and Alicia Silverstone will always be dirty words in my house. I even hated Alfred in that movie.

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