You Might As Well Call The Men In The White Suits


The Duke
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Maybe I talk too much, post too much (this is #60,000), and just believe too much in the Dallas Cowboys. Only a straight jacket is going to help me at this point.

Dallas 24, New York 17.

I know, I honestly do know. We do not have a snowball's chance in hell this game. Our team has played flatter that 4 slashed tires. We can't take the ball away. We can't stop anyone on Special Teams and we've got a noodle armed dinosaur at QB behind an Offensive Line who are playing like they are matadors waving the bull right by.

We're on the road, we're beat up, and we're simply making too many mistakes.

So why am I predicting a victory? You all pretty much know I don't drink. Nyquil doesn't count. I'm not high either. Never have been. Am I out of my friggin' mind? I can't argue that might really be true.

How in the world could we possibly pull out a win versus the team that just about everyone who is an NFL fan thinks is the best team in the league this year. In their house no less?

I can only come up with one reason why I think this. I think the Cowboys have embraced the hatred. Yes folks, I think they are realize the score. I think they see the smear campaigns. I think they know that every media outlet out there wants to read their eulogy, "ashes to ashes, dust to dust." I think they're pissed off.

I think the daily predictions that the end is near have finally had the right effect on the Cowboys players. Instead of looking for a positive thing to say, they're simply talking about doing their jobs. "Next question."

Sunday the bulletin board material predicting the demise of the Dallas Cowboys is going to make Tolstoi envious. It is also going to to ignite the hatred in a team that may be reeling, but is still as talented, if not more talented than any team in the NFL. The Giants are going to believe their own hype and they are going to step onto the field against a team that is ready to reclaim their good name.

How? Damn good question. Let's see if I have any kind of sensible answer. They have 2 weeks to get ready for the Commanders, 2 weeks to recover, 2 weeks to get some key components back, and no time to screw around. They are going to do what the Giants least expect them to do. They are going to attack like Eli stole something from us.

They are going to try and knock the taste right out of his mouth. You're going to see Eli on the sidelines frantically searching for something. He's going to be looking for the phone that is ringing in his ears from getting his bell rung.

Am I out of my ever loving mind? Probably. If you think so, go ahead and call the guys in the white suits. Tell 'em I wear a size 56 coat and that they will need a bite stick. I hope the padded walls are comfortable. If nothing else can someone arrange to put some Giants fatheads all over the walls of my padded cell. If the Cowboys won't hit Brandon Jacobs hard enough I'll at least pretend that I can show them how it is done.

If this is dementia, it isn't as bad as people say it is. 6-3 here we come.



Messenger to the football Gods
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Dude. You won't believe this, the pool at work I chose not to pick any other games. Slammed down my cash, highlighted and circled the Dallas/Giants game with the same score. We're on to something here.

Great post, Hos. Didn't mean to go off topic.


Vet Min Plus
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16-14 Dallas with Brooks starting.
38-10 Giants the other guy...


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Well, my amigo buddy, perhaps you should start drinking? :laugh2:

I just don't have any faith AT ALL in Brad...none what-so-ever. With the Giant's pass rush Johnson is going to be in big trouble.

When he came out and said that he was "jacked up" at the beginning of the last is he going to feel this time up in NY?

Anyway, I plan on drinking my share and yours, too, this coming Sunday, just so I can think about it, laugh about it, cry about, then forget about it!!

Giants 23 - Boyz 13 (maybe}...


The Chairman
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buy a dos equis six pack.

you will never regret it.


Well-Known Member
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that's a great post, # 60,000 no less. i get the same feeling about the team being pissed. playing in new york is always tough and being as decimated as we are will be even tougher. however i beleive the team will rally and pound the giants. there so much at stake and they know it. we are getting some people back from injury at the right time. me thinks that we are almost out of the woods. the only handicap we got is the qb. if we can somehow win in spite the qb i believe we can do it. the giants have been running their mouth all week long. they think they can just show up. if so they're in for a big surprise.


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Hostile;2387826 said:
Maybe I talk too much, post too much (this is #60,000), and just believe too much in the Dallas Cowboys. Only a straight jacket is going to help me at this point.

Dallas 24, New York 17.

I know, I honestly do know. We do not have a snowball's chance in hell this game. Our team has played flatter that 4 slashed tires. We can't take the ball away. We can't stop anyone on Special Teams and we've got a noodle armed dinosaur at QB behind an Offensive Line who are playing like they are matadors waving the bull right by.

We're on the road, we're beat up, and we're simply making too many mistakes.

So why am I predicting a victory? You all pretty much know I don't drink. Nyquil doesn't count. I'm not high either. Never have been. Am I out of my friggin' mind? I can't argue that might really be true.

