WrestleMania Thread.

Lawler and JR on the mics for Undertaker vs. HHH, which is underway. They are outside the ring. HHH into the steel steps. HHH tackles Undertaker in to Cole Mine by the announce table. Both in ring now trading punches.
Phoenix;3896832 said:
Heard it for the first time recently, this past week. Was wondering when Undertaker changed music. But it is apt: Ain't no grave can hold my body down.

Johnny Cash was the best..they've been using that music for a bit now for Taker. Haven't you been watching? :confused:
HHH throws the monitors out of announce table. Gets Taker on top. Taker flips HHH off of table to mat on floor. Both look pretty out of it.
DallasGirl50;3896840 said:
Johnny Cash was the best..they've been using that music for a bit now for Taker. Haven't you been watching? :confused:

Romo 2 Austin;3896837 said:
This may endup being a good brawl, but it won't be a great technical match like Michaels.Taker was. Already seeing alot of the bells and whistles being used.

It's all about the Streak...HHH has never been much other than a brawler. I've read many that say he wrestles too stiff but maybe that's just sour grapes cause he's got the power. Who knows? Taker's best days are behind him but he knows that. He said he'll keep going as long as he can and doesn't embarrass himself. We'll see. He doesn't need to wrestle for money. I like the 20-0 stuff you suggested the other post. Something to shoot for for him.
DallasGirl50;3896844 said:
It's all about the Streak...HHH has never been much other than a brawler. I've read many that say he wrestles too stiff but maybe that's just sour grapes cause he's got the power. Who knows? Taker's best days are behind him but he knows that. He said he'll keep going as long as he can and doesn't embarrass himself. We'll see. He doesn't need to wrestle for money. I like the 20-0 stuff you suggested the other post. Something to shoot for for him.

Michaels v. HHH had some great technical matches, but I think that has more to do with Michaels than HHH lol.
Romo 2 Austin;3896845 said:
Michaels v. HHH had some great technical matches, but I think that has more to do with Michaels than HHH lol.

Shawn owns a wrestling school...HHH/Paul will own WWE one day. I'd rather be Paul. :eek::

I get your drift though....
Taker launches himself over top rope, HHH grabs his head and pounds it on to floor. Taker recovers, pounds HHH....he now removes steel steps, HHH is down on his face...Taker grabs HHH, pounds HHH face first on steel steps. They counter each other...Taker turns and attacks HHH through top of announce table!
HHH puts Taker back in ring. Taker grabs HHH, CHOKE SLAM! Kick out by HHH!
Back and forth in the ring, Taker escapes Pedigree! Spine Buster by HHH! Taker kicks out!
HHH brings metal chair into ring, Taker boot to face! Taker picks up chair, HHH is down in middle of ring. Chair over back! Ouch! HHH kick to stomach...Pedigree! Taker kicks out!!
Both men getting to feet, kind of. Taker very slow. HHH puts Taker on top rope, punching him. Going for suplex. Taker counters! Last Ride for Taker!! two count!
There really pulling out all the spots, they know this match will make or break this mania
Taker makes the cut gesture across throat, drags HHH up, looks to be doing tombstone! Yes! What!!!??? A kickout from a Tombstone!!?? BS!!!!
Taker up, HHH down, Taker picks up and throws down steel chair. Taker grabs HHH, picks him up, HHH counters, and DDTs Taker on to steel chair! Both men down!
Taker and HHH both trying to get up. Chair is still in middle of ring. HHH slyly kicked it aside like nobody noticed...what was that all about?

Both stand courtesy ropes, HHH another pedigree! 2 count!
Both men on knees trying to stand up again. HHH grabs Taker, another Pedigree!!!! The third!! Taker kicks out of THIRD PEDIGREE!! Are you kidding me????? Both men down AGAIN!

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