You Might As Well Call The Men In The White Suits


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Hostile;2387826 said:
Maybe I talk too much, post too much (this is #60,000), and just believe too much in the Dallas Cowboys. Only a straight jacket is going to help me at this point.

Dallas 24, New York 17.

I know, I honestly do know. We do not have a snowball's chance in hell this game. Our team has played flatter that 4 slashed tires. We can't take the ball away. We can't stop anyone on Special Teams and we've got a noodle armed dinosaur at QB behind an Offensive Line who are playing like they are matadors waving the bull right by.

We're on the road, we're beat up, and we're simply making too many mistakes.

So why am I predicting a victory? You all pretty much know I don't drink. Nyquil doesn't count. I'm not high either. Never have been. Am I out of my friggin' mind? I can't argue that might really be true.

How in the world could we possibly pull out a win versus the team that just about everyone who is an NFL fan thinks is the best team in the league this year. In their house no less?

I can only come up with one reason why I think this. I think the Cowboys have embraced the hatred. Yes folks, I think they are realize the score. I think they see the smear campaigns. I think they know that every media outlet out there wants to read their eulogy, "ashes to ashes, dust to dust." I think they're pissed off.

I think the daily predictions that the end is near have finally had the right effect on the Cowboys players. Instead of looking for a positive thing to say, they're simply talking about doing their jobs. "Next question."

Sunday the bulletin board material predicting the demise of the Dallas Cowboys is going to make Tolstoi envious. It is also going to to ignite the hatred in a team that may be reeling, but is still as talented, if not more talented than any team in the NFL. The Giants are going to believe their own hype and they are going to step onto the field against a team that is ready to reclaim their good name.

How? Damn good question. Let's see if I have any kind of sensible answer. They have 2 weeks to get ready for the Commanders, 2 weeks to recover, 2 weeks to get some key components back, and no time to screw around. They are going to do what the Giants least expect them to do. They are going to attack like Eli stole something from us.

They are going to try and knock the taste right out of his mouth. You're going to see Eli on the sidelines frantically searching for something. He's going to be looking for the phone that is ringing in his ears from getting his bell rung.

Am I out of my ever loving mind? Probably. If you think so, go ahead and call the guys in the white suits. Tell 'em I wear a size 56 coat and that they will need a bite stick. I hope the padded walls are comfortable. If nothing else can someone arrange to put some Giants fatheads all over the walls of my padded cell. If the Cowboys won't hit Brandon Jacobs hard enough I'll at least pretend that I can show them how it is done.

If this is dementia, it isn't as bad as people say it is. 6-3 here we come.


The Giants were lucky to win last week against the beat up Steelers. The Giants looked like absolute crap, they're not that good. This will be a close game. Cowboys 17 - 14.


Kane Ala
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There is no way to predict this game. I think we're fine on defense. Offense and STs are the problem. STs just have to play. They're just not blocking and tackling well. The offense will go as far as Johnson and the OL take it. We need a short field via STs and turnovers.


Well-Known Member
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Hos, I think you're crazy ... but I hope you're right.


Put Pearson in the HOF
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I've said it many times: if we don't turn the ball over we win.

Dallas- 20


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
jimmy40;2388020 said:
The Giants were lucky to win last week against the beat up Steelers. The Giants looked like absolute crap, they're not that good. This will be a close game. Cowboys 17 - 14.

The Giants have been lucky to win quite a few games, but fans and media only apply that logic to Dallas. We're the only team where a win isn't a win unless it's a blowout. In reality, the Giants can be had. Yes, even by a banged up team with a noodle arm quarterback. The Giants just haven't impressed me. There's no reason for the Cowboys to be scared or worried. I keep saying it and I'll say it again, the Cowboys have nothing to lose but the game itself.

The defense has to dominate and the special teams has to be adequate with no mistakes. The offense has to do what it did last week with a few more completions to wide open guys, obviously. As much as I have ragged on Johnson, I do think his timing with the receivers will be better. And the O-line will give him time to do what needs to be done, NYG pass rush be damned.


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Man, I hope your right.

I just dont see it though. Last weeks game was great. It was the kind of game I enjoy for the most part.

But I dont think our defense turned any corners. I think we played a qb who didnt look much better than brad johnson and who refused to throw the ball down the field.

That is not the case with NY. I think I am right when I say they have scored on their opening drive in 4 straight games on us. The giants love to run vertical routes. It seems there are at least two guys going vertical in every passing play they run. That is where the ball will go this week. Right over the top.

