LMAO at these ideas that the team can just trade out of their moves.
Or that this man would admit his mistake and try to fix it.
Management capitulated, including a no trade clause which, in effect, prevents them from undoing the deal. Nothing like a player they've deemed a star and his agent to illustrate just how poor they are at negotiations.
He is definitely an upgrade for quite a few teams but they would have to factor in the contract/cap and ability to build the team around him.
And then there is the polarization factor for the pr of such a move. The fans that pay attention have just seen the owner have his HC and QB sacrifice a WR to protect the QB.
Consider this. How many times have you seen a WR actually cause a pick because he let the ball bounce off his hands or knocked it up for a tip drill? Have you ever seen that WR so discussed by the analysts? I haven't seen anything like this since the "alligator arms" incident with another WR years ago, I forget his name.
This almost looks like "let's get our story straight in case we need it" planning. Not saying Lamb didn't make a mistake but does that have to highlighted so much to cover for the QB? And the QB should never, repeat NEVER, go along with this. Hanna be in a foxhole with him?
The owner got rid of one WR because he openly questioned the QB's ability to identify targets and now has sacrificed his replacement and we think he would trade his QB? He will protect him because he is his QB and follows orders, no other reason.