Well, I do agree with your premise, but in a couple years, when we might actually field a talented and deep team, Seattle won't be able to afford half the talent they have. They have done it the right way and it got them a Superbowl so I applaud them. I think they are on the build up/tear down/rebuild model though.
You are correct.
Success in the NFL breed salary competitiveness among players and many will seek their fortune elsewhere before long.
Can you see Seattle coming up with enough monies to pay the QB, Chancellor, Big-Mouf Sherman, Lynch, Smith et. al?
Money matters will undo that Seattle teamin 2 years.
Meanwhile, in 2 years, we'll be listening to Romo in a post-game conference tell us that he and the rest of the team must and will do better and they half to improve.
Witten will be too old, Dez out of control, Murray feeling the mold and Lee preaching unity on the sidelines with a leg/arm/neck brace.
Sometime I wish we'd just start from scratch as in Landry's first year or Jimma's first year. At least there was player passion and accountability then.