Zimm's emotional press conference

Family is never easy to lose...Ann and I lost two sons in 2 years. Prayers but keep faith in football our friend.
Holy.... wow, man, I'm so sorry for your losses. I can't imagine losing one of mine, much less both. Prayers for you and yours and much respect for your strength.
Sorry about his fam for sure. But, why didn’t he do things “his” way from the get go. Wasn’t he the frikkin coordinator??
Pretty sure we all know why. GM Jethro wants it done his way.
Family is never easy to lose...Ann and I lost two sons in 2 years.
The only thing I can say is that in that another 90 days or so will mark 2 years we lost our 17 year old. 5 months after we lost him, we lost my 88 year old father who had lived with us for 4 years.

Sad to say, I know from experience that the grief is nothing alike on losing both and it is a "club" who I would never wish on anyone.

When our other son turned 18, he joined the service and freaked my wife out a little bit, but very proud in the fact that he wanted to follow in his family footsteps, particularly his grandfathers.
Mike, I'm glad you're back running the defense. As long as you let Parsons, do whatever he wants and lineup wherever he wants. Other than that, you're free to do what you like.

A lot to take away from the last presser of the season from Cowboys DC Mike Zimmer:

- Walked off the podium holding back tears explaining why his son, Adam, who passed in 2022 was a big reason why he came back this season

- Said he had “no feelings, really” around his contract status

- Said “someone has to want you” in order for him to return in 2025

- Wished he had done things his way earlier in the season and calls it his biggest regret of the year

Well, Zimmer, why didn't you do it your way from the beginning of this season? Damn, one would think by now you would have a backbone when dealing with Jerry!!!

No use crying now! SMH :banghead:
The only thing I can say is that in that another 90 days or so will mark 2 years we lost our 17 year old. 5 months after we lost him, we lost my 88 year old father who had lived with us for 4 years.

Sad to say, I know from experience that the grief is nothing alike on losing both and it is a "club" who I would never wish on anyone.

When our other son turned 18, he joined the service and freaked my wife out a little bit, but very proud in the fact that he wanted to follow in his family footsteps, particularly his grandfathers.
Blessings our friend. I had a service family also. Check, Roger, Hooooah. It shall be done.
Also thinking some of these guys will still be under contract though, so maybe we can hang on to a couple. Al Harris would be great but he may get offered a promotion elsewhere. Not sure who else I'd want to keep.
What makes you think Harris would be great? He has even said in the past that he’s never been part of game planning and scheming the defense.

“Honestly, me and Zimm have probably said a total of 20 words to each other. All I keep hearing is, ‘Zimm likes it this way.’ I was like, ‘Well, I like it this way.’ So, I can’t wait to have my true sitdown with him.​

Sounds like Jerry told him to do what the players want.

That's kind of always been the way Jerry likes it, right? Star players can come directly to him and he will tell the coaches what to do
When Zim first got to Dallas he talked about how they defense was already pretty good so he didn't want to change things too much. It could be a Jerry meddling issue, but its also very possible this is just on Zimmer for thinking he could call a DQ style defense with some of his stuff mixed in to make the transition easier for the players. The real answer is probably somewhere in between as usual.
Sounds like Jerry told him to do what the players want.

That's kind of always been the way Jerry likes it, right? Star players can come directly to him and he will tell the coaches what to do
I agree but it's hard to get all players on deck with a new defensive scheme within a year. When MM was hired he made a point staying with Kellen Moore's playbook coz it was easier for one person to learn rather than 55. It's possible MM and Jerry encourage Zimm to take the same route, esp with only a year to work with.

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