First of all, you’re right, we should drop it but we’ll just have to disagree. We have no idea why the security guard dropped charges, maybe because he didn’t want a bunch of negative attention or maybe because he didn’t want to pay a bunch of lawyer fees for a case that could go either way.
It’s ridiculous to assume that putting your hands on anyone over a word is justifiable in the court of law. In other words, even if he did say what you claim then that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t still have a case against Zeke.
Personally, I’m guessing it wasn’t that big of a deal to him and he doesn’t want to make it a major issue. I’ve been in fights when I wasn’t the aggressor and I didn’t sue anyone or press charges nor would I no matter who they were, especially over a minor bump. Not everyone is looking for a free handout or to make a big deal out of nothing. If I were the security guard I would be more embarrassed over pressing charges then I would from flopping over a gate.