Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

lol, look we can get the law book out and charge each other with all types of crimes if we want to.
how we choose to live as a society is another story.

i dont mean to imply rape, dv are not horrible.
however, a lot of this stuff is simply not there.
there are certain norms in certain situation (e.g. mardi gras) where the rules are bent.
sure, we can all bring out the law books and throw everyone in jail.
but a lot of it is just some young kids having fun.

should zeke have done it.
absolutely no.
is he an idiot.
absolutely yes.
do i think he is forcing himself on her.
no but of course none of us were there.
I agree that there are mitigating circumstances in some situations, and this may indeed be one of them, we won't know unless charges are filed. I super agree with your final paragraph.
Sorry bro. That's sexual assault. Legal definition and all. Welcome to the 20th century. Backwards thinking like yours gotta go
Judging someone else when you have no clue of the situation has to go. Take your holier than thou act somewhere else. We all get that you hate sexual assault more than anyone else on earth. Guess what? I hate cancer more than you. Everyone does dumb things when there young. Now add fame and fortune and women fawning all over you and this is the result. He's got to be smarter but I won't condemn him for it. The real bad guys are the Joe mixons(broke a women's face in 3 places) and Tyreek Hills(choked and punched his pregnant GF) of the league. Neither player will receive a suspension from the league. Until the female says it was an unwelcomed advance by Zeke, I don't care.
Doesn't make that law right..

Public opinion should not tred into the relm of factual investigation and lawful due justice...lest we create a witch hunt where each is guilty on solely accusation and hearsay alone.

Nor should youthful people be afraid to exercise their life and experiences, like she obviously is enjoying, just becouse she plays the game of attraction on her terms.
What? I don't understand what the point your trying to make with this post, and to be honest all of your posts in this thread are kind of creepy. So you're saying the laws are not right to protect victims from being sexually assaulted or raped? Ok not a great start but then you continue to say that public opinion should not tread into the realm of factual investigation. Good use of vocabulary, bad spelling, but you completely contradicted yourself. But I'll get to that in a second. Then you top of this masterpiece with "she plays the game of attraction on her terms". Wow. slam dunk. Okay so you're saying in this post that the sexual assault laws are not right and since she was wearing skimpy clothes and on her own flashed the crowd that she deserved or somehow invited Zeke to grab her shirt and expose her breast. That's what I am picking up.

But lets go back to your contradiction. Public opinion is going to sway in either manner whether you like Zeke or you don't like Zeke or whatever your personal views and morals are. So the laws are in place to get rid of opinions and focus on the actions and only the actions. So lets tread into the factual investigation.
1. Did you or anyone else hear her tell Zeke he has permission to grab her breast and expose it? I didn't, so that would mean no consent. Sexual assault.
2. Does the manner in which a woman dresses gives a person the right to touch them. No, at least not in this country
3. Does it appear that alcohol was involved at some point. Yes, this could impair her judgement and make a case that she was taken advantage of.

So the facts that we know could get him charged with sexual assault.

I didn't write the law dude. Someone else wrote the law so go take up your issues with them. I just merely cut and pasted the law to show what he did was illegal. This is not my opinion that he did something illegal. It's just the facts. If you don't like it then I don't know what to tell you. Maybe vote for a different governor or start a grass roots political party that endorses and enables the raping and objectifying of women.

Whatever you want to do, the world is your oyster
Judging someone else when you have no clue of the situation has to go. Take your holier than thou act somewhere else. We all get that you hate sexual assault more than anyone else on earth. Guess what? I hate cancer more than you. Everyone does dumb things when there young. Now add fame and fortune and women fawning all over you and this is the result. He's got to be smarter but I won't condemn him for it. The real bad guys are the Joe mixons(broke a women's face in 3 places) and Tyreek Hills(choked and punched his pregnant GF) of the league. Neither player will receive a suspension from the league. Until the female says it was an unwelcomed advance by Zeke, I don't care.

Oh I'm holier than thou? Yet you give a pass for an unwanted sexual act.

