Twitter: Zeke lawyers file for stay on suspension

All I can find is that Zeke's team filed for a "brief administrative stay" this afternoon which would let him play just this Sunday against the Chiefs.

However, this was several hours ago and nothing seems to have come out of it. I guess we just have to assume he's out these six weeks.

even when the court is on recess there is someone on duty for emergencies. Now whether the NFLPA can convince that judge this is an emergency....
Its the idiots that make empty threats on the internet that get that label. Wear it with pride. You can't even enunciate what I'm supposedly wrong about. Weapons grade projection you're working on there Don. This is what happens when you back yourself into a corner and start attacking multiple people. Canadian, Kevin, bk, but to each individual it's their issue not you. Common denominator is just one *******.

Idiots huh. OK, well, rather then just benching you right here and now, which I could do very easily for that idiot comment, I will just end this conversation with you. You are wrong about about a lot here but you know that.

I can't even "enunciate" what you are wrong about? The word "enunciate" is a term that refers to actual speech. It has to do with actual pronunciation. We are use text here. I believe the word you are looking for might be "Articulate". So at the very least, you are wrong about that statement. This is a where do I start kind of thing. I am not certain what "Don" is supposed to be but that's fine.

The common denominator here is the refusal of Cowboy fans to accept the inevitable. This was always going to happen and that's just the truth. But you won't accept that so instead, you will continue to argue about it, even though it's pretty much decided.

Have a great weekend.
What Canadian said is irrelevant to what I said. Libel is irrelevant to what I said. Now it really appears you are purposefully not listening to what people are saying. It really appears you don't get what I was saying at all.

What is it to me? This is a public forum. You said something that was hypocritical. I pointed it out. If you don't like it, don't do it. What is it to you that someone committed libel against a judge? And accusing the judge of being bought and paid for is not libel in and of itself. You have to prove that it's false. He expressed an opinion. So you're wrong on several levels.

Your story, you tell it.
I did not say the judge was paid for, but there is a a definite apprehension of bias when her husband was involved with the NFL in drafting the CBA

You said that the Judge was in the NFL's pocket. Do you have proof of that or are you just making accusations that are unfounded, unproven? If so, then that is Libel.
Idiots huh. OK, well, rather then just benching you right here and now, which I could do very easily for that idiot comment, I will just end this conversation with you. You are wrong about about a lot here but you know that.

I can't even "enunciate" what you are wrong about? The word "enunciate" is a term that refers to actual speech. It has to do with actual pronunciation. We are use text here. I believe the word you are looking for might be "Articulate". So at the very least, you are wrong about that statement. This is a where do I start kind of thing. I am not certain what "Don" is supposed to be but that's fine.

The common denominator here is the refusal of Cowboy fans to accept the inevitable. This was always going to happen and that's just the truth. But you won't accept that so instead, you will continue to argue about it, even though it's pretty much decided.

Have a great weekend.
Webster, enunciate: express (a proposition or theory) in clear or definite terms.

So you're wrong and still haven't said a single thing Ive been wrong about. And are threatening people on the internet on a forum you "mod" although not really because near as I can tell you usually just troll and attack multiple people who are always at fault. You need any other assistance with definitions let me know and I'll see if I can help you out. You'll have to get your homeroom teacher to give you permission though tough guy.
Why do you care?

Btw looks like you were wrong re this week.

So did you say that or not? Do you have proof or not? If so, then it is a libel statement.

What do you think I am wrong about? I mean, it's not impossible but it would be good to know what, exactly, you are referring to.
Webster, enunciate: express (a proposition or theory) in clear or definite terms.

So you're wrong and still haven't said a single thing Ive been wrong about. And are threatening people on the internet on a forum you "mod" although not really because near as I can tell you usually just troll and attack multiple people who are always at fault. You need any other assistance with definitions let me know and I'll see if I can help you out. You'll have to get your homeroom teacher to give you permission though tough guy.

Send the link please.
You said that the Judge was in the NFL's pocket. Do you have proof of that or are you just making accusations that are unfounded, unproven? If so, then that is Libel.


Dude, just stop. That is not what libel is.

Can you prove that she is not in the NFL's pocket? Can you 100% prove this? Then can you prove 100% that Canadian should have known this and had a complete disregard for that "fact?" When you can do that, then you can start talking about libel.

Dude, just stop. That is not what libel is.

Can you prove that she is not in the NFL's pocket? Can you 100% prove this? Then can you prove 100% that Canadian should have known this and had a complete disregard for that "fact?" When you can do that, then you can start talking about libel.

What is Libel? I posted the definition earlier. You tell me, what is Libel? In this country, you don't have to prove that a person is not guilty. In this country, you are innocent until proven guilty.

"Dude, just stop". Really, what are you five?
Webster, enunciate: express (a proposition or theory) in clear or definite terms.

So you're wrong and still haven't said a single thing Ive been wrong about. And are threatening people on the internet on a forum you "mod" although not really because near as I can tell you usually just troll and attack multiple people who are always at fault. You need any other assistance with definitions let me know and I'll see if I can help you out. You'll have to get your homeroom teacher to give you permission though tough guy.

OK, haven't seen a link from you yet so I will post what I found as a definition from Merriam-Webster.

Once again, it is related to speach.

We don't agree. Why don't we just leave it at that.
What is Libel? I posted the definition earlier. You tell me, what is Libel? In this country, you don't have to prove that a person is not guilty. In this country, you are innocent until proven guilty.

"Dude, just stop". Really, what are you five?

You see to prove libel, you have to prove that what they said was false. You see "false" that is the key word (but not the only one) in that definition you posted. Prove that it's false. Next, prove that it is damaging to the judge's reputation. You can't do that.

I guess he's innocent of committing libel then, as you can't prove his guilt. You have no clue about the matter.

Thankfully, I am not five, and I'm not embarrassing myself like someone is.
You see to prove libel, you have to prove that what they said was false. You see "false" that is the key word (but not the only one) in that definition you posted. Prove that it's false. Next, prove that it is damaging to the judge's reputation. You can't do that.

I guess he's innocent of committing libel then, as you can't prove his guilt. You have no clue about the matter.

Thankfully, I am not five, and I'm not embarrassing myself like someone is.

OK, I will play it your way. If he were guilty of being on the payroll of the NFL, then obviously, he would have broken the law. If that were the case, then said person would not be a Federal Judge. Since this person is, in point of fact, still Serving as a Federal Judge, it stands to reason that they are not "in the pocket" of the NFL or being paid by the NFL.

Now, there is your proof so is there any more silly stuff you would like to throw against the wall, before we move along?

Anything to refuse to accept the obvious I guess.
OK, I will play it your way. If he were guilty of being on the payroll of the NFL, then obviously, he would have broken the law. If that were the case, then said person would not be a Federal Judge. Since this person is, in point of fact, still Serving as a Federal Judge, it stands to reason that they are not "in the pocket" of the NFL or being paid by the NFL.

Now, there is your proof so is there any more silly stuff you would like to throw against the wall, before we move along?

Anything to refuse to accept the obvious I guess.

That is anything but reason. Are you even trying to think about what you say at all?

And who is this "he?"

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