I heard that and they said they'll be talking about it monday so the weekend won't calm down the talk of whatever happens. They fully know that bad news comes out late friday so by monday its not a big deal or talked about as much but I'm sure they'll be all over it.Bob Pappa and Tucker on Sirius NFL are just giddy with excitement this morning at the thought that Zeke will miss the Giants game. DBs
there HAS to be new evidence, or evidence we don't know about to justify 6 damn gamesGet the popcorn makers ready this is gonna be interesting esp for our fan base where the majority of us diehards our pushing 40yrs of loyal service. The last twenty years may have nothing on our mental states if this goes as predicted. With that I firmly believe Zeke, JJ, and the NFLPA will fight this IF there is no new evidence that is damning to Zeke.
I agree with others on here. If Zeke had simply kept his nose clean...I think this goes away.
Yeah, we can spit, cuss, and blame the Goodell/Mara/Friel conspiracy (which I am starting to believe has some merit), but Zeke is to blame too.
appeal is 10 day process, so no
Yeah the only thing that makes sense. Still gonna be a fight Rocky II style.there HAS to be new evidence, or evidence we don't know about to justify 6 damn games
My neighbor is one of the detectives that was assigned to the bar incident and he said no one was talking in regards to what went on but he also mentioned that there was another incident Zeke and his bodyguard were involved in prior to the latest incident. He said no one was talking in that one either so it kind of got swept under the rug. It makes me wonder if the NFL didn't happen to stumble across that while investigating this lastest incident. This may just be the right time for Zeke to get a little spanking
One of the Cowboys beat writers on a podcast weeks alluded to other incidents that the general public was unaware of. And how the team has done a good job of basically making the incidents disappear while keeping all subjects involved silent.