Gee, who is in the wrong here?
lol, look we can get the law book out and charge each other with all types of crimes if we want to.
how we choose to live as a society is another story.

i dont mean to imply rape, dv are not horrible.
however, a lot of this stuff is simply not there.
there are certain norms in certain situation (e.g. mardi gras) where the rules are bent.
sure, we can all bring out the law books and throw everyone in jail.
but a lot of it is just some young kids having fun.

should zeke have done it.
absolutely no.
is he an idiot.
absolutely yes.
do i think he is forcing himself on her.
no but of course none of us were there.

Wow, way to much wisdom for this post man, didn't you read the parts where we all said
the total opposite of what we posted, and every single non purist post has been in support of all of Zekes actions in the video in all its 5 seconds and how we support the complete corruption of our society and it's morals, becouse Zeke is he battle ground of the future of humanity? Man stick with the theme here man ;]
Not my definition. Legal definition

i stand corrected.
legal definition.

what i said stands though.
we can all sue each other and put each other in jail by the way we normally live.
i would suggest that more than 50% of the men (and possibly women) in the country would have been in jail from this definition if applied universally.
laws were made that give prosecutors as much leverage as possible in difficult cases.
i dont exactly think zeke was trying to commit sexual assault in his mind.
stupid yes
needs punishment - absolutely yes.
Wow, way to much wisdom for this post man, didn't you read the parts where we all said
the total opposite of what we posted, and every single non purist post has been in support of all of Zekes actions in the video in all its 5 seconds and how we support the complete corruption of our society and it's morals, becouse Zeke is he battle ground of the future of humanity? Man stick with the theme here man ;]

i cannot keep track any more.
i think everyone here is against rape and dv.
but there are disagreements on how much a pass are you allowed to make with your date.
some here says making any pass is breaking the law.
sure, it is against the letter of the law.

how many of us have made a pass at a girl in high school or college thinking she invited it or is ok with it.
based on the law, that is sexual assault.

can you imagine a shy 18 year old boy have to ask a shy 18 year old girl - "may i touch you" or "may i take off your clothes"
it is taking thousands of years of human history and turning it upside down.
go watch a movie of young kids dating.
anyone in the movie asking for permission for touching or kissing
good grief.
What an idiot. Regardless of the morality and legality of it, good lord you are the Dallas Cowboys' phenom running back; you have to know that something like this is going to draw unwanted negative attention. Time to get him a babysitter, Jerry.
Did anyone think he did it because she was okay with it? I mean, she flashes the crowd again after that.

And possibly before. Possibly two minutes before. If a random woman were repeatedly flashing the crowd and then her non-celebrity bf playfully pulled her shirt down, no one would even raise an eyebrow. Did that happen here? We don't know.

They obviously had been filming them for a long time (doubt they just started at that moment), so why is the footage so short? Where's the rest of the reaction from her and the other lady who had her arms lovingly around Zeke while he "assaulted" this woman? And all the stuff that went on beforehand? Probably isn't shown because it would diffuse the story too much. But regardless of the reason, you can bet there is one.
What an idiot. Regardless of the morality and legality of it, good lord you are the Dallas Cowboys' phenom running back; you have to know that something like this is going to draw unwanted negative attention. Time to get him a babysitter, Jerry.

you forgot, jerry needs a babysitter himself.
thought if he gets suspended, it does not affect if we win or not.
What? I don't understand what the point your trying to make with this post, and to be honest all of your posts in this thread are kind of creepy. So you're saying the laws are not right to protect victims from being sexually assaulted or raped? Ok not a great start but then you continue to say that public opinion should not tread into the realm of factual investigation. Good use of vocabulary, bad spelling, but you completely contradicted yourself. But I'll get to that in a second. Then you top of this masterpiece with "she plays the game of attraction on her terms". Wow. slam dunk. Okay so you're saying in this post that the sexual assault laws are not right and since she was wearing skimpy clothes and on her own flashed the crowd that she deserved or somehow invited Zeke to grab her shirt and expose her breast. That's what I am picking up.

But lets go back to your contradiction. Public opinion is going to sway in either manner whether you like Zeke or you don't like Zeke or whatever your personal views and morals are. So the laws are in place to get rid of opinions and focus on the actions and only the actions. So lets tread into the factual investigation.
1. Did you or anyone else hear her tell Zeke he has permission to grab her breast and expose it? I didn't, so that would mean no consent. Sexual assault.
2. Does the manner in which a woman dresses gives a person the right to touch them. No, at least not in this country
3. Does it appear that alcohol was involved at some point. Yes, this could impair her judgement and make a case that she was taken advantage of.

