Zeke vs. Dallas Media


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I don't think you're a dimwit or a usual suspect. But if you look at this from Zeke's perspective I don't see how you can side with the media.

Media obligations are a part of his job, but a lot of these guys, motivated purely by self-interest, have spent months going at this guy. A substantial portion of the local media completely abdicated their journalistic responsibility for truth in favor of parroting accusations without ever critically examining the case put forth by the league. People here spent more time and found more holes in that case than the people who ostensibly do that for a living. I'd wager that ten or so people here know much more about the Zeke case than 90% of the assembled literati surrounding his locker. There were some exceptions but I'd consider the majority to have been against him as soon as the error filled travesty of a report was filed that Friday afternoon. Clarence Hill smelled something funny from the jump and some guys on the Fan thought there was some issues with the case. But David Moore and the Ticket were veering close to NFL propaganda.

Now imagine you are Zeke and you're returning from a six game suspension. Your team suffered in your absence. Your reputation was dragged through the mud. And your performance suffered in no small part due to the huge cloud these people helped spread. You show up with a firm commitment to move past it, hone your craft, and do your thing. You respectfully explain that as your position and these same jackals ask you the same inane question seven times as if you're simply a cardboard cutout. Would you not consider that a breach of faith? Wouldn't you think walking away to be a perfectly rationale response to that behavior? Should he be forced to answer any question they can come up with at the expense of his own mental health?


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Zeke is wrong. We get our information from the media. Like 99% of them stood by him in his issues this year. All he had to do was give some simple answers and move on. He seems very childish and immature from what he did.

we fans get our info from beat reporters and tv reporters who are in the facility everyday I find it pretty crazy how everyone attacks these people everyday.

When stuff like this happens all the bloggers are who are a thousand miles away always take the players side because they have nothing invested they dont actually cover the team, they cover the team via the people actually getting up everyday and going to work and standing face to face with the players and coaches. They base all their info on this reporting then tell everyone they have insiders and sources etc.

anyway, thats my take on this. None of us know what happened with the zeke issue and he should be pretty damn happy to get to be there and stand and answer the beat reporters questions for 10 minutes. His situation could be much worse. He comes off as very immature.
Regardless of how it played out it is personal business. If you want gory details watch the Kardashians.


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What a stupid opinion to have, Shan Sharif.

"I'm not really going to talk about it. It's behind me," Elliott said of the suspension, via ESPN. "I'm just trying to start a new page, a new chapter. I just want to thank this Cowboys organization for being behind me.

"I'm thankful to my family, my team, my friends for supporting me through the time and especially the Cowboys fans who stuck by me through this tough time and have a lot of faith in me. But I'm not talking about it anymore. This is the last time you'll hear me speak about it. So please don't even ask me about it."

Seems fine to me.

Me too.
Why should he talk about it?


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You Yanks are so sensitive.
And athletes are so Greta Garbo. Yes, he vants to be left alone. So what? He gets paid to practice, play AND talk to the media.
You blokes get paid to mow yards, serve drinks and food and wash cars, but talking to the media is optional. You are fortunate to be working class dogs.
Zejes can avoid such questions if he stops "working out" in Cabo, beating up women (allegedly:rolleyes:) and being a reciprocal ash dolt.
If he were in England they'd tear a new one and make him to say please and thank you.
That is the price of superstardom and Jerry's millions.
So chill, you butt-hurt Yanks, and let's enjoy the coming 10-6, no matter where it leads us.

He was talking to the media he, he is NOT required to talk to the media about whatever THEY think is pertinent and what they want to "hear about".


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I remember when Greg Hardy did his first interview with the media after his 4 game suspension, the media dissected every word he said. When he said he wanted to come out guns blazing against New England and he didn't show any remorse when he was being interviewed.

I absolutely see why Zeke wasn't gonna fall into that trap. Rich Dalrymple gave Zeke the right advice with this one.


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I'm sure they want Zeke to act like beast-mode now. When the guy says he doesn't want to talk about a particular thing, let it go. Otherwise, he could pull a beast mode and just say things like, "I'm working hard to get victories" all press-conference long.


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Are you trying to just be difficult? "people who buy ink by the barrel" is a euphemism for the media. Sharif is one guy... screw him. Zeke didn't want to have anything to do with any of them. If he wants to fix his public persona he needs to do better.

And "people who buy ink by the barrel", meaning print media, is a completely dying industry. There are probably 20 posters on this board that have better insight than most of the beat writers covering the Cowboys, and if you gave them the time and access they would be the best writer in the Dallas media.

A lot of the people who "buy ink by the barrel" are in those jobs because they had to be in an easy college major like Journalism.


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I hate to break it to the Dallas media, but no one outside of the Metroplex gives a hoot about what they say. Who in the world is Shan Sharif?

Completely honest answer - this thread is the first time I've ever heard of the guy. I'm not in DFW but I've been a diehard Cowboys fan for over 30 years.


Junior College Transfer
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I know you're not British and you are just a troll, but I would love to see you say this if this was a bar instead of a message board. You'd have the Union stuck right up your jack in less time than it takes for your mom to get the tea to a boil.
And you are not American, you are just a dreary no one, small ruffian.

You kiss your mom with that potty mouth, violent lout?


Junior College Transfer
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He was talking to the media he, he is NOT required to talk to the media about whatever THEY think is pertinent and what they want to "hear about".
You get your info from Zeke?
Players and HCs are required to talk. But, yes, they can not " talk." :rolleyes:
You talkin' to me, Peewee?


Junior College Transfer
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The clowns that agree with the media here are the usual suspects. Dimwit is a polite way to describe them
Crush the press!
Shut down the courts!
Empty parliament! Take over the telegraph office!
Light your tiki torches, hardy men!!!!!


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They're kinda dumb at times. They think if they ask the same question slightly differently, they'll get the answer they want. That's when they are not asking obvious questions to which they already know the answers.

Yup, that's the media for ya. And no matter what answer Zeke had given, the media would've given it a negative twist. Under the circumstances, I think Zeke handled it OK.
Not only that, but I wouldn't be surprised if Zeke was advised to avoid certain types of questions. The Cowboys knew he would get cornered by the press and I'm sure they would like to put the whole thing behind them as quickly as possible without starting any new fires.
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I've noticed one thing when it comes to Dallas Media. For such a big market our news paper and media generally softball the hell out of our players. Contrast it to NY,PHi,DC, and other places.


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And "people who buy ink by the barrel", meaning print media, is a completely dying industry. There are probably 20 posters on this board that have better insight than most of the beat writers covering the Cowboys, and if you gave them the time and access they would be the best writer in the Dallas media.

A lot of the people who "buy ink by the barrel" are in those jobs because they had to be in an easy college major like Journalism.
Now you are including your personal feelings about the media in this. It seems you have little respect for them, It's clear you wish to give Zeke's bad behavior a pass which is exactly how it gets perpetuated. Congrats on being part of the problem.