Zeke Elliott texts about passing drug tests?


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I think he'll be ok as long as he is smart about it.

I would say a high percentage of athletes in all sports use it and don't get caught and the NFL basically tells you when they are testing. It's not random at all unless you fail their previous test.

I got nothing against the green leaf, but I would say he's not being very smart about it...


Lost in the Woods
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Good think Zeke came to the Cowboys with their strong support system and record of success dealing with such issues.


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Stop chasing
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professional potheads :D The initial claim was debunked and saunas were shown to worsen your chances of passing via THC in fat cells that are flushed out through your urine making it more likely that you will test positive if anything?

"When fat cells are burned, the stored THC metabs are released back into the bloodstream, to where they'll eventually exit the body via the urine and bowels. This can be a not-so-good thing if you have a few days or less before a scheduled drug test. If a drug test is indeed around the corner, youd want to curtail any fat-burning activities and be dormant as possible so you wont be releasing a bunch of THC metabs into the bloodstream, which will end up in the urine to be detected.

Sweating doesnt help much because very little THC metabs are excreted via sweat. The rest of them are being excreted via the urine and bowels."


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What the hell is going on? Cliff notes please.
The ex girlfriend that accused EE of hitting her also had a bunch texts with him......they were looked by the Prosecutor's Office as part of their investigation.......EE was cleared of any wrong doing and no charges will be brought but the text messages are now part of the public record somehow.....in the texts the gf talks about worrying over the upcoming drug test and EE talks about sweating it all out in the sauna the next couple days......Cowboy fans are now worried that the NFL will treat this like a failed test and put EE in the drug program which would put him one big step closer to getting suspended


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does this help to get thc out your system.

if not, this is a non story.

Only her speculating or assuming(for whatever reason) he may fail his drug test.

non story

The idea would be to sweat and hydrate and flush out your system. I suppose if you really dug in it may work.


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The ex girlfriend that accused EE of hitting her also had a bunch texts with him......they were looked by the Prosecutor's Office as part of their investigation.......EE was cleared of any wrong doing and no charges will be brought but the text messages are now part of the public record somehow.....in the texts the gf talks about worrying over the upcoming drug test and EE talks about sweating it all out in the sauna the next couple days......Cowboy fans are now worried that the NFL will treat this like a failed test and put EE in the drug program which would put him one big step closer to getting suspended

Only way I see this as a non issue is if he has made the decision to stop smoking since then.

DC Cowboy

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thats what I am wondering,only elliot and his friend would have the texts.
Maybe he should "brady" the phone now??

The text were found as part of the investigation, the discovery process. Now who leaked them? Who knows? We can rest assured it wasn't Elliott's camp so that leaves the girl, DA, and/or the PD. Could be that this is/was all public records as well.


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Stepnoski referenced the "anonymous tipsters" or anonymous phone calls he received as well. You can smoke all year, and stop about 6 weeks before the initial summer test. If you test clean and aren't in the program; can smoke all year til next summer's 6 week Hollywood cleanse. It would be pretty easy actually. I lean towards Gregory having a mental illness that he uses MJ to pacify. You can change that with cognitive therapy and he could even smoke again once that issue is cleared up; for his sake he should wait for retirement, he blew his chance at weed AND NFL like most players.

Yes I understand that but does the NFL not do random test? If they do none of the players get a 6 week warning.

If they dont its pathetic players still manage to fail.


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Yes I understand that but does the NFL not do random test? If they do none of the players get a 6 week warning.

If they dont its pathetic players still manage to fail.
There is a window between 4/20 and and early in the preseason where a player can be "randomly" tested. And there is also a small amount (minimum) of THC allowed in the results.


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There is a window between 4/20 and and early in the preseason where a player can be "randomly" tested. And there is also a small amount (minimum) of THC allowed in the results.

Oh ok, and no test during the season?


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I wonder if this is before of after the combine. If this is before the combine test then I would think it's probably pretty common practice for the agents to give the players a heads up to stop smoking 6 weeks before the combine and that it's time to lay off the weed for good.. college days are over talk. So that could have happened and since he did smoke in school someone could ask him if he is nervous, but since he stopped he had no concerns about failing, but no one wants to fail so might as well do anything you can think of that might help, like a sauna. Even if you haven't smoked in over a month or whatever. And since he did smoke in college, like every kid that smokes if there is a chance to go into a virtual candy store and see something you never saw before it would be pretty hard to resist going and looking at all the different varieties that are sold. I think the publicity of that visit helped him realize that all eyes are on him and he can't get away with things like he would in college. Will he be able to stay away from weed at least to the point he does not get caught, he seems smart enough and cares enough about football that I think he has a good chance to do that. I don't think he is any different than 85% of the players that come into the league from big programs. Most can do what they need to do to play in the league, others have a harder time like Gregory.


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lol. I could care less what football players do off the field. Thats for holier than thou turds like Goodell to worry about. If Elliott runs for a 1000 yrds this season...he can smoke all the pot he likes for all l care. Its time the NFL grew up and stopped trying to destroy the only real asset it has. GREAT PLAYERS. Anybody want to watch Roger Gooddell play football!! :laugh:
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