So the facts that we know could get him charged with sexual assault.

I didn't write the law dude. Someone else wrote the law so go take up your issues with them. I just merely cut and pasted the law to show what he did was illegal. This is not my opinion that he did something illegal. It's just the facts. If you don't like it then I don't know what to tell you. Maybe vote for a different governor or start a grass roots political party that endorses and enables the raping and objectifying of women.

Whatever you want to do, the world is your oyster

Sorry if the few lines I wrote left you grasping for more detail, I do that to people sometimes I tease...but I digress.

You could read my post about caring, that should sum it up.

If my posts are creepy to you, great, it's a scary world out there. Like someone said, stay home.

It was law that some people couldn't own property based on the color of their skin, this was as resent as the 80's. Not all laws protect, some persecute.
No one has or is saying Zeke didn't make a bone head move, but calling her incapable of judging the situation for herself and taking charge of her own destiny in the moment without any man telling her how she should take it, is more oppressive of an optic.

She is a player, he is a player. Wrap your mind around that for a minute and ingest the idea that not everyone plays bridge with friends for a good time.
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And possibly before. Possibly two minutes before. If a random woman were repeatedly flashing the crowd and then her non-celebrity bf playfully pulled her shirt down, no one would even raise an eyebrow. Did that happen here? We don't know.

They obviously had been filming them for a long time (doubt they just started at that moment), so why is the footage so short? Where's the rest of the reaction from her and the other lady who had her arms lovingly around Zeke while he "assaulted" this woman? And all the stuff that went on beforehand? Probably isn't shown because it would diffuse the story too much. But regardless of the reason, you can bet there is one.

Yeah, and the fact said lady has some big ol' fake jugs and is wearing a thin white top you see in wet t shirt competitions.
i think everyone understands this.
however, i suspect the majority of men in the US would have been in jail by your definition.
Yeah this is something we do actually agree with this topic. My job is a therapist and since 2003 I have worked with victims and sex offense and perpetrators of sex offense. As I'm getting older I am moving away from working with the offenders. My emotions just couldn't take it anymore. That's why I get a little heated with this topic. But going back to your point. With the way the law is written it is very easy to break the law. I've been in countless court rooms with my clients who are victims and I was there to support them. What I learned and am still learning is that this law is very exact and strict. The best analogy I can give is speeding. Everyone has been guilty of speeding but not everyone has been ticketed for it. So it comes down to intent and accountability. Technically if you go 1 mile over the speed limit you are breaking the law. So a cop can give you a ticket for going one mile over. But a majority of the time they won't. But if your driving recklessly then it's a different story. My experiences is the ones who got charged and sent to prison for sex offending were the ones who had the attitude that the girl/woman wasn't as important as getting their sexual needs met. So there's outright rape which everyone would say is wrong. Then when you get to the letter of the law it depends on attitude and intent. Like an example is would someone get charged if he and his wife or girlfriend got drunk and had sex. 99% of the time it would be no issue. But if the husband/boyfriend knew that the only way his significant other will have sex with him is to get her drunk then that's when things get messy. Cuz now your introducing a chemical to get your sexual needs met, that is considered rape. So yeah you are right, a majority of men have probably done something that they could get arrested for by the letter of the law. But the law is written for the majority of the people, it's written for the minority of men who will do anything then can and want regardless of how the woman feels. And then they justify their actions by blaming the victim.

Does that make sense at all?
i stand corrected.
legal definition.

what i said stands though.
we can all sue each other and put each other in jail by the way we normally live.
i would suggest that more than 50% of the men (and possibly women) in the country would have been in jail from this definition if applied universally.
laws were made that give prosecutors as much leverage as possible in difficult cases.
i dont exactly think zeke was trying to commit sexual assault in his mind.
stupid yes
needs punishment - absolutely yes.

He was likely not trying to commit sexual assault.

That don't matter.

He does need to be punished. That is clearly correct. You don't learn anything if your actions have no consequences
Yeah, and the fact said lady has some big ol' fake jugs and is wearing a thin white top you see in wet t shirt competitions.

Oh yes, the "she was asking for it" crowd speaks.

As I've asked others today. Please don't reproduce

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