You Might As Well Call The Men In The White Suits


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I've got the same faith with you Hos. I think we've got a real shot in this one, despite everyone and their sisters writing us off.


Pom Pom Waving Shill
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21 - 14, would be more believable. I don't think they let the defense line up in field goal formation very often...


Well-Known Member
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Hostile;2387826 said:
Maybe I talk too much, post too much (this is #60,000), and just believe too much in the Dallas Cowboys. Only a straight jacket is going to help me at this point.

Dallas 24, New York 17.

I know, I honestly do know. We do not have a snowball's chance in hell this game. Our team has played flatter that 4 slashed tires. We can't take the ball away. We can't stop anyone on Special Teams and we've got a noodle armed dinosaur at QB behind an Offensive Line who are playing like they are matadors waving the bull right by.

We're on the road, we're beat up, and we're simply making too many mistakes.

So why am I predicting a victory? You all pretty much know I don't drink. Nyquil doesn't count. I'm not high either. Never have been. Am I out of my friggin' mind? I can't argue that might really be true.

How in the world could we possibly pull out a win versus the team that just about everyone who is an NFL fan thinks is the best team in the league this year. In their house no less?

I can only come up with one reason why I think this. I think the Cowboys have embraced the hatred. Yes folks, I think they are realize the score. I think they see the smear campaigns. I think they know that every media outlet out there wants to read their eulogy, "ashes to ashes, dust to dust." I think they're pissed off.

I think the daily predictions that the end is near have finally had the right effect on the Cowboys players. Instead of looking for a positive thing to say, they're simply talking about doing their jobs. "Next question."

Sunday the bulletin board material predicting the demise of the Dallas Cowboys is going to make Tolstoi envious. It is also going to to ignite the hatred in a team that may be reeling, but is still as talented, if not more talented than any team in the NFL. The Giants are going to believe their own hype and they are going to step onto the field against a team that is ready to reclaim their good name.

How? Damn good question. Let's see if I have any kind of sensible answer. They have 2 weeks to get ready for the Commanders, 2 weeks to recover, 2 weeks to get some key components back, and no time to screw around. They are going to do what the Giants least expect them to do. They are going to attack like Eli stole something from us.

They are going to try and knock the taste right out of his mouth. You're going to see Eli on the sidelines frantically searching for something. He's going to be looking for the phone that is ringing in his ears from getting his bell rung.

Am I out of my ever loving mind? Probably. If you think so, go ahead and call the guys in the white suits. Tell 'em I wear a size 56 coat and that they will need a bite stick. I hope the padded walls are comfortable. If nothing else can someone arrange to put some Giants fatheads all over the walls of my padded cell. If the Cowboys won't hit Brandon Jacobs hard enough I'll at least pretend that I can show them how it is done.

If this is dementia, it isn't as bad as people say it is. 6-3 here we come.


I feel the same way.


The Duke
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BraveHeartFan;2388598 said:
I've got the same faith with you Hos. I think we've got a real shot in this one, despite everyone and their sisters writing us off.
I don't know if I have faith so much as I think I've lost my mind.

Reverse the roles. We are at home. They are struggling. They are beat up.

Then I would have faith.

Maybe it's a gut feeling. Maybe it's gas. :omg:


Messenger to the football Gods
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M'Kevon;2388513 said:
Suit me up with a 42L, extra long sleeves. I'm with you, brother.

Sorry, pal. One size fits all..............


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well in the spirit of hope. here is the ending of the video I made in the spring, the 07 year in review video.



Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Hostile;2387826 said:
Maybe I talk too much, post too much (this is #60,000), and just believe too much in the Dallas Cowboys. Only a straight jacket is going to help me at this point.

Dallas 24, New York 17.

I know, I honestly do know. We do not have a snowball's chance in hell this game. Our team has played flatter that 4 slashed tires. We can't take the ball away. We can't stop anyone on Special Teams and we've got a noodle armed dinosaur at QB behind an Offensive Line who are playing like they are matadors waving the bull right by.

We're on the road, we're beat up, and we're simply making too many mistakes.

So why am I predicting a victory? You all pretty much know I don't drink. Nyquil doesn't count. I'm not high either. Never have been. Am I out of my friggin' mind? I can't argue that might really be true.

How in the world could we possibly pull out a win versus the team that just about everyone who is an NFL fan thinks is the best team in the league this year. In their house no less?

I can only come up with one reason why I think this. I think the Cowboys have embraced the hatred. Yes folks, I think they are realize the score. I think they see the smear campaigns. I think they know that every media outlet out there wants to read their eulogy, "ashes to ashes, dust to dust." I think they're pissed off.

I think the daily predictions that the end is near have finally had the right effect on the Cowboys players. Instead of looking for a positive thing to say, they're simply talking about doing their jobs. "Next question."

Sunday the bulletin board material predicting the demise of the Dallas Cowboys is going to make Tolstoi envious. It is also going to to ignite the hatred in a team that may be reeling, but is still as talented, if not more talented than any team in the NFL. The Giants are going to believe their own hype and they are going to step onto the field against a team that is ready to reclaim their good name.

How? Damn good question. Let's see if I have any kind of sensible answer. They have 2 weeks to get ready for the Commanders, 2 weeks to recover, 2 weeks to get some key components back, and no time to screw around. They are going to do what the Giants least expect them to do. They are going to attack like Eli stole something from us.

They are going to try and knock the taste right out of his mouth. You're going to see Eli on the sidelines frantically searching for something. He's going to be looking for the phone that is ringing in his ears from getting his bell rung.

