Twitter: Zeke lawyers file for stay on suspension

Exactly.........look, let’s be real here fellas. Zeke is not replaceable, that is why we burned a top 4 pick on him. If we have backs on the roster that can do what he does, then we wasted a very high pick. The reason we took him that high is because he can do things our other backs can’t.

So it’s not a matter of if we are going to be worse, it’s an issue of how much worse. There is a decent chance that when Zeke comes back we might already be eliminated from playoff contention.
I agree, the only thing I would say is it might be possible that some how this lights a fire under our play makers and those who to me have been under achievers thus far and shall remain unnamed. If that happens and we can win 4 out of the six we might just have a shot
Well that's what happens when you agree to a CBA where management can handpick the arbitrator.

This is ultimately what it comes down to in my mind. It was outright stupid of the NFLPA to allow Goodell to be the one who picks the arbitrator. If the damn CBA stipulated that an actual INDEPENDENT arbitrator selected and agreed upon by both the NFL and NFLPA had to be used, then none of this would
Have happened because Zeke would have gotten a fair hearing.

It was a a huge mistake that the union allowed the nfl
Be the ones to solely decide who arbitrates the appeals. Freaking stupid beyond comprehension.
When does the judge schedule the lawsuit the NFL filed asking for affirmation of the arbitration award?
When does the judge schedule the lawsuit the NFL filed asking for affirmation of the arbitration award?

I not sure but I don't think they have filed the actual motion to affirm. They originally filed a "notice of a motion" just to be the first filed. Similar to what the NFLPA did today. They filed a notice of appeal to the 2nd, then filed the appeal about an hour later after hearing Fallia's ruling.
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Maybe....just maybe, to him, it's not about football. Maybe it's about clearing his name on something he feels he didn't do.

I agree, it is about clearing his name for something he is accused, and that was shown to be false, but I have to also agree with Ghost, outside of our fan base everyone else is going to assume he did it. It sucks to say but he is going to have to serve it either now or into next season if they keep pushing it back
Why keep fighting, at this point he serves it amd comes back for Week 17 against the Raiders. If you keep fighting it increases the likelyhood of going into the 2018 season as well and missing games then as well.

Week 17? Did you tack on a couple games?
This is ultimately what it comes down to in my mind. It was outright stupid of the NFLPA to allow Goodell to be the one who picks the arbitrator. If the damn CBA stipulated that an actual INDEPENDENT arbitrator selected and agreed upon by both the NFL and NFLPA had to be used, then none of this would
Have happened because Zeke would have gotten a fair hearing.

It was a a huge mistake that the union allowed the nfl
Be the ones to solely decide who arbitrates the appeals. Freaking stupid beyond comprehension.
I think the NFLPA agreed to that on good faith. IMO it is Goodell that had abused and misused this authority. This collective bargaining agreement coming up is going to be a nasty one. The wedge between the owners and the players is getting wider by the day. If these two groups can't recognize they are partners, this thing of being America most popular sport is going to evaporate quickly. Owners need to recognize there are only so many elite athletes in the World, you aren't going to field inferior talent and get the same results viewer wise and these players need to understand the possibility of the
irreconcilable damage they are doing to the brand with their protesting. They both will end up losing more than it is worth, and Goodell's inability to handle conflict in a fair and decisive way is at the root of it all. In short they HAVE to get a rid of him, or this league will continue its downward spiral.
Federal courts follow a "first to file rule" whereby the first federal district that gets the filing hears the case. Elliott's team tried to get the jump on the NFL by filing in Texas (5th district), but CA5 kicked the case out because they said you can't file until the ruling has been made.
What exactly is the nfl filing? A challenge to the ruling by the nfl that hasn’t yet been made by Zeke’s team?

I’m not understanding that part of the process. What exactly is the nfl filing first?
The NFL's own network is saying that the Cowboys don't have a shot at making the playoffs without Zeke. How is that not irreparable harm? That has big financial ramifications for the team and Zeke's brand. That doesn't even include the over $800k in salary that Zeke will lose.

