Zeke in trouble

We need to drop this.
Ok, then stop trying to say Zeke didn’t instigate it by calling him a ninja instead of trying to defend him by saying the guard was dressed like a ninja and Zeke didn’t use the word in a purposefully derogatory manner.
Ok, then stop trying to say Zeke didn’t instigate it by calling him a ninja instead of trying to defend him by saying the guard was dressed like a ninja and Zeke didn’t use the word in a purposefully derogatory manner.

That security guard must be pretty thin skinned if he can’t handle being called a ninja dressed the way he was. He didn’t press charges because he provoked Zeke by using the N-word. The security guard must live by the urban dictionary. Lol
You’re the one being proven wrong. If you live by the urban dictionary you’re not to be taken seriously.

Sorry man, I live in the real world. Urban is a part of my daily life in Philadelphia. The word is used here and accepted, sadly its the world we live in and its adapt or die. Its also not just in Philly as it was widely used in the Marines as well from my " Green" brothers and sisters all over the nation. I dont know what to say .... You wont take me seriously over a word you disagree with, how will i ever go on?
Sorry man, I live in the real world. Urban is a part of my daily life in Philadelphia. The word is used here and accepted, sadly its the world we live in and its adapt or die. Its also not just in Philly as it was widely used in the Marines as well from my " Green" brothers and sisters all over the nation. I dont know what to say .... You wont take me seriously over a word you disagree with, how will i ever go on?

A lot of things are accepted in Philadelphia which is why the old vet had a jail. The present stadium may have a jail as well. We need to let this go.
That security guard must be pretty thin skinned if he can’t handle being called a ninja dressed the way he was. He didn’t press charges because he provoked Zeke by using the N-word. The security guard must live by the urban dictionary. Lol
First of all, you’re right, we should drop it but we’ll just have to disagree. We have no idea why the security guard dropped charges, maybe because he didn’t want a bunch of negative attention or maybe because he didn’t want to pay a bunch of lawyer fees for a case that could go either way.

It’s ridiculous to assume that putting your hands on anyone over a word is justifiable in the court of law. In other words, even if he did say what you claim then that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t still have a case against Zeke.

Personally, I’m guessing it wasn’t that big of a deal to him and he doesn’t want to make it a major issue. I’ve been in fights when I wasn’t the aggressor and I didn’t sue anyone or press charges nor would I no matter who they were, especially over a minor bump. Not everyone is looking for a free handout or to make a big deal out of nothing. If I were the security guard I would be more embarrassed over pressing charges then I would from flopping over a gate.
First of all, you’re right, we should drop it but we’ll just have to disagree. We have no idea why the security guard dropped charges, maybe because he didn’t want a bunch of negative attention or maybe because he didn’t want to pay a bunch of lawyer fees for a case that could go either way.

It’s ridiculous to assume that putting your hands on anyone over a word is justifiable in the court of law. In other words, even if he did say what you claim then that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t still have a case against Zeke.

Personally, I’m guessing it wasn’t that big of a deal to him and he doesn’t want to make it a major issue. I’ve been in fights when I wasn’t the aggressor and I didn’t sue anyone or press charges nor would I no matter who they were, especially over a minor bump. Not everyone is looking for a free handout or to make a big deal out of nothing. If I were the security guard I would be more embarrassed over pressing charges then I would from flopping over a gate.

I miss the days when you could fight then have a beer with guy after most times. Last real fight I was in I got a broken tooth and 4 stitches in my lip . The guy at the time, I really didn't know well . Today we have been best friends for the past 20 years. He cheap shotted my and took 1 punch, butI deserved it. our Sgt and LT tried to pry out what happened. I tripped over my shoelace sir. Who knew that me and him were wrong about each other .... bastage still loves telling that story today.
First of all, you’re right, we should drop it but we’ll just have to disagree. We have no idea why the security guard dropped charges, maybe because he didn’t want a bunch of negative attention or maybe because he didn’t want to pay a bunch of lawyer fees for a case that could go either way.

It’s ridiculous to assume that putting your hands on anyone over a word is justifiable in the court of law. In other words, even if he did say what you claim then that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t still have a case against Zeke.

Personally, I’m guessing it wasn’t that big of a deal to him and he doesn’t want to make it a major issue. I’ve been in fights when I wasn’t the aggressor and I didn’t sue anyone or press charges nor would I no matter who they were, especially over a minor bump. Not everyone is looking for a free handout or to make a big deal out of nothing. If I were the security guard I would be more embarrassed over pressing charges then I would from flopping over a gate.

There’s plenty of ideas why the security guard dropped charges and I provided most of them. Hopefully this goes away and nothing comes of it. The team doesn’t need another dark cloud hanging over their head causing a distraction when things are looking up for this season.
I miss the days when you could fight then have a beer with guy after most times. Last real fight I was in I got a broken tooth and 4 stitches in my lip . The guy at the time, I really didn't know well . Today we have been best friends for the past 20 years. He cheap shotted my and took 1 punch, butI deserved it. our Sgt and LT tried to pry out what happened. I tripped over my shoelace sir. Who knew that me and him were wrong about each other .... bastage still loves telling that story today.
Lol, sounds a lot like my younger days. Playing rugby we would ALWAYS get in pretty bad fights and after the game we would all be getting hammered together around a keg. Got in a fight on the side of the highway with my roommate at the time, he walked off, showed up at the apartment a few hours later and we hit the bong like nothing happened.

On a lesser scale, just hit up Slayer a few weeks ago. The pits aren’t as rough as they used to be but I got pretty dinged up and would be sharing beers between sets with the same guys that put me on my butt and vice versa.

No hard feelings.
I'm sure some of the boys in the 90s did all sorts of things we just didn't know about, but these days everyone has a camera.

When you've already been suspended once under the Personal Conduct Policy this sort of behavior is just asking for trouble.
Did something ?? Heck they had an entire building called the White House where players took girlfriends , groupies and others and partied with all sorts of stuff ... heck Irvin stabbed an o-lineman with a pair of scissors .. none of the teams of the past are above these ridiculous things ... difference is now social media gives instant reports ... it doesn’t justify what they do or make it right .. it’s just recorded and posted for all to see immediately :. I couldn’t even imagine if some of the previous teams of multiple decades past had to deal with the media how much would’ve been put there .. but Zeke and players of today especially cowboy players have to know they are targets and need to avoid situations .. it sucks for them but still
Oh yah, when a guy gets in trouble now, he always claims someone said the Nword.


You’re too stupid to read the word “if” in my post.

That stupidity means anything you have to say is worthless
Dont you and smurf have a Zeke thread on EMB to troll ? :p
I don't have any thread over there..............most Cowboys fans that peruse other MB's go with the same usernames that we use on here........I have yet to find one eagles fan that does that........we don't have the need to do that, we're not ashamed of our team and feel the need to hide.
I don't have any thread over there..............most Cowboys fans that peruse other MB's go with the same usernames that we use on here........I have yet to find one eagles fan that does that........we don't have the need to do that, we're not ashamed of our team and feel the need to hide.

Because of NE.Jon does not have the same meaning here that it does there. Here it would be confused for New England not knowing it was for Northeast Philly. All anyone had to do was ask I aint hiding.
I don't have any thread over there..............most Cowboys fans that peruse other MB's go with the same usernames that we use on here........I have yet to find one eagles fan that does that........we don't have the need to do that, we're not ashamed of our team and feel the need to hide.
You should be.

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