Wrestling Icon The Ultimate Warrior Dead at 54

And? I not sure how has anything to do with anything. No one said Lesnar was the greatest legit wrestler all time and I would expect that an Olympic Gold Medalist might just be a little better wrestler than just a National Champion.

Just pointing out that Kurt may well be the greatest actual wrestler to come through Professional Wrestling, that's all. There certainly have been some really good ones, and some haven't even been mentioned yet among all of this. Arn Anderson comes to mind. And Tugboat.
Just pointing out that Kurt may well be the greatest actual wrestler to come through Professional Wrestling, that's all. There certainly have been some really good ones, and some haven't even been mentioned yet among all of this. Arn Anderson comes to mind. And Tugboat.

arn anderson and tully blanchard were really good.
IMO, Lesnar and Angle’s amateur background gave them credibility to their character. This has been common thru the years, particularly in the 70’s and earlier. That’s why Vince Sr. had Backlund as the champ. He was a legit wrestler with legit credentials. Verne Gagne had his own legitimate credentials, so did Lou Thesz, Jack Briscoe, etc.

Back then it was perceived as more important to have a champion with legit credentials. The industry was still very kayfabe. Trying to make people believe it was real. And of course, you would have some yahoo trying to fight your champion if he was at a bar, so you needed a guy to take care of himself. And there was always the fear that another wrestler could fight the champion, break kayfabe and pin the champ (i.e. Moolah and Wendi Richter). So you needed a guy that could protect himself and the promotion from having that happen.

With Angle, his amateur background didn’t quite show up in the ring with his style. But, it was clear from the onset that he wasn’t your typical great amateur wrestler that was slow and plodding around the ring. It was clear that he was a tremendous athlete and could do things so quickly. And with his background, it really added to the character of him being this great athlete that was a legit fighter.

With Lesnar, his size is impressive, but when he goes out to wrestle he makes himself more impressive and intimidating. He can have the very best of a squash match, dominating in a fashion like few do. And with his MMA credentials…it just lends to the character.

Any previous wrestler with a slight bit of age should have just about every heart test and scan done that exists.

Crazy they just keep dropping.
Any previous wrestler with a slight bit of age should have just about every heart test and scan done that exists.

Crazy they just keep dropping.

Its not crazy, its abuse of drugs over the years.
The Rock's father was a fav of mine.... Rocky Johnson!

I used to go see him as a kid wrestle with the Von Erichs at the Sportatorium near downtown Dallas. Going up against Bruiser Brody or the Fabulous Freebirds.
Didn't Dingo Warrior team up with Sting for a while as kind of a Road Warrior style tag team?

After watching "The Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior" many moons ago, it is very hard to take HHH(who did not like Warrior), Stephanie McMahon or anyone else in that family as sincere in this tribute.
After watching "The Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior" many moons ago, it is very hard to take HHH(who did not like Warrior), Stephanie McMahon or anyone else in that family as sincere in this tribute.

Warrior did ask Linda to introduce him at the HOF induction ceremony.
After watching "The Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior" many moons ago, it is very hard to take HHH(who did not like Warrior), Stephanie McMahon or anyone else in that family as sincere in this tribute.

That DVD's goal was to destroy the Ultimate Warrior's image with little evidence, because the WWE wanted to create a Ultimate Warrior collection (which they just did) but Warrior declined. So the WWE buried him.

HHH must not dislike Warrior much because he was the reason why Warrior and the WWE were back on good terms again.
Warrior did ask Linda to introduce him at the HOF induction ceremony.

This is my theory:

Warrior went to a heart doc, they said, we really can't do anything, you have limited time. He starts to make peace with everything/everyone, and part of that was reaching out and having the WWE's owners wife introduce him.

If you watch that DVD, and listen to people like Slaughter and Hogan, they say he would not do shows unless McMahon came up with more money moments before he was going to go out. If I am an owner or a spouse of one, that would always rub me the wrong way, so I really don't believe anything they are trying to spin.

Side note, Stephanie is sooooo annoying with her over acting facial expressions.
That DVD's goal was to destroy the Ultimate Warrior's image with little evidence, because the WWE wanted to create a Ultimate Warrior collection (which they just did) but Warrior declined. So the WWE buried him.

HHH must not dislike Warrior much because he was the reason why Warrior and the WWE were back on good terms again.

$$$$ talks.
Warrior went to a heart doc, they said, we really can't do anything, you have limited time. He starts to make peace with everything/everyone, and part of that was reaching out and having the WWE's owners wife introduce him.

Side note, Stephanie is sooooo annoying with her over acting facial expressions.

I think there is a lot of truth in your first statement. A lot.

I rarely notice Steph's facial expressions. Especially when she is wearing those short skirts.
Yeah, they're great achievements. He's a great wrestler. That's not why he became a star in professional wrestling.

I agree, Kurt is one of those guys who just had it all, knew how to work a crowd, knew how to put on great matches, great mic skills. Always been one of my favorites.

Jericho and Guerrero fit that mold, and round out my top 3.

This was in 2008, and he was huffing and puffing after taking a few steps toward the ring. It doesn't appear, like this heart disease popped up, overnight.

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