Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

I stated my percentage of possible suspension based on a few factors, that Zeke would be able to exercise if the league tried to violate his constitutional rights. I retorted to a variety of insinuations, and based my retort on fact. If you missed my answer to your exact point...

Based on that my odds are %10 chance and all those %10 percent are based on his previous issue with the VD, this issue has no baring on what the NFL would do.

There you have it, nice and succinct, little words, small subjects. :)

Anything else?

His constitutional rights play no part in the League's ability to discipline him over an issue such as this. None.

I do agree with you, however, on the little words thing.
One of those adults is the face of a pro sports franchise and a billion dollar organization. Trying to equate this to two drunk kids shows a lack of perspective.

And I didn't turn this into Elliott being a predator either. His actions here don't come close to Ray Rice situations.
didn't point to you as making him out to be a predator. And one's perspective is relevant....I'm not one who believes in NFL conspiracy theories nor do I think every situation needs to be escalated to extremes
I did read your posts. You continue to bring up the legality of this and ignore the fact that nobody is talking about legal prosecution. Everyone is talking about suspensions by the League. Clearly, your argument is based on the idea of people calling him guilty of something and not accepting the fact that the legality doesn't matter, in terms of suspensions etc.

You accused me of this just a few posts ago, I believe.

We can clear right up. Do you agree that it doesn't matter if he is found guilty? Do you agree that the League can hand down punishments, over this, if they decide to go down that path, regardless?

I don't think the league will or can hand down any discipline based on this situation, and if/when they do discipline Zeke it will be worded to reflect its off of the previous DV issue. Hence the "No comment" from the league.

Just because you don't hit on all the issues being discussed doesn't mean the discussions aren't being had with those topics of support. Remember that when you read a my responses so if you and I are to talk, its like this, in a clear understanding. Don't come into the room yelling squirrel. ;p
I know of this, ABQ (with the utmost respect, sir), but an ongoing investigation, for me, doesn't mean he's "already in trouble" unless it was intrinsically meant. I guess some of us see this differently. And that's fine, ABQ.

I would, still, like more details to emerge. Perhaps I'm jumping the gun a little, as well.

I agree and I would not suggest that he is guilty. I am simply saying that the NFL still does have that investigation open.

This, to me, is the problem with this subject matter. People kinda get things confused with the legal system and how things work in the real world. Nothing like what the NFL can do to Elliott would ever happen to us in our own jobs, by and large. We work off of a different set of rules there. The NFL, as I'm sure you know, it doesn't work like that. They have the latitude to protect their interests via contractual agreement, every player must agree to before they can enter the NFL.

It is what it is.....
He's already in trouble.

Looks like we have a primma donna for a RB.

He doesn't listen and does his own thing.

Why do we get these guys?

He's a hell of a football player, but he's not the brightest tool in the shed. It looks like we have a train of stupid little embarrassing judgement errors, at best. Let's hope it starts and stops there.
I don't think the league will or can hand down any discipline based on this situation, and if/when they do discipline Zeke it will be worded to reflect its off of the previous DV issue. Hence the "No comment" from the league.

Just because you don't hit on all the issues being discussed doesn't mean the discussions aren't being had with those topics of support. Remember that when you read a my responses so if you and I are to talk, its like this, in a clear understanding. Don't come into the room yelling squirrel. ;p

The topics you are discussing with other posters are not what I would be discussing naturally. I am simply responding to your posts, to me, for the most part.

I don't agree with you about what the League can do on this. I think they a lot of latitude here. Elliott basically gave them all they need through his own actions IMO.

How it might be worded is irrelevant IMO. It all comes down to the same thing. If the commissioner decides to move on this, he can and there is not much Elliott or anybody can do about it. That is my opinion.
I agree and I would not suggest that he is guilty. I am simply saying that the NFL still does have that investigation open.

This, to me, is the problem with this subject matter. People kinda get things confused with the legal system and how things work in the real world. Nothing like what the NFL can do to Elliott would ever happen to us in our own jobs, by and large. We work off of a different set of rules there. The NFL, as I'm sure you know, it doesn't work like that. They have the latitude to protect their interests via contractual agreement, every player must agree to before they can enter the NFL.

It is what it is.....

I 100% agree, sir. The NFL can do whatever it wants, and Zeke has to realize this.

But, as an aside, ABQ, under investigation and being in trouble, for me, are separate. Trouble, for me, means he's suspended, going to court, etc. Maybe it's just semantics, I need to eat lunch :)
I 100% agree, sir. The NFL can do whatever it wants, and Zeke has to realize this.

But, as an aside, ABQ, under investigation and being in trouble, for me, are separate. Trouble, for me, means he's suspended, going to court, etc. Maybe it's just semantics, I need to eat lunch :)

I agree with you Trouty, for the most part. Enjoy your lunch, actually sounds like a pretty good idea!

I agree and I would not suggest that he is guilty. I am simply saying that the NFL still does have that investigation open.

This, to me, is the problem with this subject matter. People kinda get things confused with the legal system and how things work in the real world. Nothing like what the NFL can do to Elliott would ever happen to us in our own jobs, by and large. We work off of a different set of rules there. The NFL, as I'm sure you know, it doesn't work like that. They have the latitude to protect their interests via contractual agreement, every player must agree to before they can enter the NFL.

It is what it is.....

but Robespierre still has to follow some kind of rules, he can't just suspend willy nilly because he has some different moral code from others

Whether Zeke Elliott grabs some breast or not will make no difference as to how much ad money the league receives. He might not get endorsement money, but the league will not lose a sponsor over it.
I 100% agree, sir. The NFL can do whatever it wants, and Zeke has to realize this.

But, as an aside, ABQ, under investigation and being in trouble, for me, are separate. Trouble, for me, means he's suspended, going to court, etc. Maybe it's just semantics, I need to eat lunch :)

NFL cannot do whatever it wants, the Brady case and others have shown that to be the case. If Robespierre tries to suspend him, Zeke should sue the NFL and Robespierre
His constitutional rights play no part in the League's ability to discipline him over an issue such as this. None.

I do agree with you, however, on the little words thing.

Constitution doesn't matter?
Have we hit the Peter K. Dick future already?
This, to me, is the problem with this subject matter. People kinda get things confused with the legal system and how things work in the real world. Nothing like what the NFL can do to Elliott would ever happen to us in our own jobs, by and large. We work off of a different set of rules there. The NFL, as I'm sure you know, it doesn't work like that. They have the latitude to protect their interests via contractual agreement, every player must agree to before they can enter the NFL.

Maybe I'm reading too much into your statement, and if I am, let me know, but in this day and age of social media, people do get canned for less than what Zeke did.

A woman is about to board a plane for a trip to Africa. She tweets "Hope I don't get AIDS. LOL! I can't. I'm white."

By the time she lands, her tweet has been retweeted hundreds of thousands of times, and she is an ex-employee of her company.

Two women flash the "bird" sign at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. This brain trust decides to put the picture on social media. A firestorm ensues, and I believe the two of them get fired.

This stuff is happening a lot more where companies are saying "bye, bye" to employees who create bad publicity for them.
Maybe I'm reading too much into your statement, and if I am, let me know, but in this day and age of social media, people do get canned for less than what Zeke did.

Two women flash the "bird" sign at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. This brain trust decides to put the picture on social media. A firestorm ensues, and I believe the two of them get fired.

This stuff is happening a lot more where companies are saying "bye, bye" to employees who create bad publicity for them.

I 100% agree, sir. The NFL can do whatever it wants, and Zeke has to realize this.

But, as an aside, ABQ, under investigation and being in trouble, for me, are separate. Trouble, for me, means he's suspended, going to court, etc. Maybe it's just semantics, I need to eat lunch :)

Wish I worked on a lasagna line...
On a float, in St Patties Day...in Dallas. :D
didn't point to you as making him out to be a predator. And one's perspective is relevant....I'm not one who believes in NFL conspiracy theories nor do I think every situation needs to be escalated to extremes

I am not sure there is a conspiracy at work here. It's a fact that the NFL, after months and months of investigations, still has an open case against Elliott for domestic violence. It's pretty clear they are looking for something at this point and we've seen them cowtail to pressure on domestic violence in the past.

This gives them the out. They can punish him for this incidence that is video documented, give something to the woman's advocacy groups and then drop the domestic investigation.
Please explain to me the Constitutional issue here? :huh:

Sorry man, I'm going to leave that one to you, some people go to school for that kinda stuff and pay a good chunk of change to learn, some even get the gist of it in high school. Suffice to say Zeke would have a strong case.

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