WT: Taylor case may change

I was hoping that a little bit of common sense would be applied to my posts. I don't know the cop, I don't know if he's talking about it for sure. I was merely saying that any NORMAL person would talk about a run-in with a celebrity. Especially one with impacts such as this...
zrinkill said:
He will just run away from this post again ......

So you know what I'm going to do then? Since when did YOU know ME??? I don't stereotype cowboy fans, so I expect the same courtesy. I assume if we knew each other in real life, even though you love the cowboys and I love the Skins, that we would extend at least a little bit of respect each others way, so what makes this different???
firehawk350 said:
I was hoping that a little bit of common sense would be applied to my posts.

Cant blame us for that ....... I mean you ARE a Commander fan ..... why on earth would we apply common sense to your post?

just joking :)
firehawk350 said:
So you know what I'm going to do then? Since when did YOU know ME??? I don't stereotype cowboy fans, so I expect the same courtesy. I assume if we knew each other in real life, even though you love the cowboys and I love the Skins, that we would extend at least a little bit of respect each others way, so what makes this different???

uhhhhh I was actualy talking about skinsfan26 ....... why would you assume I was talking about you? Or are you the same person :rolleyes:
And just so we're on the same page, I respect Cowboys fans, as some of the closest people to me happens to be diehard cowboys fans. But I want to point out that you calling Sean Taylor a criminal at this point is wrong. It's unamerican...
zrinkill said:
uhhhhh I was actualy talking about skinsfan26 ....... why would you assume I was talking about you? Or are you the same person :rolleyes:

Oh, my fault dude. I thought you were talking about me. Miscommunication, bad on me.
firehawk350 said:
I don't stereotype cowboy fans, so I expect the same courtesy.

Just thought I'd remind somebody that I'm trying my very hardest to be fair and civil
No prob ..... hopefully you are just a Commander Fan .... and not a troll.

We welcome other teams fans ...... but trolls shall be crushed and used as fertilizer! ;)
zrinkill said:
No prob ..... hopefully you are just a Commander Fan .... and not a troll.

We welcome other teams fans ...... but trolls shall be crushed and used as fertilizer! ;)
Thanks dude. I don't like pissing people off for no good reason. I just don't like the idea of people judging other people before their day in court. I'll be the first to admit that the system doesn't work sometimes, but I like to believe that the truth comes out in the process and the average citizen will be able to make a fair judgment. However, Taylor's day in court hasn't arrived, and calling him a criminal is unfair.
You can call him a dirty player, as that is just an opinion, just like I believe that RWs has mediocre instincts, just physically gifted. Just my personal opinion. And as cowboy fans, I don't expect you to argee with me.
superpunk said:
Try this one....there's some lovely footage of him pulling McNabb down backwards, by the shoulder pads.

And also here...there's a nice mugging of a U. Fla player from back in the day.

There's video proof. I know what I can expect, though....

The tackle on McNabb was perfectly legal as he pulled him down by his shoulders. What a great tackle right at the first down marker.

The tackle against the UF receiver was legal but Sean did grab jersey. I had never seen that one before, still a great play. He hasn't done that as a Commander, and I guess he won't ever with the new rules.
Oh yeah, for the record, I happen to think the same thing about Sean Taylor. An immensely gifted athlete with a mean streak a mile long but just not a great decision maker. He may improve that capability (he's making the offseason workouts, showing his willingness to improve) but then again, he may not (should he be down in florida, getting ready for case??? I don't know, maybe his lawyer can do so without him)
firehawk350 said:
It's a process in the works. Either way, your tension level is rising because you called somebody a liar. You did so forcifully (by capitalizing). So you are getting agitated at the least.

LMAO I called someone a liar because he is lying. The capilazation was the accent the word for you since it seemed you had no idea what was being sai din the thread

However, i don't really care about manipulating you per se, but I was pointing out that things aren't always what they seem. You will see that (it has further implications) as I respond to the rest of your post...