Am I out of my ever loving mind? Probably. If you think so, go ahead and call the guys in the white suits. Tell 'em I wear a size 56 coat and that they will need a bite stick. I hope the padded walls are comfortable. If nothing else can someone arrange to put some Giants fatheads all over the walls of my padded cell. If the Cowboys won't hit Brandon Jacobs hard enough I'll at least pretend that I can show them how it is done.

If this is dementia, it isn't as bad as people say it is. 6-3 here we come.


You're certifiable, Hos...

Apparently, so am I... :D


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Boyzmamacita;2388551 said:
You always have a shot. That's why you play the game.

You are right of course, there is always a chance. I'm not trying to be Eeyore, but there are a number of reasons why I am (along with the pundits) so doubtful the Cowboys will 'rise up' and smite the Giants.

Injuries, sloppy play, bizarre game plans, poor execution....the list goes on and the things I mention don't even touch on the Giants play. I really hope we see an energized and focused Cowboys team today. Frankly, unless we do, everyone's worst fears will be realized and we'll get blown out.

Today's game strikes me as one where the Cowboys have to do the great majority of things well, and then hope the Giants do some things wrong. I think it is quite possible the Giants do some things wrong. Until I see more, I find myself doubting the ability of this Cowboys team to stay focused.

Like I said, I want to be wrong here. I hope I come back to this thread and tell everyone here how insightful and brilliant y'all are. :)
We'll see.


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HoosierCowboy;2388039 said:
I've said it many times: if we don't turn the ball over we win.

Dallas- 20

You are correct only in terms of one of the key playing aspects. The defense has to play fundamentally sound and bring pressure. The Oline has to contain their defensive front. Our running game needs to get on track and Johnson has to be able to throw effectively deep. While we are at it our special teams has to be competent.

Now that is basic competitive football but is particularly applicable against the Giants team.


Well-Known Member
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Hostile;2388730 said:
I don't know if I have faith so much as I think I've lost my mind.

Reverse the roles. We are at home. They are struggling. They are beat up.

Then I would have faith.

Maybe it's a gut feeling. Maybe it's gas. :omg:

It's the gas of hope. If we assume we are back on track with the defense then we will be challenged beating the Giants with Brad Johnson, our Oline and special teams. When the Giants overload, our Oline really struggles even moreso than most lines.

At least with Romo in there we would have a fighting chance. But even with Romo-sono-bono, I will never forget how we starting collapsing against the Giants in the second half of that playoff game. That was sobering and after the game for me it was "drunkering." I also feel like our special teams is still very unpredictable and a huge liability against the better teams.

There is always the possibility of emotionally and vigorously rising to the occasion. No doubt we will play with passion and purpose but will it be enough? Our offensive go to guy or relief valve has always been Witten. Even if he makes himself available he will be limited because of his rib injury.

You can't easily replace a guy who also blocks so well and is so clutch catching the ball in the middle. We are fortunate to have Bennett, he is developing into a good blocker but does he or Curtis for that matter have the stones to go across the middle.

If we can run productively and throw deep once in a while we may just pull this off. Maybe Johnson, sick and tired of hearing his limitations, maybe he will re-animate.

If we somehow win this game or play extremely well in a loss, it will be a huge confidence builder as far as the rest of the season. If we beat the Giants I would say it will be the most meaningful game and spectacular victory of a regular season since the glory days of the 90's.


Well-Known Member
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Gimme a defensive td, a special teams td, (i know, a what??) Barber busting a 50 yarder, and one decent throw by BJ and i could see us winning.


Negativity King
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Testing the limits of the Homer meter......

This thread is off the scale.

Sorry, we lose. :(


Injured Reserve
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Even with all the injuries, we are still more talented than the Bengals, and they almost beat the Giants. We will be fine defensively with Wade calling the plays.

The only thing that concerns me is the pass rush of the Giants and the complete lack of skills of Brad Johnson. If we don't turn the ball over, keep mental mistakes to a minimum, and not dig ourselves into an early hole, I think we stand a good chance. Remember, this is the same team that was stomped by the Browns.


Messenger to the football Gods
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lcharles;2389335 said:
Testing the limits of the Homer meter......

This thread is off the scale.

Sorry, we lose. :(

Homerism? "A ***?" vortex. That's more like it......................


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Yeah there is a chance that we come away with a win here....

BUT... against a team that we may see 2 more times this year... I can let this one go.... the 2nd game and maybe a playoff games are the ones I want.

Thats just me...


Have a Good Day Pilgrims
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Trap Game + Overconfidence = Loss For The G Men.



The Duke
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silverbear;2389216 said:
You're certifiable, Hos...

Apparently, so am I... :D
Up until now I had worried. Now I at least know there's a McMurphy to distract Nurse Ratched.

Apollo Creed

Stackin and Processin, Well
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If our defense keeps us in the game, I have a feeling we'll find a way to steal one.

If they fold and start pointing at each other as usual, then we'll get rolled to the tune of 24-10.

Marion Barber's line better read 27 carries, 154 yards, 2 TDs 5 receptions, 45 yards 1 TD.

We've got to ride 24 today if we have a chance. They are going to be teeing off on BJ.


Well-Known Member
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They need to have Johnson either out of the shotgun or just 3 step drops and throw it on his passes. If they drop him back 7 yards and let him check all his reads he's gonna get killed today.
If they can get TO or RW on some quick slants maybe they can break a tackle and score. Also screens, but geez, BJ couldnt even throw a decent screen pass last week.
And sorry off topic, how in the #### does that Longhorn defender not intercept that pass at the end of last nights game. :bang2:

Apollo Creed

Stackin and Processin, Well
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We had a lot of receivers open in the Bucs game. Several guys streaking down the seam for six. If the Giants bring as much pressure as we all know they are going to bring, we will have those same opportunities.