Zack Martin update - based on Jerry Jones comments

he WILL get paid?? he has been paid and very handsomely and still is. Thats what Jerry's point was. jerry made it clear. You cant expect us to redo every player's deal every time they think they have outplayed the current contract. You cant operate a team like that. Jerry makes perfect sense.... some of you need to pay attention.
But these owners can dump players under contract with time left but yet the players are expected to hold up till the end? Sounds like a double standard to me.
These frikin owners can renig on their contracts and release players under contract why shouldn’t players be able to hold out for more.
cmon.... go back to CONTRACTS. Teams are CONTRACTUALLY allowed to do what they do... it is IN THE CONTRACT ITSELF. So when a team releases player X... they didnt break a contract or renege on the terms of the contract.

Zack is breaking the terms of his contract by not being in camp.
they can do whatever they want.... and they can now rack up massive fines, to the tune of over 600k currently for Martin. Those fines can NOT be forgiven by th eteams like they used to do every single time, because it was expected. why do you think the league had that stipulation added to the last CBA??? It was added to punish players for holding out while under contract.

Contracts are written in a way that clearly states teams can release a player at specific times and whatthe fallout from releasing said player at specific times will be. Its actually PART OF THE CONTRACT...... a player while UNDER CONTRACT does not have the actual RIGHT to hold out as you suggest.

teams need to just play hard ball like jerry is.... like what happened to L Bell and then lets see what platers do.

Martin is losing that fined dollar amount no matter what happens. he is never getting that money back.
There’s a way around the fines too. The new contract can simply add in to compensate , probably with signing bonus . C’mon Reid. You’re smarter than that .
That's reasonable
Ordinarily, siding with one of the best and most likeable players in team history over Jerry Jones is about as much of a no-brainer as you’ll see, but the way Jerry puts it, it sounds fair.

Thing is, can’t force Martin to play longer than he wants, which sounds like two more years, he just regrets that he didn’t get peak money by today’s standards, but he got a top deal back then. Can’t have both dude.

I really don’t blame Jerry on this one.

Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to vomit up lunch.
cmon.... go back to CONTRACTS. Teams are CONTRACTUALLY allowed to do what they do... it is IN THE CONTRACT ITSELF. So when a team releases player X... they didnt break a contract or renege on the terms of the contract.

Zack is breaking the terms of his contract by not being in camp.
Ok . So what. If you’re a stud player you can challenge it.

If you don’t think you need Martin, let him sit.
go read what

i just wrote. You are confused.
I get the owners are acting within the rules. That doesn’t mean the players cannot hold out for more. It’s a risk. Maybe not as much a risk for a talent like Martin.
Zack Martin is a premier roster player. He will get paid and paid soon enough. What interested me more was this passage (video mark 10:12 to 12:40):

Interviewer: What's been your observation of the working relationship between offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer and not only head coach Mike McCarthy but playcaller Mike McCarthy as they try to put the best offense out.

Jones: Well the word is confidence uh Mike of course has uh the nose the Schottenheimer we all know and respect his father sure. And by the way I'm a product of a powerful father or I accomplished father too. And there's nothing wrong with that when they're always calling you Junior. And you feel like you've got something to prove okay.

So but that's the case and he does have a lot to prove because his father but he was born up but he was born he was sitting around that kitchen table it's called osmosis. So it's in his veins plus he's so sound uh and so it's a great compliment to what Mike will need to basically accomplish both head coaching as well as the offensive coordinator and the play caller literally. The offensive coordinator play caller is the busiest guy on the whole team yeah much less if he tries to be the head coach too now this is a job.

Interviewer: That's what I was going to ask you is that is that something that that you look at and say that's a lot that's a lot for for one one guy to handle. How does the rest of that staff as you guys look at it kind of come alongside him and help him with you know challenges (inaudible) all our games come down to inside of two minutes? How do you guys look at that as a staff and say how can we help Mike with that?

Jones: Well, that's what you're counting on. Yeah and that is the that is the making up for him not being I call it a walk around coach right do that. Now Mike doesn't have as much time for schmoozing me. I'm teasing but he doesn't he doesn't he can't be a Mr. Social out here in camp not that he really ever was.

But he's too busy yeah he's too busy. A lot of work but it does but uh uh if you will a lot more direct involvement when you're a defensive coordinator and he's offensive you're a special teams coach or for that matter with the nuances of the position coaches, So really your staff does take a step up when your head coach is the coordinator on one side of the ball or the other.


Just his usual rambling answer but it is interesting seeing how Jones views his head coach and new offensive coordinator partnership dynamic through his eyes, going into the 2023 season.
I'mma die. He just blew my brains out verbally and I don't want to scoop them back in.
This is all part of doing business in the NFL.

I salute Zack for taking on the establishment. He wants a new deal. It’s up to our Mgmt if they think he’s worth it .

Anybody here think he’s worth it?
Hes not a WR about to lose his speed. Olineman can go well into there 30s and stay elite.
Ofcourse they CAN. So CAN wrs. Oftentimes, they dont. Martin is going into his 10th year and hes still under contract. While 10 years for players of his caliber isnt exactly rare, 12+ is and if you did some easy goole searching, you would know that.
It's probably for the best in terms of saving the season. But part of me laughs for the Joneses folding like a cheap tent after their fake tough guy act.
Jethro floats with the public perception . At first it was don’t pay him. Now it’s like save the season. Lol

Based on the comments by Jerry Jones in the interview in the attached video, it seems that Jerry is willing to pay Zack more if he's willing to extend his contract. But he doesn't want to just give Zack more money over the next two seasons, without a contract extension.​
Skip to 7:30 mark in the video.​

Makes sense.

I think they get this wrapped up soon.
Martin is playing week 1 and Micah and Ceedee will be signed. And wow at calling Parsons a possible headache. HE IS THE type of guy you pay.
HE HAS A HUGE EGO, sorry for caps
He loves attention, and it has all gone to his head. I dont think he knows what the word humble means.
I get the owners are acting within the rules. That doesn’t mean the players cannot hold out for more. It’s a risk. Maybe not as much a risk for a talent like Martin.
he has now lost 700k....that is a fact.
But overall this makes sense. Martin doesn't want to add more years because he naturally wants to get another pay day, but Jerry isn't going to give more money and not get more years from you to spread that money over. So its gonna come down to who gives in first. Does Martin take the money and sign on for the extra years, or does Jerry bend over and give up the money and not take on the years.

IF ya'll think cause Jerry bent over for Zeke, he's gonna do the same for Martin, you will be SOL. The owners specifically changed the CBA to ensure that players under contract have almost zero leverage to miss games holding out for a better contract. He's an Old idiot, but he aint that old of an idiot
Your first mistake is believing Jerry, who clearly BSing to cover his butt here. Jerry started all this by saying they were dug in on Martin because he had other players to pay. Now suddenly I guess we have the money but now he wants years added to the deal.

Unless one thinks Martin is an idiot, I doubt Martin thinks he can just get a huge lump sum payment next year on his existing deal and then get a new deal the following year. I am pretty sure Martin and his agent know that if they want to get a new deal, it's going to be an extension.

Don't fall for Jerry's BS.
Ok . So what. If you’re a stud player you can challenge it.

If you don’t think you need Martin, let him sit.
oh we need Martin.... but id stilllet him sit. As the team holding his deal with 2 years left ... I have ALL THE LEVERAGE. Im looking long term as a team/owner... not short term. I need to do this today to keep from having it happen in the future. Nobody forced martin to sign his contract that he currently has.
Simply put, this O-line will turn south real fast without our future HoF stud lining up. Extend his contract and show him the $$$$.

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