The NFL's own network is saying that the Cowboys don't have a shot at making the playoffs without Zeke. How is that not irreparable harm? That has big financial ramifications for the team and Zeke's brand. That doesn't even include the over $800k in salary that Zeke will lose.

3 more wins w/o Zeke will be hard to come by
What exactly is the nfl filing? A challenge to the ruling by the nfl that hasn’t yet been made by Zeke’s team?

I’m not understanding that part of the process. What exactly is the nfl filing first?

As soon as the arbitrator submits his conclusion/decision, the NFL files some BS motion with the NY court to basically confirm/validate the arbitration. It's all part of this lousy legal game that they play. And of course they have the advantage of filing at the court of their choice because they know EXACTLY WHEN the arbitrator makes his ruling (since he's an NFL employee).

Elliott's team tried to "beat" the NFL by filing in Texas after the arbitration hearing was over, but before the arbitrator made his "official" ruling. This maneuver ultimately failed.

The icing on the cake was when it became known that the presiding judge is married to a lawyer that was employed by the NFL to help craft/negotiate the current CBA.

Just unreal.
Time to play the r card and also start filing defamation and libel suits against the league and the accuser. If he’s going down as an innocent man, which I believe he is, should mess everyone else up too.
I think the NFLPA agreed to that on good faith. IMO it is Goodell that had abused and misused this authority. This collective bargaining agreement coming up is going to be a nasty one. The wedge between the owners and the players is getting wider by the day. If these two groups can't recognize they are partners, this thing of being America most popular sport is going to evaporate quickly. Owners need to recognize there are only so many elite athletes in the World, you aren't going to field inferior talent and get the same results viewer wise and these players need to understand the possibility of the
irreconcilable damage they are doing to the brand with their protesting. They both will end up losing more than it is worth, and Goodell's inability to handle conflict in a fair and decisive way is at the root of it all. In short they HAVE to get a rid of him, or this league will continue its downward spiral.

You’re probably right about the good faith part.

And you’re also right the next CBA is going to be nasty. Because Roger Goodell has ripped any good faith the NFLPA has to shreds
This won't clear his name. At best, a court may rule the arbitration process was fundamentally unfair.

People are going to believe what they want to believe and if we're being honest, 97% of people base those beliefs on which team they root for.
Easy to say that when you've never been in that situation.
As much as I don't like it, Zeke is gone for 6 games. It is what it is. This team is going to have to step up and play hard. To be honest, I'm more concerned with the defense then the offense. Doesn't matter who's running the ball if the defense plays poorly.

Concerning the Zeke issue. I hate what's going on. Everyone can scream all you want and file all the law suits you can, but in the end, the NFLPA messed this up. They gave incredible power to the NFL and by the contract, the NFL can basically do what they want and there is nothing anyone can do about it. All these filing by the lawyers is just delaying the inevitable.
I agree, it is about clearing his name for something he is accused, and that was shown to be false, but I have to also agree with Ghost, outside of our fan base everyone else is going to assume he did it. It sucks to say but he is going to have to serve it either now or into next season if they keep pushing it back
Like I said to's easy to say 'just serve it' when you're not going through it yourself. Who cares what others think when your manhood is at stake. I, for one, don't believe that he's going to eventually serve it regardless....if he's given that FAIR trial or arbitration.
As much as I don't like it, Zeke is gone for 6 games. It is what it is. This team is going to have to step up and play hard. To be honest, I'm more concerned with the defense then the offense. Doesn't matter who's running the ball if the defense plays poorly.

Concerning the Zeke issue. I hate what's going on. Everyone can scream all you want and file all the law suits you can, but in the end, the NFLPA messed this up. They gave incredible power to the NFL and by the contract, the NFL can basically do what they want and there is nothing anyone can do about it. All these filing by the lawyers is just delaying the inevitable.
and when the so called justice system is not even close to what it was supposed to do. IF the system was good it would have declared this whole thing illegal.

I would really love to confront this last judge and ask this:

"So, your Honor since you state that the CBA is everything that means that if someone voluntarily signs up to be a slave as long as its part of the CBA you have no problem with that?"

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