How in the world could we possibly pull out a win versus the team that just about everyone who is an NFL fan thinks is the best team in the league this year. In their house no less?

I can only come up with one reason why I think this. I think the Cowboys have embraced the hatred. Yes folks, I think they are realize the score. I think they see the smear campaigns. I think they know that every media outlet out there wants to read their eulogy, "ashes to ashes, dust to dust." I think they're pissed off.

I think the daily predictions that the end is near have finally had the right effect on the Cowboys players. Instead of looking for a positive thing to say, they're simply talking about doing their jobs. "Next question."

Sunday the bulletin board material predicting the demise of the Dallas Cowboys is going to make Tolstoi envious. It is also going to to ignite the hatred in a team that may be reeling, but is still as talented, if not more talented than any team in the NFL. The Giants are going to believe their own hype and they are going to step onto the field against a team that is ready to reclaim their good name.

How? Damn good question. Let's see if I have any kind of sensible answer. They have 2 weeks to get ready for the Commanders, 2 weeks to recover, 2 weeks to get some key components back, and no time to screw around. They are going to do what the Giants least expect them to do. They are going to attack like Eli stole something from us.

They are going to try and knock the taste right out of his mouth. You're going to see Eli on the sidelines frantically searching for something. He's going to be looking for the phone that is ringing in his ears from getting his bell rung.

Am I out of my ever loving mind? Probably. If you think so, go ahead and call the guys in the white suits. Tell 'em I wear a size 56 coat and that they will need a bite stick. I hope the padded walls are comfortable. If nothing else can someone arrange to put some Giants fatheads all over the walls of my padded cell. If the Cowboys won't hit Brandon Jacobs hard enough I'll at least pretend that I can show them how it is done.

If this is dementia, it isn't as bad as people say it is. 6-3 here we come.



I don't think you're crazy I feel the same way!!!!!!1

Congrats on 60k


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We wear the same coat size Hos. They may as well taylor two of those jackets. And while they are at it, put a few Eagles fatheads on the walls as well.


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STAR GAZER;2387858 said:
We wear the same coat size Hos. They may as well taylor two of those jackets. And while they are at it, put a few Eagles fatheads on the walls as well.



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ThreeSportStar80;2387897 said:
Dallas will get beat down Sunday... Johnson is horrible, I'm sorry.

I disagree Eli Manning will get beat down and throw at least 3 INT's and fumble twice.


New Member
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make it three jackets and add some Commanders fatheads..this is it. there's no guarantees we'll be healthy come dec and january. This is where our defense shows determination, and pure nastyness. Call me optimistic but i see Marion Barber playing smash mouth football, zach thomas rallying the D, and mark colombo holding the fort. We will not retreat, we will not give up, we WiLL be victorious.


Jesus is Lord
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Last year the Giants biggest game IMO was the Commanders game where they stop the Commanders on the goal line and won the game.

The equivalent for the Cowboys this year will be the Tampa game, this Sunday we should see a fired up team ready to kick some ***.

Go Cowboys.


Reaction score
Well Hos my brother, it doesn't cost me anything to predict a win as well so here goes: Cowboys 27 - Giants 24 in OT.

And... They're coming to take me away ha ha, they're coming to take me away ho ho he he ha ha. To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time, and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats, and they're coming to take me awaaaaay ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

:abuseme: :rake: :bounce: :dance2: :insane: :mchammer:


Well-Known Member
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THUMPER;2387966 said:
Well Hos my brother, it doesn't cost me anything to predict a win as well so here goes: Cowboys 27 - Giants 24 in OT.

And... They're coming to take me away ha ha, they're coming to take me away ho ho he he ha ha. To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time, and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats, and they're coming to take me awaaaaay ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

:abuseme: :rake: :bounce: :dance2: :insane: :mchammer:

That song of decades ago is so apropos for this thread and sums up the fan's angst for this game against the Giants Sunday. That song by Napoleon XIV is nothing short of frivolic genius and catchy as hell to the point it is disturbing. I wouldn't want to be drunk or stoned listening to that song it is that potent, lol. I believe you can hear and see the original artist a.k.a Jerry Samuels on YouTube.

Another one that used to cracketh me up some was Ah Shaddupa Your Face. That might be appropriate for this game as well, lol. What'a a matter u, gotta no respect....ahh shaddupa your face....Joe Dolce, I think.


Red, White and Brew...
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The defense and special teams will have to play the game of their lives in order for us to even have a remote chance of winning this game.

We are just too beat up with injuries.

Apollo Creed

Stackin and Processin, Well
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We are going to need a TD from the D or special teams, unless Barber goes off I can't see us scoring 24 without some help.