Yet in this case it is just as it seems, he was lying to try and make the plaintiffs of the case look worse than the defendant

First off, I assumed you hated him. Due to the fact you hate the Commanders (again an assumption based on the fact that you love the cowboys) so therefore hated Commanders players. But if I'm wrong, then correct me. So do you hate him?

Such a black and white view you have there. I hate NO person. I especially would not hate a person because of a team he plays on in a sport. I hate the Commanders franchise not their players. Do I wish them great careers? No, but i dont hate them.

He is CHARGED with pulling a gun. If I was a district attorney, I could charge you with conspiracy and sedition right NOW (assumng I knew who you ACTUALLY are). But that's why we have a court system, so these charges can be resolved and investigated. It's unfair for us to make these assumptions based on the fact that he is charged with the crime. If he pleads no contest, guilty or is convicted in spite of his plea, then fine, I'll be right along side you, saying he's a no-good dirtbag until he can prove otherwise.

There are 2 capitalized words in this part so can i assume you are now angry and agitated? Second one of those words you capitalized was CHARGED and if you bothered to read what you quoted I said "2nd He is charged with pulling a gun on someone " So I am trying to figure what "assumption" I made other than the fact that he was charged. But then again hats a fact not assumption. Also can you show me exactloy where i called him a no good dirtbag? I mean not only in this thread but in any thread where I have called him that? If you can not do this i would appreciate you quit trying o put words in my mouth since you are not qualified to speak for me either.

*Yawn* again, you are missing the point of my argument. He heard from somewhere, unless you are saying he fabricated it himself, personally. Who heard it from somewhere, and so on. It hasto have a source. My point being that there is a good chance the source isn't on the internet. For the last time, I'm not debating the existence of the newspaper article. A lot of newspapers (washington post) keeps archives but puts them in password protected areas (as many years of archives are expensive), so that a link is impossible without a password. Do you argee to this, or not?

DING DING DING winner! He fabricated it AKA Lied.

We are not talking old news this happend what 11 months ago? Its not locked up in any password area.

That's the best you have??? Hurry back? I said they exist, but I haven't the time nor the interest to work the situation because it's not that important. But for your edification, the source is a cop, who can look up criminal records. Then I would place a call down to Maimi's DA and find out some the complaining citizen. Give that name back to the cop friend and he can run the criminal record.

Then do it already, otherwise you are just talking. Unless you are actually going to do it, telling us about your cop friends does nothing at all for this conversation. So again either do what you say you can do or shut up about it already.

Sorry, I'm not full up on the case. I happened to be overseas at the time. Either way, the on duty officer, I'm sure, has quite a story. I'm sure he's told somebody.

Again you miss the point even though it has slapped you in the face 3 times. We are not discussing taylor. We are discussing Skins26's lies about the plaintffs (the guys that arent taylor) He states they were arrested, charged, ATVs found and returned, bullets matched etc ec. NONE of this is true.

No, speaking for someone else is implying FACT. I was putting out my view on something. Saying that it was my opinion (I guaranteed it, but I believe from the context, a reasonable person would see that I was putting my view on it). Big difference.

Saying I am just "saying what this person might say" IS speaking for someone. If you are not speaking for them then there is no use in mentioning what they might say.
WoodysGirl said:
Taylor, who turns 23 tomorrow, faces a maximum of 46 years in prison on three felony assault charges and one simple battery count stemming from an incident last June in Miami.

and here I am worrying about a year in jail :eek:
I grow tired of the same old merry-go-round here. Playing word games... So instead, I'll stick to the ideas if you agree to do the same thing.

BigDFan5 said:
LMAO I called someone a liar because he is lying. The capilazation was the accent the word for you since it seemed you had no idea what was being sai din the thread

Fine, I'll call the miscommunication on myself there. My fault dude. Are you happy. I won't just justify my capitalizations as I promised not to play word-games. Carrying on...

