Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

Just based on the little info I have seen on it the woman had no issues with Elliott however Cowboys need to remind him that being in the spotlight comes with a cost and he has to show better judgment in his actions. He is lucky this woman did not file suite to get some easy cash, next time he may not be lucky.

This is the truth, and for all we know, after the week or whatever it is over, she still may decide to do that. We have no idea.
I went to school, and I'm pretty well versed in the Constitution, particularly the First Amendment since I did spend much of my career in journalism defending the First Amendment.

So, I'll ask again and be more succinct and to the point. What constitutional right allows Zeke to pull down a woman's top exposing her breasts to the public?

I saw what you did there, aww.. :)

But No, that response I gave you was a polite way of saying, YOU should expand yourself on the subject, if you don't have the foresight for it now. I don't feel the need nor inclination to go further into detail about it on a football forum the sentence has its own merit for study if you so wish. I already know the avenue he could take. Maybe someone else here can help you. Is that a sufficient answer?
This commissioner has already set that in motion. What he did with Hardy was 100% about the NFL. legally, Hardy did nothing wrong and yet, he was supended for more then a year.

and it was a total witchhunt re Hardy but at least there was evidence of severe malfeasance even if legally he was acquitted.

If Hardy got 16 games for what he did, there is no way a friendly flash gets anything more than a fine. I could accept a fine but Josh Brown got one game for pounding his wife, how can you even consider giving Zeke a suspension for what he did
and it was a total witchhunt re Hardy but at least there was evidence of severe malfeasance even if legally he was acquitted.

If Hardy got 16 games for what he did, there is no way a friendly flash gets anything more than a fine. I could accept a fine but Josh Brown got one game for pounding his wife, how can you even consider giving Zeke a suspension for what he did

Players union will step in for Zeke when/if suspension is handed down. Don't know what that'll do.
Very well, go ahead and explain to me how his Constitutional Rights would be violated and then, why the NFL would not have authority, based on the contractual agreement Elliott entered into, upon entering the League?

see post #1022
This is the truth, and for all we know, after the week or whatever it is over, she still may decide to do that. We have no idea.

Yep, this woman could have easily filed a Criminal complaint and a civil complaint against Zeke and likely would have won. I just hope Zeke starts to use better judgment in the future and as I said I think Cowboys organization needs to sit him down and remind him. There is just too much at risk for him and the Cowboys
There are no laws in TX that prevent woman from going topless in public.

I don't believe this is necessarily true, I believe you can still be sited for public Lewdness, indecent exposure or disorderly conduct but I am not specifically familiar with the laws at their location.

Having said this, it really doesn't matter. The Commish can hand out disciplines regardless of if the Law finds a player guilty of violations of the Code of Conduct.
Yep, this woman could have easily filed a Criminal complaint and a civil complaint against Zeke and likely would have won. I just hope Zeke starts to use better judgment in the future and as I said I think Cowboys organization needs to sit him down and remind him. There is just too much at risk for him and the Cowboys

it seems they had an ongoing relationship, this isn't a situation like some are making out that he was just standing next to some random woman and said, oh let me pull down your shirt.
Yep, this woman could have easily filed a Criminal complaint and a civil complaint against Zeke and likely would have won. I just hope Zeke starts to use better judgment in the future and as I said I think Cowboys organization needs to sit him down and remind him. There is just too much at risk for him and the Cowboys

I agree Dooms. The sooner the better I think.
I don't believe this is necessarily true, I believe you can still be sited for public Lewdness, indecent exposure or disorderly conduct but I am not specifically familiar with the laws at their location.

Having said this, it really doesn't matter. The Commish can hand out disciplines regardless of if the Law finds a player guilty of violations of the Code of Conduct.

but what does the code of conduct say, is it so vague and the punishments not set out to the point Robespierre can do what he wants, I think not
Wonder what commish would do if Zeke was back in the day at Woodstock 1969. Nudity, Sex. drugs everywhere. lol.
it seems they had an ongoing relationship, this isn't a situation like some are making out that he was just standing next to some random woman and said, oh let me pull down your shirt.

I bet a bunch of us had ex wifes like that once. LOL...... Didn't stop the law from telling many of us that we owe.........
but what does the code of conduct say, is it so vague and the punishments not set out to the point Robespierre can do what he wants, I think not

That's kinda the point. It is very broad and allows for the Commissioner to enjoy a ridiculous amount of Latitude.

That's really the fear that I have over all of this.
You know the whole "if it was my daughter" argument just serves to augment the fact that you would and cant digest more than your own perception of the situation. As a society we have an obligation to be objective, especially when accusing someone of a crime. That's why its a bunk answer, a DA would roll his eyes at you if you started your retort with that statement.

People have a right to live differently from you, you don't have the same liberties as some others do by way of position/stature/wealth/beliefs. Women have a right to progress away from being shammed for being liberated from a male dominated controlling social construct.

In short, your daughter wasn't there, I assume. I mean she isn't your daughter right, the girl in the vid? So stop imposing your values on them. If your daughter does something like this as an adult, hopefully this gives you some insight on how to treat her like a woman, and not a child. Women consistently take the initiative sometime in an aggressive way (kiss, fondle the jigglies, butt grab, ask to be taken home), and I for one don't mind it if a woman does that because I have a right to decline any advance, but more importantly it evens the field and progresses the strength and control that comes with being assertive. Can some approaches be rude, sure but that is subjective to the individual being advanced upon.

Geesh, I thought this was all common knowledge?

As for men taking liberties, again that isn't the case in this scenario, as pointed out by her. So its not an issue that should be discussed unless your still trying to impose your view on how she should take it?

I appreciate the time, effort, and intelligence you devoted to defending immature and dumb behavior under the ennobling guise of individual liberty. Zeke is indeed an American hero and champion of freedom. We salute you, and those intrepid defenders of juvenile male jackassery, Zeke.
and it was a total witchhunt re Hardy but at least there was evidence of severe malfeasance even if legally he was acquitted.

If Hardy got 16 games for what he did, there is no way a friendly flash gets anything more than a fine. I could accept a fine but Josh Brown got one game for pounding his wife, how can you even consider giving Zeke a suspension for what he did

I don't believe it would be nearly as sever as what we saw with Hardy but then again, we don't know what the ongoing investigation has or does not have. I just wish this kid would wise up and understand that he has it all. The NFL is ready to make him the next Golden Boy, if he just stops with the stupid behavior.
Actually, consent doesn't do that. It's illegal for two consenting adults to have sex in public, for example. There are laws, in certain areas they may differ a bit but, consent doesn't really give a pass on some of those things.
Ahh, gotcha, ABQ.
he still has to act judiciously and not look like a tyrant.

He really doesn't but I understand what your point is. The problem, he is going to have more then enough support to basically do whatever because nobody is going to object much when they view the video. As a fan base of the Cowboys, we are way more forgiving then the majority of this country or even football fans.