Your Paranormal Experiences

Not mine for a very close friend of mine had the experience below. This is copied from the Rate the last movie so don't get all weirded out that two people had the same experience.

I lived with a person for over 40 years that was spiritually connected beyond my understanding and for a time I was envious and felt "what's wrong with me"? I accepted that some have that and some don't and still am not sure what that means but I don't want to lean in a religious tone here.

One of my friends, the smartest one I know, used to think all of that was nonsense and would gladly debate the existence of anything beyond just us and we were just evolved organisms. He was a big fan of Hawking and would often quote him to make a point. His wife, strangely enough, was on the opposite side of that.

So he and his wife are house hunting in Plano, TX in 1996 and they're standing in the kitchen with the realtor when all of the sudden he begins to break out in a sweat, he's shaking all over and begins to cry and runs out of the house. This is totally out of character for him and his wife runs after him along with the realtor. He's sobbing in the front yard and can't speak. He had left his listings inside but refused to go back in so his wife retrieved it.

Their agent was puzzled by what had happened and decided to do some research on the house and when she discovered it, she called them and went over to their home. She told them that some of the history of the house had been kept under wraps but she discovered that the people that presently owned the home had only owned it for two months, moved out and rented a place while they looked for another to buy. No one had owned the home for over a year in the previous 5 years. In 1991, the woman that had lived there had gone downstairs to the kitchen, surprised an intruder, was murdered and they never caught the suspect.

As his wife told us this story, I kept glancing at him and he was ashen and silent and since that day never argued against things we cannot comprehend. It was several years later and we were out to dinner and sitting at the bar waiting for a table and I asked him about the experience as it had always intrigued me living with someone connected. Someone who had debated with him on his stance. All he said was when someone believes in something so strongly and has that completely shaken, it forces them to open their mind to things they do not want to consider and that is very difficult. He's a judge and his life was compartmentalized into tidy little sections and all of that changed with simply walking into that house.
I'm not sure this counts, but when I was about 10, I had a vivid dream about my estranged grandfather--who I hadn't seen or heard from in years.
The very next morning, my mom told me that my grandfather had died the night before
It could very well have been connected. When I was about 10, a girl I knew had a sister die, after being hit by a car.
Within minutes, her aunt called from California (IIRC) and told the girl's mother she had just seen her standing at the foot of her bed.
Not mine for a very close friend of mine had the experience below. This is copied from the Rate the last movie so don't get all weirded out that two people had the same experience.

I lived with a person for over 40 years that was spiritually connected beyond my understanding and for a time I was envious and felt "what's wrong with me"? I accepted that some have that and some don't and still am not sure what that means but I don't want to lean in a religious tone here.

One of my friends, the smartest one I know, used to think all of that was nonsense and would gladly debate the existence of anything beyond just us and we were just evolved organisms. He was a big fan of Hawking and would often quote him to make a point. His wife, strangely enough, was on the opposite side of that.

So he and his wife are house hunting in Plano, TX in 1996 and they're standing in the kitchen with the realtor when all of the sudden he begins to break out in a sweat, he's shaking all over and begins to cry and runs out of the house. This is totally out of character for him and his wife runs after him along with the realtor. He's sobbing in the front yard and can't speak. He had left his listings inside but refused to go back in so his wife retrieved it.

Their agent was puzzled by what had happened and decided to do some research on the house and when she discovered it, she called them and went over to their home. She told them that some of the history of the house had been kept under wraps but she discovered that the people that presently owned the home had only owned it for two months, moved out and rented a place while they looked for another to buy. No one had owned the home for over a year in the previous 5 years. In 1991, the woman that had lived there had gone downstairs to the kitchen, surprised an intruder, was murdered and they never caught the suspect.

As his wife told us this story, I kept glancing at him and he was ashen and silent and since that day never argued against things we cannot comprehend. It was several years later and we were out to dinner and sitting at the bar waiting for a table and I asked him about the experience as it had always intrigued me living with someone connected. Someone who had debated with him on his stance. All he said was when someone believes in something so strongly and has that completely shaken, it forces them to open their mind to things they do not want to consider and that is very difficult. He's a judge and his life was compartmentalized into tidy little sections and all of that changed with simply walking into that house.
Whoa, deja vu!!!
The subject of ghosts came up in a different thread, and @RJ_MacReady suggested starting a ghost story thread. I'd like to expand that to all inexplicable experiences you've had.

I'll start with this:

I'm the youngest of five. The 2 oldest are my sisters, and I have 2 brothers, the one closest to my age being roughly a year and a half older than I am. I have an unusual connection with this brother, in that I can almost always tell when he's in a physical confrontation.

When I was a freshman in high school, I was walking up the stairwell, between bells, and suddenly felt the floor vibrating. (I later realized it was me shaking, and not the floor.) Somehow I had the strong feeling my brother was in trouble, and I ran up the stairs and through the door to see him on his back, with a guy on top of him, punching him. My brother can take care of himself, so I knew he'd turn things around, but what I didn't realize was that the coward he was fighting jumped him as he was taking his jacket off, and his hands were stuck in his sleeves, behind his back.
When he finally got his hands free, a couple of teachers ran over and broke up the fight, and he never got the chance to hit the guy back.......but that's beside the point.

Fast forward to my early twenties, and I was driving to my favorite bar, when I started trembling the way I had that day at school. As I approached the bar I could see a crowd outside, circled around two people, and I knew my brother was one of them. I got out of my car and pushed through the crowd to see a guy swing his motorcycle helmet at my brother, and my brother easily swatting him away, and the guy turned and ran away....right toward me. As he tried to run by me, I reached out my arm, catching him, and said, "Oh no you don't.", and threw him to my brother, who tripped him, and proceeded to beat on him for hitting a girl in the bar........but that again is beside the point.