BigDFan5 said:
Yet in this case it is just as it seems, he was lying to try and make the plaintiffs of the case look worse than the defendant

he was passing on information he believes to be correct. We can't confirm it, so who are we to say it's incorrect. calling him a liar is baseless. Saying he has no backing to his case, and saying his point of view is meritless, well that's a different story.

BigDFan5 said:
Such a black and white view you have there. I hate NO person. I especially would not hate a person because of a team he plays on in a sport. I hate the Commanders franchise not their players. Do I wish them great careers? No, but i dont hate them.

Fine, I told you to correct me if i was wrong. You did. I was wrong, you don't hate them. So do you hate the idea of the franchise? What about the franchise do you hate anyways? It's so vague... I dislike the Cowboys. I disagree with the management style, some former players and I believe that most cowboys tend to have showboating attitudes (maybe unfair, but I think cowboys and I think Deion, Keyshawn and now TO). I don't like the america's team moniker. So there you go, that's what I don't like about the cowboys, so what don't you like about the skins?
But do you hate Osama Bin Laden? How about Saddam? What about Zarqawi? Not all hate is bad, it can be warranted. But you speak like hate is the worst thing ever. Hate can be motivating...

BigDFan5 said:
There are 2 capitalized words in this part so can i assume you are now angry and agitated? Second one of those words you capitalized was CHARGED and if you bothered to read what you quoted I said "2nd He is charged with pulling a gun on someone " So I am trying to figure what "assumption" I made other than the fact that he was charged. But then again hats a fact not assumption. Also can you show me exactloy where i called him a no good dirtbag? I mean not only in this thread but in any thread where I have called him that? If you can not do this i would appreciate you quit trying o put words in my mouth since you are not qualified to speak for me either.

okay, so you implied it. only 10% of communication is what we say... Either way, here's some examples of where you implied he is a criminal... Skins fan said he thinks Sean Taylor will be acquitted. You said you don't think so. Anyways, I didn't mean to say you SAID he was a no good dirtbag. I was paraphrasing the fact that you don't think highly of Mr Taylor. Thus your position. I was backing you up in the fact that if he turns out to be a "thug", I will back that position (whether you hold it or not) 100%.

BigDFan5 said:
DING DING DING winner! He fabricated it AKA Lied.

We are not talking old news this happend what 11 months ago? Its not locked up in any password area.

In case you didn't know, Washington Post locks up their old articles, I believe (off the top of my head), either 2 months, or 2 weeks after the fact. So in that case, it would be, wouldn't it?

BigDFan5 said:
Then do it already, otherwise you are just talking. Unless you are actually going to do it, telling us about your cop friends does nothing at all for this conversation. So again either do what you say you can do or shut up about it already.

Wow, on your beck and call, I will go ahead and bother many people who have no connection to this argument. Let's assume I did. I called all those people, and got the information. Since it isn't weblinked (the whole point behind my argument to begin with), would you believe me? It's just my word.

BigDFan5 said:
Again you miss the point even though it has slapped you in the face 3 times. We are not discussing taylor. We are discussing Skins26's lies about the plaintffs (the guys that arent taylor) He states they were arrested, charged, ATVs found and returned, bullets matched etc ec. NONE of this is true.

Again, I'm not debating the tenants of the case. I am not debating the tenants of the case. I am not debating the tenants of the case. (They say you understand 40% of what you read the first time, 60% the second time and 90% the third). I am debating the fact that information can be gathered that isn't accessible through the web. And to outright call a man a liar because he can't provide a link is unfair. Do you, or do you not, argee?

BigDFan5 said:
Saying I am just "saying what this person might say" IS speaking for someone. If you are not speaking for them then there is no use in mentioning what they might say.

