You Guys Have a Huge Amount of Lots of Work to Do

Vintage;2187376 said:
When they can't attack your football knowledge, they resort to cheap crap.

I get around that by having no football knowledge.
Vintage;2187376 said:
When they can't attack your football knowledge, they resort to cheap crap.

Just let them pontificate over your maxim sized craneal cavity.

Leave Ralph Macchio Alone! Leave him Alone!

Vintage;2187376 said:
When they can't attack your football knowledge, they resort to cheap crap.

Just let them pontificate over your maxim sized craneal cavity.

I do hope his craneal cavity isn't TOO maxim sized, it would make his severe case of craneo-wrectal inverseon incredibly painful...

Hos, can you PLEASE con Leotis into responding to this thread?? A dialogue between these two would be one for the ages...
zrinkill;2187394 said:
Leave Ralph Macchio Alone! Leave him Alone!


One of the world's most underrated thespians... his acting always runs the emotional gamut from a to b...
Pittman4Two;2187359 said:
More criticism about word usage and grammer punctuation.

Less and less football-type argumentatism

LOL... son, if I was you, I'd lose the sig pic... seldom have I seen a bigger DWEEB than you... you must get laid like... like... well, like NEVER...

Maybe it would help if you tried growing a mustache... LOL...
silverbear;2187405 said:
LOL... son, if I was you, I'd lose the sig pic... seldom have I seen a bigger DWEEB than you... you must get laid like... like... well, like NEVER...

Maybe it would help if you tried growing a mustache... LOL...

Good call. I too was under the impression that he was cruising for chicks.
superpunk;2187433 said:
Good call. I too was under the impression that he was cruising for chicks.


What are the rules on the Rick Roll'd you posted in the politics forum? Can it be used by anyone?
TD22, we happen to have two pro bowlers on our team with Garthia and Griese. Jeff is our man.

Silverbear, listen here governor, I'd be more worried about having a cartoon mean looking fake bear for an avatar than I would about my mustache that my lady friends all love.
Pittman4Two;2187466 said:
TD22, we happen to have two pro bowlers on our team with Garthia and Griese. Jeff is our man.

Silverbear, listen here governor, I'd be more worried about having a cartoon mean looking fake bear for an avatar than I would about my mustache that my lady friends all love.

Do you have a blog?
Pittman, please come post on extremeskins again. Haven't seen you there for a while, always a good laugh

And talk about some major ownage. Some people must have not seen your posts before on this site
DallasEast;2187450 said:
You ain't kidding. :D

Sad thing is I think some people are confused about who is "getting it" and who is not.

I have had to tell like 5 people in PM's that I have known since the last time he started a thread.
Pittman4Two;2187359 said:
More criticism about word usage and grammer punctuation.

Less and less football-type argumentatism


I like your bit, man.:D
Pittman4Two;2187466 said:
TD22, we happen to have two pro bowlers on our team with Garthia and Griese. Jeff is our man.

Silverbear, listen here governor, I'd be more worried about having a cartoon mean looking fake bear for an avatar than I would about my mustache that my lady friends all love.

I'm sure you're quite the ladies man, dweeb... :D

Don't go dissin' on my bear, that avatar is legendary... it's also entirely unique, like its owner...
Vintage;2187455 said:

What are the rules on the Rick Roll'd you posted in the politics forum? Can it be used by anyone?
I think it's fair game. Justsayno beat me to it, apparently.
Pittman4Two;2187087 said:
Good morning,

I've just got done analyzating some game film from the Pewter Pirate-sized thrashing of the Miami Dolphins on Saturday. After reading through the rest of the results in the Tampa Tribune, I noticed the Dallas "Super Bowl XXXXIII Champions" Cowboys got destroyed by the San Diego Chargers.

It's tough not to watch HBO on Wednesday nights and not get inundated with all of this Cowboys hoopla and "the best team in the NFC Conference" diet tribe.

Don't get me wrong...I'm not here to bash, yet I'm not here to criticize your team either. The Bucs had their share of mistakes, but this little ol' NFC Southern Champion team had NO penalties...that's right...ZERO!

Here's a list of things I think might have happened and what your team should try to improvise on:

1) Get Brad Johnson more reps - As the case in 2002, Brad needs many snaps to get his head in the game and focus. You see how 2002 turned out.

2) Don't Give in to Terrell Owens (TO) - Gruden knows how to handle superstars like Joey Galloway and Ike Hilliard. You make them feel like part of the team and do not give into their "me first" ideology.

3) Take the Glazer Approach - Jerry needs to take a tip from Joel and Bryan...don't get involved with "high dollar" superstars. They showed last season that a team of above-average NFL League-caliber players and genious coaching is all you need to have success.

So, my friends, there's a couple things the front office could work on to improve the Cowboys.

You guys are on the right track though. Keep in mind, that this is only the first week of preseasonal games. Sure, the Bucs are one game ahead of you already, but there is time to make up some ground.

To put Tampa Bay at #1 in your pre-season power rankings goes to show just how intelligent you are.By the way genius,every team needs alot of work at this stage of the season.
Garcia or Griese makes you a step better than our Cowboys?

By the way, why were the Bucs going after Favre if Garcia is their man?

The closest the Bucs will get to the Super Bowl is when they are playing 8 games in the stadium in which the actual Super Bowl will be played in......

October 26, 2008 ================ a bad day to be a Buc!!!
This brand of humor is well camoflaged in football forums since I see equally stupifying comments made by "serious" people every day,,, :eek:

Good Job! :p:

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