WrestleMania Thread.

Vignettes of Undertaker and HHH on air now. Is this match next...???
Phoenix;3896817 said:
Vignettes of Undertaker and HHH on air now. Is this match next...???
Cena/Miz to close show, so they but in 2 filler matches so there will not be a dead crowd for the ME.
windward;3896818 said:
Cena/Miz to close show, so they but in 2 filler matches so there will not be a dead crowd for the ME.

Oh. Right. God I hate this "miz" person.
This mania hasn't really been all that good besides the Rocks opening and the insane joy of watching Del Rio look like a jobber.

Cole/Lawler stuff dragged on way to long.

Highlight of the night so far: Michael's coming out during HoF segment, he's Mr.Wrestlemania without a match. Michaels>all.
windward;3896811 said:
I figured this match would be a prelude to revealing the mystery GM.

Good call on that angle. I hadn't even thought of that. My eyes kind of glaze over when they do that email stuff..it got old a long time ago for me..but you're right. Perfect way to go into that whole story.
Romo 2 Austin;3896821 said:
This mania hasn't really been all that good besides the Rocks opening and the insane joy of watching Del Rio look like a jobber.

Cole/Lawler stuff dragged on way to long.
I think HBK is about to get involved in this match...
windward;3896825 said:
I think HBK is about to get involved in this match...

Would be the highlight of the night, without a doubt. HBK is simply greatness.
Romo 2 Austin;3896821 said:
This mania hasn't really been all that good besides the Rocks opening and the insane joy of watching Del Rio look like a jobber.

Cole/Lawler stuff dragged on way to long.

Anything with Cole and him even being mentioned as wrestling is too long for my taste but they've involved the announcers for years in actual matches so no great surprises.. And much has been made about Lawler being a seasoned veteran and yet never wrestling in WM..so in a weird dumb way it all makes sense that it would go down.

Punk/Orton was excellent work by both guys.....I'll remember that match. Good stuff.
DallasGirl50;3896828 said:
Anything with Cole and him even being mentioned as wrestling is too long for my taste but they've involved the announcers for years in actual matches so no great surprises.. And much has been made about Lawler being a seasoned veteran and yet never wrestling in WM..so in a weird dumb way it all makes sense that it would go down.

Punk/Orton was excellent work by both guys.....I'll remember that match. Good stuff.

Was a good match, but the fact that it'll probably endup being the best in-ring performance of the night is disappointing for a Mania, but without Michael's wrestling there was really no matchup capable of performing at a Match of the year level on the card.
windward;3896829 said:
Nice song, but it seems like an odd intro song.

Heard it for the first time recently, this past week. Was wondering when Undertaker changed music. But it is apt: Ain't no grave can hold my body down.
JR truly is a great announcer compared to everyone else, he is the John Madden of wrestling.
Romo 2 Austin;3896830 said:
Was a good match, but the fact that it'll probably endup being the best in-ring performance of the night is disappointing for a Mania, but without Michael's wrestling there was really no matchup capable of performing at a Match of the year level on the card.

You don't know that yet..more to come. Wait and see...big stuff on right now.
DallasGirl50;3896835 said:
You don't know that yet..more to come. Wait and see...big stuff on right now.

This may endup being a good brawl, but it won't be a great technical match like Michaels.Taker was. Already seeing alot of the bells and whistles being used.

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