I think they jump on us early and force johnson to take chances he didnt last week. And we know how that will turn out.

The giants M.O. against us has been throw deep early and then pound the ball. If we give up a deep ball early and the safeties have to stay back and be leery of that, I see our front 7 getting run over.

I hope we win obviously but this has all the makings of a statement game for the giants. The team they are obsessed with in their building, limping in. And with the whole country watching and waiting for Dallas to get blown out and beat up I cant see the giants not delivering.

My hope is that we fight hard to the end no matter the score so they know that in a month when we see them again the guys will have confidence.

This may not be our last trip up there so The giants might want to watch their mouths and their taunting sunday.


Double Trouble
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We're not winning. Thinking we are is just fanciful homerism.

30-10, Giants.

I'll gladly eat crow next week, but the Cowboys chances are no better than Ohio State in a BCS game against USC or an SEC team.


1st Round Pick
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Why oh why is Brad Johnson still here. :bang2:

We would have a chance with just about anyone else that knows the game and still has SOME Physical abilities vs a guy who has NO physical abilities.


Active Member
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Nice Post Hos,

I wish I had the same feelings....but Brad Johnson at QB has made me pick the Giants in this game....I have never circled the opposing team to win in all the football pools I have played in my life...but this week I choose the Giants......

Its Brad Johnson.....I have no faith whatsoever in him.....nada. I think he is the worst QB playing in the league by far.

The Giants will stack the run and play tight man.....Johnson wont throw the Ball past 10 yrds and the reason is .......he cant.....not with any accuracy.

The Offense will have alot of 3 and outs and the defense may start off like a beast but by the 2nd half they will be worn out.

24-6 if Brad plays the majority of the game :(



America's Team
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good post Hostile, I would like to wish for once we could overacheive sunday. I thought all week how if the rolls were reversed how the Giants would win in this situation

that being said we keep it close somehow and loose a close one,unless of course Johnson finds the foutine of youth today.


The Duke
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Look, I agree with those who think I am nuts to post this. I was asked yesterday what I was feeling about this game. I said, "dread." I wasn't kidding.

Listen to the end of dcfanatic's radio show where we give our predictions. I gave this score if the Cowboys attack like I am prescribing. If we don't I predicted a very ugly score the other way.

You're more than welcome to think I am nuts and call the men in the white suits. I probably am.

Go ahead and put me in a round room and tell me to pee in the corner. I couldn't be more confused than I already am. Thumper shared the song. Others share my madness.


Well-Known Member
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I think people overestimate the Giants. They're not that much better than the Bucs. If Brad can just put forth a decent effort then there is a good chance at winning. Brad had some good plays in the preseason, so he can sometimes throw the ball well. Hopefully the 3rd time's the charm. The defense needs to play well of course, but Eli has been pretty bad when I have seen him this year.

I'm not overly confident, and certainly think it's an uphill battle, but this team still has a ton of talent, even with the injuries. For some reason I just have that feeling that all will be well after Sunday.


Mick Green 58
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We are not going to win this game with Brad Johnson or Brooks Bollinger as our Quarterback.

The defense will have to play a perfect game and the Giants will have to shoot themselves in the foot like Tampa Bay did last week on several occassions.

5-4 here we come.


Well-Known Member
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Well Hos, I hope the padded room is big enough to accomodate a few of us. I have been having the same feeling about this game.

Right now, I see the Cowboys as a wounded animal that has it's back against the wall, not padded i might add. The adversity they have been experiencing might be just what the doctors ordred. They are learning to fight and win ugly when things go as unplanned.

Here is one of my favorite quotes of all times, which i think is so fitting to where this team is now.

“The fire of adversity will melt you like butter, or temper you like steel. The choice is yours.”

BTW, i would rather have Brad than Bollinger for this game. The old man has been protecting the ball well so far and that is exactly what we need. On offense, we need to control the ball, no turnovers. We need to get rid of the ball quickly to avoid the sacks, which means short passes, the only thing Brad is capable of doing really.

On defense, pressure, pressure, pressure.


Well-Known Member
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Good post Hos. Hope you're right. I wouldn't be surprised if Dallas did pull this off.

Any given Sunday right?


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Very deceptive thread title. I thought it referenced Good Humor Men.



...Abbey someone
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It's a shame when something like this happens to such a young, bright man.

:eek: :)


Vet Min Plus
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I just woke from a dream and we were winning 38-3 in the 4rth.:laugh2: