Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

Zeke has had an ongoing relationship of some sort with this girl, according to The Fan.

This does change things dramatically.

of course it does, but the new line from Stephen Smith et al will be that it shows he is an abusive prick because what other man would do that to his woman
This is why we needed to wait for more info to emerge (as I said in the bowels of this thread) before we all started jumping off of cliffs and proclaiming Zeke a sex predator.
Doesn't absolve him, but certainly adds perspective.
Huh? Link?
He's been under investigation for domestic violence since he wad drafted with no decision yet.

This may seal it.

He visits pot stores..he parties like a hound dog..

he's not harming anybody but him self and his suspension will ruin 2017 for us.

Reports its his girlfriend is irrelevent.

Indecent exposure is illegal.

When does he understand cameras are all around him at all times.

We'll see.
Doesn't absolve him, but certainly adds perspective.

Absolve him of what? If it was consensual, what does it not absolve him of? Other than, perhaps, doing something that a rigid fanbase and media would scrutinize (tho, I will admit, he should realize this).

And what is the perspective, Erod? Gave ya a two part question :)
He's been under investigation for domestic violence since he wad drafted with no decision yet.

This may seal it.

He visits pot stores..he parties like a hound dog..

he's not harming anybody but him self and his suspension will ruin 2017 for us.

We'll see.

You said he's "already in trouble." I would like that link, sir. Or you can, for the sake of having a bit of humility, admit it was incorrect.
When did I disagree that the NFL has its own set of rules? I don't believe you have read this thread from the beginning, I don't blame you for being lazy about it, I mean its a long thread...As for no one arguing from a legal aspect, well Ill again point you to the whole rest of the thread.

As for me being wrong in my opinion of the situation, all you have to do is read my posts and see my opinions. Come on man don't just jump in mid swim and take off your skivvies, mingle a little at least.

Let me put it this way, law is law, so have you seen any charges, no? Ok then stop slandering the man by calling him a sexual predator or a rapist.
Was it appropriate, well again what is good in church may be ok at saaaay a float where all the women are taking off their tops. Oh and one main thing...
Was she OK with it? Wait, read that question again and register the main part with is "She", her, was she ok with it? Not you, not anyone else, was SHE ok with it? Well then if she was then how about we stop devaluating her and let her do her as the free modern woman she is by law.

Again these are answers to your point and assumptions, not every one else who has gone ahead and seen the indicators of a non issue.

As for Goodel, stop interfering in peoples right to live their life and enjoy it, when its not breaking the law.

I would not say it's lazy, or even true. I would say that I am responding to what you have recently posted. Lets break it down. This business of guilt effects nothing. Legally, if that's what you want to talk about, Goodell and the NFL hold all the cards. No charges have to be pressed for the NFL to take action.

You BS about "sexual slander" is exactly that. You talk about being lazy and reading the thread well, follow your own advice. I never called him a sexual anything. Go ahead and do the homework and then come back and acknowledge that you are not speaking to facts.

Once again, it doesn't matter if she is OK with it or not. She has no barring on what the League can do. Everything you have written here is useless because, as many tried to tell you, over and over, Legality does not matter, in terms of handing down potential disciplinary actions to Elliot. This is not about that. This is about the contract and the latitude that the NFL has with every single player in the NFL.

If you can't recognize that single reality, then there is no point in discussing this at all. I will simply accept the fact that you will not admit the obvious.

At no point have I claimed that Elliot WILL be found guilty, legally, of anything. I have never claimed that he is guilty of any criminal anything. He could be found guilty of something, if charges were brought forth but I have never said once that they would or he would be found guilty of anything. I only said that once this becomes to big of a problem, the NFL will take action and that "IMO", the NFL will eventually be forced to act because the media and a large number of Fans will eventually force the NFL's hand on this subject.
oh....well, I wasn't on the float, don't know their relationship or the specifics of the situation (other than a random cell phone video) to definitively declare what he did was "wrong".

I chuckled when I saw/heard about it and thought it was simply two young adults having fun. Didn't knee jerk, like many, to turn this into a sinister act of an alpha-male, millionaire predator - but that's just me. Guess we'll have to see if there's any further feedback/developments from those involved like the woman saying it was all in good fun, etc.

