Your Favorite Commander Mistakes

riggo;1438246 said:
i dont think so. his first post was quite serious and almost lucid.

That's what he does. He lures you with logic and reason, then just keeps you dancing to his tune as long as he feels the need to

It's really funny when it isnt happening to me :laugh2:
Favorite mistake would be Danny boy buying the Commanders in the first place!!!!!!! :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:
I don't know about favorite, but I'm sure as heck glad that they passed on Demarcus Ware and Shawn Merriman. Rogers is a good CB but I certainly don't fear him, It would sicken me to see a young dominant QB killer on the skins like Ware or Merriman.
riggo;1438234 said:
alright. you've officially gone insane.

trung didnt work out. i said it three (3) times now. what question are you talking about?

and as far as davis, check out his page.

1 good season. you're saying the skins should have kept him, regardless of salary, for 1 more year? or are we saying salary is irrelevant. either way, the guy had one year left.

a bit of a stretch to call that a bad move. in fact, it's generally considered a good move to get rid of a player- due a ton of money- who goes on to play one more meaningful season.
What you don't understand Riggo, is a little game called cause and effect.

Now, you guys are always saying you don't have salary cap issues, but you do. You've just acknowledged it. Or can you not see it? You couldn't restructure Davis' deal, so you had to get rid of him. The question I asked and you seem to not be able to answer is about keeping him would you have been better in 2003?

You see, for you, it's about Trung Canidate and him alone. Hey I get that. 1 rushing TD by your lead RB is not much to smile about. I tried to tell several of your fans when it went down. Your better move was to hang onto Davis. But you couldn't. Not wouldn't. Couldn't.

What happened because of it? Well let's see, 6 different QBs threw passes for you in 2003 and you fell from 7-9 to 5-11. That's called a cause and effect. You see, Art was telling me it was addition by subtraction and you have basically ratified that theory. The only problem is, it's wrong. it was subtraction by subtraction.

Please don't try and tell me that Davis' injury in 2004 was forseeable. I'm not stupid. Okay? So while you sit there and chirp one more good year at least have the huevos to admit what caused only one more good year.

So, let's continue with the lesson (cause and effect) shall we? 2003 your running game sucked. Have to fix it for 2004. How did you fix it? Through the Draft? No, you traded for Clinton Portis and made him the highest paid RB in the league. But that wasn't the only price you paid now was it? Come on. It also cost you the top CB on your team and a 2nd round Draft pick. A RB you could have targeted in that draft was Stephen Jackson. Let's look at Jackson side by side with Portis. Virtually dead even in yards and TDs, but he didn't cost a top CB and 50 million dollars. Who has more upside? Who would you gamble on right now for the future? Even without the shoulder injury for Portis I'd take Jackson.

These are called ripples. It's like when you drop a pebble in the water. Just a splash and the pebble is gone, but the ripples go on and on and on. In effect you were still paying for not being able to keep Davis.

So you lost out on Bailey. Got to replace him. In order to do that must sacrifice Arrington. So now let's reach in the Draft, make another bad trade and take McIntosh. But don't play McIntosh.

Do you see what I'm getting at Riggo? Your team is acting like the Little Dutch Boy who plugs the dike with his finger and more and more holes keep popping up and you're running out of fingers. Color it any way you want to. Try and justify it until you really are burgandy. It's still plugging one hole and thinking that the other one that opens up isn't going to be an issue. Then when it is an issue, simply do it again.

Portis gets hurt, waste 2 draft picks on Duckett. You may only see the Portis injury Riggo. I don't. I see Trung Canidate and this silly addition by subtraction theory.

It's a good thing for you you're not a fish. They're dangling a worm on a hook in front of you buddy.

Psst...don't eat the worm. Not even when I make it obvious that's what I'm baiting you to do. Hook, line, and sinker Riggo. You just got reeled in.

