Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

Not saying she was asking for it or defending Zeke in the slightest, but a second video was posted in an update on the TMZ story that shows her exposing her breasts all by herself to the crowd below... So who knows what was going on up on that roof...

Not going to link to it but you can find it on TMZ.

(Note: Again I am not condoning what happened - just pointing out an update to the original story.)

Exactly.. Go watch the 2nd video.

I doubt she ever felt like some kind of victim until she found out that there is a group of people out there raging about this and she knows now she could probably cash in if she wants.
4 games for what exactly? She said it was fine. There is nothing wrong with two consenting adults doing what they want. Also, what was his first offense. A made up story by some woman who lied about domestic violence? Please stop trying to drag this kid through the mud over nothing.
Remember that the NFL has a "Personal Conduct" policy that is very broad and administered by one Roger Goodell. No one is dragging him through the mud. He got in the mud voluntarily. And he is not going to get out of it without a suspension.
You sound bitter and I never got the whole athletes aren't heros stuff. Most people that aren't little kids look at them as vessels for happiness not actual heroes anyway. I don't understand why you would tell little kids not to like athletes but the military. Most of them go there because they have no choice. They aren't heroes either they just doing a job. I guess because I don't have "heroes" I think the whole point is crazy outside of little kids and even crazier when we try to have hero levels like you do. If it works for you raising your kids that way though I wish you continued success because we can all get to the same goal even by different routes.

Why do you say that most people do not view sports personalities as heroes? I ask this because it is my experience that this is not the case. However, I would be willing to understand your reasoning here.

Thank you in advance.
You sound bitter and I never got the whole athletes aren't heros stuff. Most people that aren't little kids look at them as vessels for happiness not actual heroes anyway. I don't understand why you would tell little kids not to like athletes but the military. Most of them go there because they have no choice. They aren't heroes either they just doing a job. I guess because I don't have "heroes" I think the whole point is crazy outside of little kids and even crazier when we try to have hero levels like you do. If it works for you raising your kids that way though I wish you continued success because we can all get to the same goal even by different routes.
I would
You sound bitter and I never got the whole athletes aren't heros stuff. Most people that aren't little kids look at them as vessels for happiness not actual heroes anyway. I don't understand why you would tell little kids not to like athletes but the military. Most of them go there because they have no choice. They aren't heroes either they just doing a job. I guess because I don't have "heroes" I think the whole point is crazy outside of little kids and even crazier when we try to have hero levels like you do. If it works for you raising your kids that way though I wish you continued success because we can all get to the same goal even by different routes.
I can't tell what you disagreeing with? Seems like the fact I use the word Hero? Take hero out and insert whatever you want, Aspire to be, Look Up To or whatever. I really don't know what else you're disagreeing with.
I expect he will get a few games off for this, as he should. Got to learn and grow up at some point. Great Talent but it is useless if he is not able to play.
Its not bs and here you go proving it again. You aren't the only one that wants that but special snowflakes think they are so they can be special. Dale Carnegie was right folks will do anything to get a feeling of importance even act like they are the only ones championing something nobody in this whole threads is actually against. Smh

How on earth can you make this about political ideologies?

This is about men not forcing themselves on women.

If your ideology can argue that Zeke's behavior is OK, then your ideology is clearly the problem.
Wow, we did not need this Zeke, it's all over tv and the radio, grow up dude..I know you know there is always going to be a camera on you, your a Cowboy, screw up and there will be consiqunces even if you really didnt do something bad. You good with it, she's good with it, you guys do that in private. If she wasn't cool with it, whole different story. I'm going to go watch law and order or something, don't want to hear about this anymore right now.
How on earth can you make this about political ideologies?

This is about men not forcing themselves on women.

If your ideology can argue that Zeke's behavior is OK, then your ideology is clearly the problem.
Who forced themselves on anyone? This was a consensual act between two adults. If she said she didn't want this to happen than I would agree with you. Who are you to try and tell her to be offended when she clearly isn't?
Let me ask if you understand this. A child spills his drink in my brand new car, ruining the carpet. I smack the kid leaving a mark but he feels its his fault because he spilled the drink, would that bother you? Is something determined as being right or wrong based upon only how the victim perceives it?

If you don't like that analogy, what if I beat my wife because she upset me? She doesn't tell anyone or defend herself because she thinks she deserves it and that its ok for me to hit her. Is what I did right or wrong based only on her reaction?

In either case, is your employer going to suspend you for as long as a year?

Yes, the concept of right or wrong is indeed arbitrary. In many cases morality depended on the times, the relationship between the two and even the economic status of the perceived offender.

However, the NFL determines "bad" as being detrimental to the NFL.

Translation: Will the actions potentialy decrease revenue?