One of those adults is the face of a pro sports franchise and a billion dollar organization. Trying to equate this to two drunk kids shows a lack of perspective.

And I didn't turn this into Elliott being a predator either. His actions here don't come close to Ray Rice situations.
You said he's "already in trouble." I would like that link, sir. Or you can, for the sake of having a bit of humility, admit it was incorrect.

I don't have a link Trouty, but it's true. The NFL has an open investigation on EZ. It's apparently ongoing.
I don't have a link Trouty, but it's true. The NFL has an open investigation on EZ. It's apparently ongoing.

I know of this, ABQ (with the utmost respect, sir), but an ongoing investigation, for me, doesn't mean he's "already in trouble" unless it was intrinsically meant. I guess some of us see this differently. And that's fine, ABQ.

I would, still, like more details to emerge. Perhaps I'm jumping the gun a little, as well.
I would not say it's lazy, or even true. I would say that I am responding to what you have recently posted. Lets break it down. This business of guilt effects nothing. Legally, if that's what you want to talk about, Goodell and the NFL hold all the cards. No charges have to be pressed for the NFL to take action.

You BS about "sexual slander" is exactly that. You talk about being lazy and reading the thread well, follow your own advice. I never called him a sexual anything. Go ahead and do the homework and then come back and acknowledge that you are not speaking to facts.

Once again, it doesn't matter if she is OK with it or not. She has no barring on what the League can do. Everything you have written here is useless because, as many tried to tell you, over and over, Legality does not matter, in terms of handing down potential disciplinary actions to Elliot. This is not about that. This is about the contract and the latitude that the NFL has with every single player in the NFL.

If you can't recognize that single reality, then there is no point in discussing this at all. I will simply accept the fact that you will not admit the obvious.

At no point have I claimed that Elliot WILL be found guilty, legally, of anything. I have never claimed that he is guilty of any criminal anything. He could be found guilty of something, if charges were brought forth but I have never said once that they would or he would be found guilty of anything. I only said that once this becomes to big of a problem, the NFL will take action and that "IMO", the NFL will eventually be forced to act because the media and a large number of Fans will eventually force the NFL's hand on this subject.

I stated my percentage of possible suspension based on a few factors, that Zeke would be able to exercise if the league tried to violate his constitutional rights. I retorted to a variety of insinuations, and based my retort on fact. If you missed my answer to your exact point...

Based on that my odds are %10 chance and all those %10 percent are based on his previous issue with the DV, this issue has no baring on what the NFL would do.

There you have it, nice and succinct, little words, small subjects. :)

Anything else?
When did I disagree that the NFL has its own set of rules? I don't believe you have read this thread from the beginning, I don't blame you for being lazy about it, I mean its a long thread...As for no one arguing from a legal aspect, well Ill again point you to the whole rest of the thread.

As for me being wrong in my opinion of the situation, all you have to do is read my posts and see my opinions. Come on man don't just jump in mid swim and take off your skivvies, mingle a little at least.

Let me put it this way, law is law, so have you seen any charges, no? Ok then stop slandering the man by calling him a sexual predator or a rapist.
Was it appropriate, well again what is good in church may be ok at saaaay a float where all the women are taking off their tops. Oh and one main thing...
Was she OK with it? Wait, read that question again and register the main part with is "She", her, was she ok with it? Not you, not anyone else, was SHE ok with it? Well then if she was then how about we stop devaluating her and let her do her as the free modern woman she is by law.

Again these are answers to your point and assumptions, not every one else who has gone ahead and seen the indicators of a non issue.

As for Goodel, stop interfering in peoples right to live their life and enjoy it, when its not breaking the law.

I did read your posts. You continue to bring up the legality of this and ignore the fact that nobody is talking about legal prosecution. Everyone is talking about suspensions by the League. Clearly, your argument is based on the idea of people calling him guilty of something and not accepting the fact that the legality doesn't matter, in terms of suspensions etc.

You accused me of this just a few posts ago, I believe.

We can clear right up. Do you agree that it doesn't matter if he is found guilty? Do you agree that the League can hand down punishments, over this, if they decide to go down that path, regardless?
I'm sure his mother is thrilled. :rolleyes:

That is one thing I think I would be more scared of if I was him. His mom seems like she takes a strong aproch to her parenting just from some of the comments she's made in some interviews. Good luck Zeke.

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