Would you interview just two people for your job?


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I don't think this was a precipitated hired as many people believe. The Jones were set on an NFL coach with prior success that could win now, and with an offensive background. Not many coaches in the free-agent market are available with that sort of background. McCarthy is the only available coach that won a Superbowl with a historic franchise and coached an inexperienced QB to become an MVP. The hire makes a lot of sense, if the front office wanted to salvage the current talent on this team he needed to bring someone that didn't need time to adapt (like a few of those college coaches) but someone that can come in make significant changes but don't start from scratch.


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It has absolutely nothing to do with thorough and everything about "not loving" the hire Jerry made.

Again, most companies only interview many people due to the fact that most people lie on their resumes and/or are incapable of proving their competence in the skills needed for a job.

If resumes and skills actually matched what the person is capable of, then there would be very little need to interview a bunch of people to find the right person.

Let's be real for a minute. Had Jerry only interviewed Meyer and Lewis and hired Meyer (or whoever was your top guy), would you complain about not being thorough enough in the hiring process?

Admittedly not. But even then I could still the validity in criticizing such a small pool of candidates. It's irresponsible and lazy. But again when you own a business where you can't lose, even when you do, you do whatever you want, no matter whether it's sound or not.


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Not whatsoever. But I know more bad business practices when I see them. And unlike you, I don't allow fandom to overrun my brain and common sense.

It's obvious you're a lot short on common sense. Even though it's way above your reasoning powers big businesses go out and get the guy they want for CEO or other top executive positions. They don't sit and hold a bunch of interviews. If that first person doesn't want the job, they'll go after another, but if that person wants the job they stop looking and stop interviewing. What you're TRYING to say is such smart business is done on low level jobs and most business will interview several for those but the head coaching job isn't a low level job. It's also obvious that the Cowboys don't do what you THINK they should. Get over it.


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I honestly think that conversation with Stephen scared Meyer away.
Did anyone here really think with Meyer's ego they ever seriously considered him for the job? Booger used the word "comfortable" in describing his relationship with Garrett and how putting that at risk was a deterrent in changing.

The single most important question, not asked verbally, that Booger has is how well can this guy work with me?


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It's obvious you're a lot short on common sense. Even though it's way above your reasoning powers big businesses go out and get the guy they want for CEO or other top executive positions. They don't sit and hold a bunch of interviews. If that first person doesn't want the job, they'll go after another, but if that person wants the job they stop looking and stop interviewing. What you're TRYING to say is such smart business is done on low level jobs and most business will interview several for those but the head coaching job isn't a low level job. It's also obvious that the Cowboys don't do what you THINK they should. Get over it.

It's also obvious that the Jones-led Cowboys don't make smart decisions when it comes to coaching. I've got 25 years of evidence for that in my back pocket. "Get over that."


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Sure, because they know someone, not because they're the best candidate. We know all about nepotism and hiring your buddies here already.
I mean in the corporate world. have an open position you want to give to an internal employee who's shown interest and capability it still must be posted for all to apply.


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Did anyone here really think with Meyer's ego they ever seriously considered him for the job? Booger used the word "comfortable" in describing his relationship with Garrett and how putting that at risk was a deterrent in changing.

The single most important question, not asked verbally, that Booger has is how well can this guy work with me?

I had some small hope that there could be change, and that a hire like Meyer would be evidence of that. Instead, we have this.


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I mean in the corporate world. have an open position you want to give to an internal employee who's shown interest and capability it still must be posted for all to apply.

Sure, the dog and pony show. We've all seen that a million times too.


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get over it , it happened the reason why and how fast are irrelevant..

two other teams the giants and CLE had interviews set with MM.. jerry felt comfortable with them and decided to not risk losing him..

I understand the hire as we have a win now team and getting a college coach who may or may not work out but needs time to grow & adapt wasn't the eight fit at the moment is the only reasoning I can come up with..

that left NFL AAST some still playing..

I was a little surprised he didnt interview McDaniel's and maybe Rhome but MM has the best track record and maybe with this current team with a veteran core..

all the other teams last season what 7 new hires moat likely did a more extensive job yet 6 did NOT have a winning record, 1 was Aaron rogers led packers team Mccarthy left in good shape , correct :)) but Lafluer has been in the nfl 15years as an assistant in some capacity..

the new big current splash choice didnt happen and now fans are butthurt..

get over it quickly, it happened and now we can give this a few years to actually judge , much like draft picks..what choice do we have? whine/ complain with no results...thats wasted energy...


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If that’s who I wanted then yeah. They had the Rooney rule to comply with so there is 1 interview. And who is to say Lewis don’t get the DC gig here. But if MM is the one he wanted then he went straight after it. And got it.


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Not ideally but if I'm afraid to lose the guy that just wowed me because he has several other teams interested in him and even interviewed twice with one of those teams then yes I might cut the interview process short.
Seems obvious, but I guess not to some


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They only interviewed dennis green before hiring Parcells in 03.


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I thought about including this in one of the multiple threads on the new hire, but feel it would just get lost and ignored. But I'd like to present this question, if you were hiring for a job, any job, much less the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys. Would you interview just two people and then call it a day?
If I knew who I wanted, yes. Why play with other people. I coached at a school district that would make us interview 3 to 5 candidates. I always felt bad about getting people's Hope's up when I already knew who I wanted.


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Does one of those 2 guys I interviewed already have a job offer?


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What about Roman, Bieniemy, or Harbaugh? We should've at least interviewed a few others. Instead, we took the bait. Is it good enough? Maybe. But there's always something better out there and we got scared because NYG was looking for him.

Roman and Bieniemy are position coaches and Harbaugh was an NFL head coach once and if Jerry and Stephen were interested in them they would have contacted them for interviews but none of them are what I said you should be happy about because none of them are college coaches as 1st NFL head coaches. Why people here have such a problem with Jerry getting the guy he wanted from the getgo especially when that guy is wanted by other teams has their head coach is puzzling.


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its only correct when JJ does what i want.

Its only correct when Jerry does what I want and when I want it.

This whole thing was prewired a long time ago and we still had to read 50 threads last week asking why Garrett hadn't been dragged out of the building by his ankles.