Wrestling Icon The Ultimate Warrior Dead at 54

Yeah that is true but I will defend the Warrior in that he really didn't have "great" opponents. When he did have "great" opponents like Rude, Hogan and Savage, he looked fairly decent because they wouldn't want to wrestle a guy that wants to go full speed in a match. The issue is that most of the time he had to wrestle people that were as big or bigger than him, and we all know the WWF @ the time didn't have good heel workers @ 300 pounds with the exception of the Big Boss Man. The end result is that he had a lot of short sloppy matches but I can't put all the blame on him.

You're right the quality of opponent wasn't very good (usually). I don't think that even Hogan was a great opponent because he couldn't wrestle a lick. Hogan did much better with guys who could wrestle... but that's how it usually goes.

But that's one factor that makes a wrestler truly great in my book, he ability to make the other guy look good or look better than he actually is or was.

Harley Race had two terrific matches against Superstar Billy Graham, that really were classics because Race was able to work around SBG's limitations in the ring to put together a top-flight match.

The Ultimate Warrior was never, ever going to be able to make another wrestler look better than he actually was... which again is one reason I don't rate him very high overall.
You're right the quality of opponent wasn't very good (usually). I don't think that even Hogan was a great opponent because he couldn't wrestle a lick. Hogan did much better with guys who could wrestle... but that's how it usually goes.

But that's one factor that makes a wrestler truly great in my book, he ability to make the other guy look good or look better than he actually is or was.

Harley Race had two terrific matches against Superstar Billy Graham, that really were classics because Race was able to work around SBG's limitations in the ring to put together a top-flight match.

The Ultimate Warrior was never, ever going to be able to make another wrestler look better than he actually was... which again is one reason I don't rate him very high overall.

How about Bret Hart? Could wrestle people like Kevin Nash or Mr. Perfect to Hakushi.

The steroid thing started before the 80's. Guys like Superstar Graham and Bruiser Brody were doing steroids in the mid-70's... And there were probably guys doing roids before that.

Yeah, but you didn't have the coke flowing like you did in the 80's.

Is Hulk Hogan still wrestling?

I keep seeing his name everywhere. I'm sure he's in his 60's right? Do older guys like him still have matches?

I realize my questions are dumb to you expert fans.
Is Hulk Hogan still wrestling?

I keep seeing his name everywhere. I'm sure he's in his 60's right? Do older guys like him still have matches?

I realize my questions are dumb to you expert fans.

Nah... That's not dumb.

I'm not sure when Hogan's last match was.

But throughout its history wrestling has brought out "living legends" to wrestle matches in their 60's. It's not unusual and has been going on for a long time.
Nah... That's not dumb.

I'm not sure when Hogan's last match was.

But throughout its history wrestling has brought out "living legends" to wrestle matches in their 60's. It's not unusual and has been going on for a long time.

I bet those matches are hard to watch! That would be one "sport" that I would think would be a young guy's game. I know they jump around like stunt guys but there is athleticism involved. My friend was just telling me she went with her husband & she said there was some guy walking upside down! I am trying to picture that!?!?o_O She said she thought he was the bad guy but he was really good.
Bret Hart was a terrific wrestler who would have been a star in any era.

So was Owen Hart and his other brothers. None of them were stars.

It's professional wrestling. You need charisma to be a star and the Ultimate Warrior had it. Despite being a stiff and apparently a real jerk to everyone he worked with.
So was Owen Hart and his other brothers. None of them were stars.

It's professional wrestling. You need charisma to be a star and the Ultimate Warrior had it. Despite being a stiff and apparently a real jerk to everyone he worked with.

Bret Hart was a superstar.
I still loved that match where Honkytonk Man creamed Macho Man with the guitar.

Just read his Raw speech. Its pretty chilling. Its like he was saying his final goodbye. Died a day later.
But throughout its history wrestling has brought out "living legends" to wrestle matches in their 60's. It's not unusual and has been going on for a long time.
Reminds me of watching the UT at WM Sunday night. He was nothing more than a shadow of his former self.
3 days after he was inducted into the WWE HOF and one day after he appeared on Monday Night Raw and he is gone. I saw a video of his speech on Raw and I hate to say it, but I think he probably committed suicide.

I hope not though.

I'm not a wrestling guy, but I watched the video...

The guy was out of breath and sweating during the whole speech... he was already in distress...

He was exhibiting heart problems right there in front of our eyes...

Prayers to the family...
But not because of his wrestling ability.

Bret got over because of his technical skills and ability in the ring. He never had solid mic skills, but was always respected because of his athletic ability.
Bret got over because of his technical skills and ability in the ring. He never had solid mic skills, but was always respected because of his athletic ability.

Bret was a really great in-ring wrestler when he wanted to be. When he became champion he started to slack off and his matches were all very similar....he would get beat down by the heel for 10 minutes, then the heel would miss on a high spot and Bret would perform the '5 moves of doom' (back breaker, 2nd rope elbow, side Russian leg sweep, stomp to the groin and the sharpshooter).

When he wasn't champion, his matches were much more diversified.

It's silly to think that Bret wasn't a superstar of his in-ring work. His entire gimmick was the 'excellence of execution.'

The matches that end the PPV's are the payoffs for the fans. If the payoff is good, then the fans want to come back and see more. That's the issue with wrestlers like Warrior. The payoffs crap out and the fans turn away. Bret had a far longer reign than Warrior and once Warrior became champion he was not drawing well anymore. A big reason why Vince was satisfied with letting him go..

I'm not a wrestling guy, but I watched the video...

The guy was out of breath and sweating during the whole speech... he was already in distress...

He was exhibiting heart problems right there in front of our eyes...

Prayers to the family...

I think that is why some people think he kinda knew, and if you listen to all his speeches, it all kinda makes sense now, why he and WWE made up.
When he wasn't champion, his matches were much more diversified.

This applies to most of the wrestlers seems like, to me anyway. And it makes sense - choreograph choreograph choreograph. Safety safety safety. No real surprises for the opponent you are facing. Just dance the routine and don't miss your cues.

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