Fast forward another 5 years or so, as my friend's cousin and I were sitting in a bar, about to go to a party at which my brother and my friend had already gotten to. We're sitting at the bar, when he looks at me and asks, "What's wrong with you?"
"What do mean?", I ask.
"Why are you shaking?"
I hadn't even noticed that I was, but I said, "Usually, when this happens, my brother's in a fight."
He gave me that skeptical look you'd expect, and we continued at our drinks, until my friend came walking through the door and exclaimed, "Your brother just broke some guy's leg!!"

My friend's cousin turned ghost white, and never doubted anything I ever said after that......and that's the point. :laugh:

There have been several other instances of this occurring, but these are the most memorable to me.

What stories you got?
I saw you wearing that silly tank top, peeking into me home.

OK, here is one:

I was working for a moving company. I had set up the equipment to load furniture from the downstairs area. My two co-employees were working their numbers outside on square footage, items, etc. It was a Victorian with 15 rooms, old, but elegant. No paint peeling off and everything was rustic but well-maintained. We estimated $1,900 to load, crate and move the entire contents to another place.
I was inside, alone. I know I was alone in the house because I unlocked the front and back doors and had relocked the back door for security reasons.
I was fixing to attach a mat to a small table when I heard a rustling sound behind me that I thought was some packing newspaper on the floor.
I turned momentarily when I caught the sight of something moving up the stairway. It was daylight but the lights inside were not good ones. I saw what appeared to Ber an old lady quickly climbing the stairs in a rush. Short white hair dishevelled in a grey, heavy gown. She seemed to vanish as she got to thee top of the stairs.
My first thought was, an occupant was still there and embarrassed, a woman had scurried upstairs to dress or clean up or something.
I told my two bosses outside and they didn't believe me, bit, room by room, they and I checked every room.
One boss, anal about security, called the cops and I had to describe the woman etc. A report was made and the owners, in another town, were contacted. (Police concluded a gypsy or squatter.)
The police looked around, made a thorough search and found no evidence of anybody habitating the house. No food, no trash, no clothing or personal effects. The water was shut off and only the electricity was one. And the property manager found no evidence of electricity usage for a month and a half until we began work there.
We three and the property manager again checked the house, room by room. Nothing.
I don't believe in the supernatural. Don't believe in ghosts.
But I do believe in overlapping dimensions.
So, what looked to me as an apparition might have been a previous occupant from another time or dimension.
It spooked me. Big time, but in time I have come to accept it as different times overlapping.
Any ideas?
I saw you wearing that silly tank top, peeking into me home.

OK, here is one:

I was working for a moving company. I had set up the equipment to load furniture from the downstairs area. My two co-employees were working their numbers outside on square footage, items, etc. It was a Victorian with 15 rooms, old, but elegant. No paint peeling off and everything was rustic but well-maintained. We estimated $1,900 to load, crate and move the entire contents to another place.
I was inside, alone. I know I was alone in the house because I unlocked the front and back doors and had relocked the back door for security reasons.
I was fixing to attach a mat to a small table when I heard a rustling sound behind me that I thought was some packing newspaper on the floor.
I turned momentarily when I caught the sight of something moving up the stairway. It was daylight but the lights inside were not good ones. I saw what appeared to Ber an old lady quickly climbing the stairs in a rush. Short white hair dishevelled in a grey, heavy gown. She seemed to vanish as she got to thee top of the stairs.
My first thought was, an occupant was still there and embarrassed, a woman had scurried upstairs to dress or clean up or something.
I told my two bosses outside and they didn't believe me, bit, room by room, they and I checked every room.
One boss, anal about security, called the cops and I had to describe the woman etc. A report was made and the owners, in another town, were contacted. (Police concluded a gypsy or squatter.)
The police looked around, made a thorough search and found no evidence of anybody habitating the house. No food, no trash, no clothing or personal effects. The water was shut off and only the electricity was one. And the property manager found no evidence of electricity usage for a month and a half until we began work there.
We three and the property manager again checked the house, room by room. Nothing.
I don't believe in the supernatural. Don't believe in ghosts.
But I do believe in overlapping dimensions.
So, what looked to me as an apparition might have been a previous occupant from another time or dimension.
It spooked me. Big time, but in time I have come to accept it as different times overlapping.
Any ideas?
Good story! I agree, it seems like an echo of a previous time and event. Maybe you disturbed something attached to the person that released the apparition?
For a while, I kept experiencing an angry looking bride with 80s hair showing up in my apartment at night. She looked totally real. Every time I would get up and turn on the lights, she would vanish. She showed up several times, I would say about 10 times. She had the ability to float up to the ceiling. Was she a ghost or a hallucination? She may have been the latter induced by a medication I was on.
For a while, I kept experiencing an angry looking bride with 80s hair showing up in my apartment at night. She looked totally real. Every time I would get up and turn on the lights, she would vanish. She showed up several times, I would say about 10 times. She had the ability to float up to the ceiling. Was she a ghost or a hallucination? She may have been the latter induced by a medication I was on.
I thought it was gonna turn out to be your ex wife, but it seems like you're serious. Seems unlikely that you'd have the same hallucination that many times, unless it's a forgotten memory of a scene from an old TV show, or something like that.
I thought it was gonna turn out to be your ex wife, but it seems like you're serious. Seems unlikely that you'd have the same hallucination that many times, unless it's a forgotten memory of a scene from an old TV show, or something like that.

The med I was taking is known for causing hallucinations. Plus, I saw other things like little demons that could attach to the ceiling. all of them always disappeared as soon as I would turn the light on.

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