I finished reading that post and heard the Monday Night Football theme in my head.
HeavyHitta31;1438249 said:
That's what he does. He lures you with logic and reason, then just keeps you dancing to his tune as long as he feels the need to

It's really funny when it isnt happening to me :laugh2:
Tattle tale.
Hostile;1438402 said:
Please don't try and tell me that Davis' injury in 2004 was forseeable. I'm not stupid. Okay? So while you sit there and chirp one more good year at least have the huevos to admit what caused only one more good year.
He was having knee problems and hurt his shoulder his last year as a Skin. His health was a frequent discussion topic among Skin and Panther fans at the time.
fanfromvirginia;1437631 said:
Speaking of Herr Art, I've gotta go look for that post someone pulled up a few days ago lauding the signings of Lloyd, Carter, Randle-El and Archuleta. That was fantastic.

I'd like to read that myself... but don't be disrespectful, refer to Art by his proper title-- Herr Ubersturmfuehrer Art...

His sig should read "Zieg heil, y'all"...
fanfromvirginia;1437760 said:
Leotis in my thread!!!

Leotis is a comic genius... if I TRIED to fracture the English language the way he does, I couldn't do it...

He just might be the black Norm Crosby, at the highest pinochile of his game... :D
theebs;1437867 said:
This art guy on extremeskins must be a riot to talk to.

Please give me more, I just am eating this stuff up so much.

OK, here's my favorite Art moment-- it was draft weekend, two or three years back... the ES board was jumping, just like all football message boards jump that weekend... there was a good deal of debate over the merits of some pick, and Art got impatient with some poster posting what he considered to be disinformation about said player...

But rather than posting the info that would rebut that disinformation, Art made a post with a link to the rebuttal info, and DEMANDED that the next post the offending poster made would contain that rebuttal, or the poster would be banned...

The poster refused to engage in that exercise in junior grade fascism, and was indeed banned...

Now, think about the fascistic mindset that reveals for a second-- Art could have made the point he wanted made his own self, instead he orders the poster to rebut his own argument... and this was a brother Skins fan, not some troll looking to cause trouble...

HeavyHitta31;1437868 said:
For starters, he's about 270 pounds and looks Johnish

Someone MUST find that pic of him

I got a laugh once when I pointed out that Art was a DEAD RINGER for Benny, the ******** office boy on the old TV series "LA Law"...

And yeah, the boy's a porker...
theebs;1437867 said:
This art guy on extremeskins must be a riot to talk to.

Please give me more, I just am eating this stuff up so much.

Got another one for you-- in a thread Art once bragged about being in attendance in a game at FedEx, with some Cowboys fan seated in close proximity to him... as the game wore on, Art apparently got annoyed at the Cowboys fan rooting the Boys on, and claimed that he ran the guy out of the stadium, by turning to him and saying he was about to be "beaten unto death"...

I remember cracking up at the "beaten unto death" line, and was also amused that a full-grown adult would be so juvenile as to brag that he'd intimidated a paying customer into leaving the game... then a few weeks later, I saw the picture everybody else is talking about, and if you ever see it, you'll think the same thing I thought-- that pitiful lardo couldn't intimidate a 4th grader... he's one of those soft, Pillsbury Doughboy types that you just KNOW has never been in a serious fight...
Arch Stanton;1437976 said:

You might want to copy and paste these pics, for those of us who have either been banned over there, or wouldn't sign up for that pitiful excuse for a website if they were paying people for registering...

I fall into the latter category, though if I ever had been so stupid as to sign up over there, I would certainly have fallen into the former within a week of registering... LOL...
HeavyHitta31;1438077 said:
Here's another, Art is second from the left, and OM is second from the right, the guy on the phone


Yeah, that looks like a collection of Hogs... :D
Big Dakota;1438197 said:
WoW, i bet that group has to beat the babes off with a stick:rolleyes:

I'm sure they're quite familiar with the concept of beating off... :D

Seriously, though, you guys have seen Art now, do you think that powderpuff could intimidate ANYBODY face to face??
You know whats funny, I don't think i've ever met a Commander fan.

I actually didn't believe they existed until I discovered

HeavyHitta31;1438077 said:
Here's another, Art is second from the left, and OM is second from the right, the guy on the phone


The third guy ate the BBQ. :D

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