I didn't quote him. I said (implied using some common sense) that he most likely is telling the story to people. Thus, it is not lunacy to believe the story could be gotten from him. So I'll repeat this twice more, I am not saying that he is telling the story to people, I am not saying he is telling the story to people. I am saying that in most likelihood he is, I am saying in most likelihood he is. Do you get the difference yet?
Either way, it's a small detail. Only a scenario I put out there to support my argument (which is [again] that information gained isn't always through the internet)
SkinsFan26 said:
The tackle on McNabb was perfectly legal as he pulled him down by his shoulders. What a great tackle right at the first down marker.

The tackle against the UF receiver was legal but Sean did grab jersey. I had never seen that one before, still a great play. He hasn't done that as a Commander, and I guess he won't ever with the new rules.

Video evidence, and you roll out the run around.....predictable. No skin off my back. Just thought you might want a chance to live up to your word. But we can obviously see what your word is worth.
firehawk350 said:
In case you didn't know, Washington Post locks up their old articles, I believe (off the top of my head), either 2 months, or 2 weeks after the fact. So in that case, it would be, wouldn't it?

I just pulled an article off there the other day from the day after the Cowboys-Skins Monday nighter. I doubt that's true at all.
SkinsFan26 said:
Get back to me when the case is dismissed in a few days.

It does appear that Taylor's attorney is gonna ask the judge to dismiss the case... but contrary to your ludicrous assertion that the prosecutor will be the one making that request, he was quoted today as being confident that there are no legitimate grounds for a dismissal... it is also being reported that the two sides are indeed in discussions about a possible plea bargain...

IOW, homer, you jumped to the wrong conclusion...


BTW, we're still waiting for some documentation of the bogus claims you've made regarding this subject... you know, about the victims having stolen Taylor's ATVs, and them all having felony records, and them being the ones who did that drive-by... so far, you've been a lot of mouth, but haven't offered jack to back it up...
silverbear said:
Sounds like a plea bargain to me...

And lo and behold, today's Washington Post says that negotiations for a plea bargain are indeed taking place...

It's a curse, being right all the time... :D
I am debating the fact that information can be gathered that isn't accessible through the web. And to outright call a man a liar because he can't provide a link is unfair. Do you, or do you not, argee?
While it is certainly true that information can be gathered from places other than the internet, keep in mind that the "alleged" information is being posted on a internet forum. Your argument if I understand it correctly and I believe that I do is that he could have heard this information from a reliable source and as such it could be true even though the story isn't verifiable through the most widely accepted source in this forum. (Internet Link).

When you accept heresay as fact regardless of the situation your belief in the statement has more to do with your respect or regard of the individual relaying the information. This is true not only on message boards but in your every day life as well. Look at this issue from a cowboys fans perspective: A known fan of the Commanders, who has in previous posts made statements or comments which could not be verified makes a wild series of statements that sheds a different light on a incident involving a star player of his team. Many of the people on this forum would of course be inclined to disbelieve the statements, not because they dislike the player, rather because they distrust the source.

If you want to be taken seriously on an opposing team’s message board then it makes sense to be able to prove your statements. If you cannot prove them either through a verifiable link, a copy of the police report anything, then you have to expect to have some doubt thrown your way.

I could just as easily say

ST wasn't just waving his gun around, he fired 9 shots into a daycare and killed Polly the stuffed rabbit, as well as critically injuring an innocent Raggedy Ann doll who visiting Andy.

Simply saying it doesn't make it true or not. If I was a highly regarded member of this forum with more posts to my credit instead of the once in a blue moon approach I take to message boards as a whole, then many people on this forum would probably accept my statement as gospel without demanding proof of any sort. However, if I posted it on ES it would be dismissed immediately as Cowboy’s homerism and ignored.

Right or wrong, if you are going to make such statements on a opposing teams message boards then you ought to be ready willing and able to defend yourself with more than I heard it from a guy who knows a guy who saw a video of it one sunny afternoon. Otherwise, all you will get is skeptical disbelief. To expect or demand mutual respect is one thing, but to say that he could know somebody with a hookup, so we should believe it is a little hard to swallow.

Ok, I will slide back into the corner and shut my mouth again.

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