You ain't even seen ugly yet!


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Here is just a small place.

The majority of Cowboys fan will take whatever Jerry gives them and do as they are told to do.

Zero fight in this lot.
I mean, fandom isn't about "fight". It's not some manly, puff your chest out thing. No one is cooler or manlier or anything in real life based on their stance on a football team that exists as a luxury spectacle in our society. Being on a fan forum and talking about this stuff ad nauseum may be cathartic, but in the grand scheme of things nothing said here or perspectives fans have will have any influence on Jerry or any decisions made by the Cowboys front office. There's nothing wrong with people trying to find joy and positives in something they are voluntarily a fan of when it's literally impossible to personally affect any change. You are right, this forum is such a small subset of fans compared to Cowboys fandom overall that even if every single member stops buying any Cowboys merch, stops going to games, and takes every opportunity to vocalize hatred for Dak and Jerry we still wouldn't make a dent. That's frankly why I don't get the constant crapping on Dak or anyone. No one is going to change anyone's mind that matters, so all we can really do is hope he improves, hope the team gets lucky and he finally starts playing well against good teams, and that they can finally find the right formula despite the data and odds being stacked against them based on performance thus far. Everything else is just sewing discord amongst one another for no reason.


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
That is a start.

Boo Jones when he is milling around the field before the game.

Boo Jones in his box when the team is UP by two touchdowns.

Boo Jones while he is walking down to meet the team after the game.

Boo Jones when they flash the Cowboys war room during the draft if you are attending.

Boo Jones doing an on-site interview if you happen to be passing by.

Boo Jones at the airport.

Boo Jones at The NFL Honors. Wait. They are cracking jokes in his face there. Never mind.

Boo Jones everywhere and at any time. It is the only way to piss him off.
That and if the press would start asking him some pointed questions about his 25 years of limpness LO. L.


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I'll bet if Dak is extended, there will be another starting QB before he plays out the deal.

So yes, it's going to get ugly.


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Wait until Dak gets extended, throws two (2) picks, and gets bounced early again next January. Everyone here says to those who say they are "done" with this team, "Oh, you will be back, cheering them on again next year." And history dictates they are 99% of the time correct. But for the first time in over two (2) decades, I really think Booger and Chuckles have severely read this fan base wrong. Apathy is real, and it's here!!! Before every season opener, I used to have the first 5 to 6 games memorized....home and away. Haven't done that for years now....why bother. And for the first time ever, I could not be more disinterested in ANY draft talk...seriously, what's the point. Any Cowboy fan with half of a brain can tell where this is headed....again, and again, and again. I love this site too much to quit it, but I seriously just don't give two S's about this organization anymore. And extending Dak will be the tipping point....and that's just not an idle threat.
I am already there. Don't give a bleep about this team anymore. I stick around to watch the train wreck.


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Ya site is fun but it's going to be hard to come here with the same old same old for another 4 years.
If Jerry and Son want to run the franchise to the ground which is what an extension will do sad times are here.
Oh well, it's been 30 years so what's another 10 years on top of that? :facepalm:
Some of us won't have 10 more years..we are the wretched refuse.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I've gone from a hardcore Cowboys lover to just hating the Cowboys. Thanks to that piece of chit QB Prescott.
Funny how different I felt when Rush was the QB rather than imposter Prescott.
Cause at least with Rush I know what I have and Fraudo and Parasite do not come into the equation.
Heck, even the team played all out for Rush as he has very few if any LV bags.
Shame how the Star has been bleeding now for 8 years over this most average talent.
Very frustrating for the ones who can see the negative impact # 4 has produced esp with wasted talented players.
Zeke deserved a better end so did Dez and Coop.
Do they win the division last year if Rush started every game?
YES THEY DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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all i can say is see you next draft we will drafting in the top 15 in 2025 with the all in statement. BS BS BS


Active Member
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I think I'm finally emotionally spent being a Jones-era Cowboys fan. As others have mentioned I too am not that interested in this year's off-season rebuild. I really expect more of the same.
I do love checking into the zone to hear what other Cowboys fans are thinking. I no longer have faith that Bubba and junior can deliver a Super Bowl. They simply run it too much like a family
business for that to happen. And I've realized we're not going to luck into a Super Bowl. There are enough well-managed NFL organizations to make that a remote possibility.

America's Cowboy

Well-Known Member
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I've gone from a hardcore Cowboys lover to just hating the Cowboys. Thanks to that piece of chit QB Prescott.
Go sulk to Romo like in the old official boards. Bonafied fan of the player instead of the team. Some of us saw the red flags from you Romofanatics way back when. Finally, the truth comes out.



Head on over to the Texans! Cowboys don't want or need you. Good riddance!

America's Cowboy

Well-Known Member
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Funny how different I felt when Rush was the QB rather than imposter Prescott.
Cause at least with Rush I know what I have and Fraudo and Parasite do not come into the equation.
Heck, even the team played all out for Rush as he has very few if any LV bags.
Shame how the Star has been bleeding now for 8 years over this most average talent.
Very frustrating for the ones who can see the negative impact # 4 has produced esp with wasted talented players.
Zeke deserved a better end so did Dez and Coop.
Do they win the division last year if Rush started every game?
YES THEY DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shut your filthy traitorous mouth and leave already. You said you were leaving, so get going. Nobody wants to hear another filthy word from you.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Shut your filthy traitorous mouth and leave already. You said you were leaving, so get going. Nobody wants to hear another filthy word from you.
The only thing filthy is that you haven't been banned yet.
Between the HATE mongering and the insults, it leaves one to wonder?
Now kiss your Dak doll and GN bud......

America's Cowboy

Well-Known Member
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The only thing filthy is that you haven't been banned yet.
Between the HATE mongering and the insults, it leaves one to wonder?
Now kiss your Dak doll and GN bud......
You've been hating on these Cowboys, Dak and their supporters for years. You should be the first one to be banned. You're no fan.


Well-Known Member
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Go sulk to Romo like in the old official boards. Bonafied fan of the player instead of the team. Some of us saw the red flags from you Romofanatics way back when. Finally, the truth comes out.



Head on over to the Texans! Cowboys don't want or need you. Good riddance!
At least Romo had an arm and didn't bury a screen pass into the turf because he couldn't get his feet set. Besides I had enough of Romo too. You mention the Texans I hope you realize they have a rising star at QB. Right now I'm just a true fan of the NFL that cheer for all the great QBs and just hate the heck out of imposters like Dak.