Zeke Elliott texts about passing drug tests?


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Such a non issue if he passed.

In this age, I don't know a single job worth a crap that still drug tests unless you get injured on the job or crash a company car. And that's only so they can deny you workman's comp or claim you on company insurance.

Yeah, weed makes some people ********, but I also know fully functional Stanford Masters grads, engineers, very well compensated attorneys that partake almost daily. If there was an anonymous poll in the tech industry, itd probably be really amusing to see the results. And most of those people, and all the people I went to school with that did it, aren't going out drinking and putting themselves in situations where something stupid can happen, unlike alcohol. They're inside watching Netflix and eating. So whatever, to each their own.

I just think its funny that you have a sport where violence is openly encouraged, players are taking their entourages out to strip clubs, but smoke a joint in the privacy of your own home and that's just over the line.


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I go where the thread takes us.......if you want to argue nonsense I will oblige you....i can admit weed gets you high and it looks like EE partakes.........as a Cowboy fan I hope he smartens up and doesn't follow in Gregory's and McClain's footsteps
It's ok my friend, I have no resentment to your statements, I just wish you spoke from personal experience, instead of what others say. You would be more credible, but since you have not gone down that route, I can respect that as well, I just don't tell brain surgeons how to operate, I know nothing about that. I respect you though bro, you stand for what you believe in, and as do i. We can agree to disagree, I will leave it at that.


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No it's not. Pot has debilitating effects certainly but it doesn't screw with equilibrium and motor control even remotely to the degree that alcohol does. Further it does not reduce inhibitions like alcohol
Great post. Very true points.


Well-Known Member
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Such a non issue if he passed.

In this age, I don't know a single job worth a crap that still drug tests unless you get injured on the job or crash a company car. And that's only so they can deny you workman's comp or claim you on company insurance.

Yeah, weed makes some people ********, but I also know fully functional Stanford Masters grads, engineers, very well compensated attorneys that partake almost daily. If there was an anonymous poll in the tech industry, itd probably be really amusing to see the results. And most of those people, and all the people I went to school with that did it, aren't going out drinking and putting themselves in situations where something stupid can happen, unlike alcohol. They're inside watching Netflix and eating. So whatever, to each their own.

I just think its funny that you have a sport where violence is openly encouraged, players are taking their entourages out to strip clubs, but smoke a joint in the privacy of your own home and that's just over the line.

It doesn't bother me if he smokes. It bothers me that he doesn't see the importance of quitting to stay out of trouble and to be able to play on Sundays.


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It's ok my friend, I have no resentment to your statements, I just wish you spoke from personal experience, instead of what others say. You would be more credible, but since you have not gone down that route, I can respect that as well, I just don't tell brain surgeons how to operate, I know nothing about that. I respect you though bro, you stand for what you believe in, and as do i. We can agree to disagree, I will leave it at that.
How would you possibly know what my experiences are?....you have been around here for a about a week.....I said I have smoked and drank about everything on the planet at one time or another....I have no idea what you are even on about........so go back to message board class and call me when you graduate


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How would you possibly know what my experiences are?....you have been around here for a about a week.....I said I have smoked and drank about everything on the planet at one time or another....I have no idea what you are even on about........so go back to message board class and call me when you graduate

Heh, look at his join date. I've only got him by 2 days and I've been here forever. Apparently he's more of a lurker than I am.


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I just hope there's nothing to any of this, it would be very disappointing. I'm hoping this kid isn't a knucklehead.


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He should be in jail we don't need guys recovering from brain injuries, napping, cuddling, and getting less stressed


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Such a non issue if he passed.

In this age, I don't know a single job worth a crap that still drug tests unless you get injured on the job or crash a company car. And that's only so they can deny you workman's comp or claim you on company insurance.

Yeah, weed makes some people ********, but I also know fully functional Stanford Masters grads, engineers, very well compensated attorneys that partake almost daily. If there was an anonymous poll in the tech industry, itd probably be really amusing to see the results. And most of those people, and all the people I went to school with that did it, aren't going out drinking and putting themselves in situations where something stupid can happen, unlike alcohol. They're inside watching Netflix and eating. So whatever, to each their own.

I just think its funny that you have a sport where violence is openly encouraged, players are taking their entourages out to strip clubs, but smoke a joint in the privacy of your own home and that's just over the line.

Especially considering some newer studies are suggesting that marijuana may actually help with CTE.


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I take the same stance as some here. I don't care that he smokes or has smoked or wants to smoke. I do care if he does it and ends up getting caught and putting the team in a bind like a certain MLB and DE.

We can argue about whether or not it should be legal til we are blue in the faces. Fact is, right now, it's a banned substance in the NFL and if those are the rules, you have to follow them.


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Heh, look at his join date. I've only got him by 2 days and I've been here forever. Apparently he's more of a lurker than I am.

Haha....I thought he was a part of the Mariel Boatlift from that other site this month


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It doesn't bother me if he smokes. It bothers me that he doesn't see the importance of quitting to stay out of trouble and to be able to play on Sundays.
I agree with this... If you work a job that requires a Dress code you wear the dress code. if you have job that says NO DRUGS PERIOD!!! you dont do drugs. Lifes in his hands... he can goof up and smoke weed and not care about what his Employer is asking him NOT TO DO, he's going to be next Maurice Clarett


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Does Zeke have purple lips?
I can't believe I just spent time googling Zeke lips and they don't look purple at all.


Did I say Zeke had purple lips? :huh:
I was simply acknowledging the observation another poster made about purple lips and sharing my own observation.

I mean I love me some Zeke, but I'm not exactly examining his lips.


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That's nice in theory, but the policy is subjective and based upon a committee's interpretation of vague language. And, in case you haven't noticed, the league punishments have not been consistent nor uniform.

We can go back and forth all day on this. Here's how we'll conclude this. If the league forces Zeke to enroll in its substance abuse program merely based on a text and a visit to a marijuana shop, I will acknowledge I was wrong.

However, if Zeke is not forced to enroll, then you will be wrong in your observation that the policy guidelines are subjective.

I think this will play out in a few weeks, and we'll see who was merely blowing smoke. ;)


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Rotoworld had an update for EE today and it just so happened to come at 4:20......coincidence??

Ezekiel Elliott is "100 percent" recovered from his hamstring injury.

Elliott also confirmed he's back in football shape after dealing with conditioning issues in training camp. With Tony Romo sidelined, Elliott is in line for a heavy early-season workload. He's a top-five play against the Giants.

Source: Rob Phillips on Twitter
Sep 7 - 4:20 PM


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
This guy has not played a single down in the nfl and he had already been accused of domestic violence, been caught visiting a pot shop and someone close to him is worried about whether or not he will pass a drug test

That is not a good start

The worried person is the same person who tried to set him up to ruin him which is why the texts were investigated in the first place. I don't even put it past her saying she's "worried" just to imply that he has something to be worried about. I'm not even sure the sauna remark was related or in response to what she said. And the visit to the weed store was bad judgement but is being way overblown. In any event, until he fails a drug test or actually does something egregious, it's much ado about nothing.