Zeke Elliott texts about passing drug tests?


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Saw this a moment ago:

Thompson texted Elliott: “I know you’re stressed out, if you need me call me. Just do everything you can to pass your drug test tomorrow. You’ll be okay. I’m here for you”

To that, Elliott responded: “I’m gonna pass.”

In a subsequent text, Elliott wrote: “About to live in this sauna the next 24 hours.”

Elliott’s lead legal advisor, Frank C. Salzano, called the text exchange “a non story.”

“We are happy to move on to football and look forward to playing against the Giants,” Salzano said.

This text exchange, coupled with the Seattle visit, may be enough to put Elliott in the league’s substance-abuse program. Players do not necessarily have to fail a drug test to enter Stage 1 (intervention) of the program.

An NFL spokesman said the decision in a case such as Elliott’s is based upon the opinion of jointly appointed independent medical advisers by the NFL and NFLPA.
I could tell by his lips he smoked long before the other two clues.


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Such a non issue if he passed.

In this age, I don't know a single job worth a crap that still drug tests unless you get injured on the job or crash a company car. And that's only so they can deny you workman's comp or claim you on company insurance.

Yeah, weed makes some people ********, but I also know fully functional Stanford Masters grads, engineers, very well compensated attorneys that partake almost daily. If there was an anonymous poll in the tech industry, itd probably be really amusing to see the results. And most of those people, and all the people I went to school with that did it, aren't going out drinking and putting themselves in situations where something stupid can happen, unlike alcohol. They're inside watching Netflix and eating. So whatever, to each their own.

I just think its funny that you have a sport where violence is openly encouraged, players are taking their entourages out to strip clubs, but smoke a joint in the privacy of your own home and that's just over the line.

I have no proof on this, but my hunch is that if it's "just grass" and if it is in the privacy of one's home...the league doesn't care and doesn't impose a penalty. Its the harder stuff they care about.

We on the street hear the trickle down news and its almost always described as lighter drugs. That works for the players union that it gets portrayed like that and it makes sense for the owners that it gets portrayed like that.

I think when we are talking about drugs problems with players we are talking heavier drugs.


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Probibition of marijuana TOOK something else that was legal and made it illegal. everything you said about alcohol applies to cannibis. "Most" people use marinuana to get high. All people use alcohol to get drunk.
At one point there were no laws against pot, cocaine, and opium .
Alcohol industry was the big boy, so out of greed they had the others made illegal, and they are all still illegal.
Alcohol is a narcotic , but it is the only legal one, it has a monopoly on getting high legally.
Arent monopoly's illegal?

So when you see miller lite as the official narcotic of the dallas cowboys, it is kinda funny
The only way to change the laws, is voting for new congressmen every election till they get the message.
The problem is that the people who smoke pot dont vote or want to get involved in the "process" required
to get a law changed.

I think the states know people are smoking it anyway, so why not make the tax money off it.


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You can fail the test 4 times before suspension and your aren't viewed as a cheater like with hgh.

JJ Watt is clearly using some type of steroid and he never gets caught.

If these guys get suspended for marijuana it's nobody's fault but theirs.

I remember seeing a show on Tyrell Owens on which he took some kind of drug thru IV and was out of his system within a day. He said his method was legal and can't be detected thru drug testing.


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The text were found as part of the investigation, the discovery process. Now who leaked them? Who knows? We can rest assured it wasn't Elliott's camp so that leaves the girl, DA, and/or the PD. Could be that this is/was all public records as well.
Nobody "leaked" them. Elliott turned his phone over as part of the domestic investigation to show he was innocent. These texts were on his phone.


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I remember seeing a show on Tyrell Owens on which he took some kind of drug thru IV and was out of his system within a day. He said his method was legal and can't be detected thru drug testing.

Some type of Micro Dosing?

That's what Lance Armstrong was doing and he never failed a test.

It's in your system for 4 hours and then out.

You can just look at a lot of these NFL players and tell they are on it.


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We can go back and forth all day on this. Here's how we'll conclude this. If the league forces Zeke to enroll in its substance abuse program merely based on a text and a visit to a marijuana shop, I will acknowledge I was wrong.

However, if Zeke is not forced to enroll, then you will be wrong in your observation that the policy guidelines are subjective.

I think this will play out in a few weeks, and we'll see who was merely blowing smoke. ;)

I don't think they ever say who's in the program. Nobody finds out about test results or the drug program, not even teams as far as I know, until a guy is actually suspended. Guys like Gregory are the exception, everyone knew he'd go in because he failed at the combine.


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Rotoworld had an update for EE today and it just so happened to come at 4:20......coincidence??

Ezekiel Elliott is "100 percent" recovered from his hamstring injury.

Elliott also confirmed he's back in football shape after dealing with conditioning issues in training camp. With Tony Romo sidelined, Elliott is in line for a heavy early-season workload. He's a top-five play against the Giants.

Source: Rob Phillips on Twitter
Sep 7 - 4:20 PM

I think Rob Phillips knew exactly what he was doing.


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I don't think they ever say who's in the program. Nobody finds out about test results or the drug program, not even teams as far as I know, until a guy is actually suspended. Guys like Gregory are the exception, everyone knew he'd go in because he failed at the combine.

We'll know if Ezekiel Elliott is put on the list. We'll know. He's a Cowboy so word will get out.


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Non issue. Even if he is suspended as the worst case scenario-- we are stacked at RB. The mediots love to make a mountain out of a molehill.