The American justice system determines bad as illegal. If you slam a 6 pack of beer and half a bottle of Jack in your backyard it is good. If you smoke a marijuana joint in your backyard then it is bad.

If you spank a woman because she wanted you to, she derives sexual pleasure from it, is that bad? Is that assault?

We are right to question the wisdom of such behaviour but should he be punished? Should he be prevented from participating in his livlihood?

In the end, was his actions detrimental to the league....or did it provide additional publicity, added fuel to the Cowboy haters that love to hate so much they dont miss a Cowboy game? LOL, does anyone believe they dont exist?
Why do you say that most people do not view sports personalities as heroes? I ask this because it is my experience that this is not the case. However, I would be willing to understand your reasoning here.

Thank you in advance.
I think people look at them for the happiness they bring them but actual heroes? Nah. I've always loved Jordan as a basketball player but outside of sports I didn't think about him in the way a lot of folks try to say athletes are role models and the like. Yes did I want to play like him but his off the court stuff? No and being realistic I didn't care when I was a kid and still feel the same way as an adult. I really think people use that as a way to have a "valid" reason to down folks that are in better financial positions than them. That's what I believe from how I hear people talk most times on and offline. I'm not saying that always the case but more often than not that's how it comes across.

I don't know where you are at but we have different experiences on the sports people are heroes front taking kids out of the equation. Thank you for the asking question and hopefully this gives you insight into my feelings on this and if not let me know what's missing that can help you understand my views on this matter.

I would

I can't tell what you disagreeing with? Seems like the fact I use the word Hero? Take hero out and insert whatever you want, Aspire to be, Look Up To or whatever. I really don't know what else you're disagreeing with.
Well going by that it still doesn't make sense because people look up to folks in something they want to get better at. Why wouldn't folks look at athletes as heroes if your saying and meaning aspire, look up to, etc. Who doesn't do that from a trying to improve or have a measurement of where they can be? It doesn't mean you have to like everything they do otherwise and that's why it seems envious. Im pretty sure you can compartmentalize and I'm sure that's what most people do that's why I quoted you.

How on earth can you make this about political ideologies?

This is about men not forcing themselves on women.

If your ideology can argue that Zeke's behavior is OK, then your ideology is clearly the problem.
Did you quote the wrong person because I haven't said jack about no politics that I'm aware of. Like the last person I asked show me where I said his behavior was ok. I'll be waiting and last I checked since my record is as clean as your I'm assuming my ideology has served me well with men, women, or any other issue. Can y'all please stop with the emotional logic. We just disagree for goodness sake it isn't a referendum on who is good and bad because most here aren't bad and I'd be willing to bet that's the case.
if this fizzles out over the next few days it'll probably be just forgotten but if more people come out about it, he'll probably be suspended and hey at this point maybe itll send a message to him that the camera is always on him and you cant do dumb ****.
I think people look at them for the happiness they bring them but actual heroes? Nah. I've always loved Jordan as a basketball player but outside of sports I didn't think about him in the way a lot of folks try to say athletes are role models and the like. Yes did I want to play like him but his off the court stuff? No and being realistic I didn't care when I was a kid and still feel the same way as an adult. I really think people use that as a way to have a "valid" reason to down folks that are in better financial positions than them. That's what I believe from how I hear people talk most times on and offline. I'm not saying that always the case but more often than not that's how it comes across.

I don't know where you are at but we have different experiences on the sports people are heroes front taking kids out of the equation. Thank you for the asking question and hopefully this gives you insight into my feelings on this and if not let me know what's missing that can help you understand my views on this matter.

Well going by that it still doesn't make sense because people look up to folks in something they want to get better at. Why wouldn't folks look at athletes as heroes if your saying and meaning aspire, look up to, etc. Who doesn't do that from a trying to improve or have a measurement of where they can be? It doesn't mean you have to like everything they do otherwise and that's why it seems envious. Im pretty sure you can compartmentalize and I'm sure that's what most people do that's why I quoted you.

Did you quote the wrong person because I haven't said jack about no politics that I'm aware of. Like the last person I asked show me where I said his behavior was ok. I'll be waiting and last I checked since my record is as clean as your I'm assuming my ideology has served me well with men, women, or any other issue. Can y'all please stop with the emotional logic. We just disagree for goodness sake it isn't a referendum on who is good and bad because most here aren't bad and I'd be willing to bet that's the case.

When you start calling people snowflakes you know you are speaking in a very specific language made popular by neo *****. Please don't feign ignorance
Who forced themselves on anyone? This was a consensual act between two adults. If she said she didn't want this to happen than I would agree with you. Who are you to try and tell her to be offended when she clearly isn't?

She slapped his hand away the second time and quickly covered up the first.

That does not scream "consent."
toughen up, boys. don't be such pussies and cavers to mass mindless public outcry. grow a pair. this is a nothing burger.